Enemies of Varying Kinds! (SV055-056)

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SV055: The Clan's Conquest...

*Ashlie and her group were strategizing on how they were going to find the Loyal Three as they just fixed the Teal Mask, so far the only info they got on them was the fact some of the townsfolk decided to give some food that had Herba Mystica in it, so Ashlie was guessing that the Loyal Three would also be massive when they find them.*

Carmine: "I got an idea, Ray should stay with Ponyo to protect her from the Loyal Three. I'll look for more clues with Neo. Ashlie, Kieran, you two and your Pokémon should go on a bit of a scavenger alongside getting to the third signboard of the lying folktale, just so you have that done."

Ashlie: "Yeah, and it allows us to look for them in the process."

Neo: "I think it's a good plan, as for Glohe, she can also help with getting clues as well, or try to contact others to help out?"

Glohe: "Alright then."

*After a while, they get ready to do their roles. Ashlie and Kieran were heading to the third signpost, when they noticed this man with brown hair, wearing one of the ogre masks from the festival yesterday, he also had a Mamoswine training with Icicle Spear on a piece of paper with a drawn picture of the Teal Mask taped to a boulder.*

Ashlie: "What is this guy doing...?" *Hiding with Chuster, Kieran, Glar, and Appli behind a rock nearby, with Liz listening in from Ashlie's bag.*

Kieran: "Not sure..." *Then, they heard the man speak..*

Man: "Good job Mamoswine, we still got it, and we're going to need our skill if we're to eliminate that ogre."

Mamoswine: "Yeah, I know, especially since it's Grass, meaning it can hit very hard back."

Ashlie: "They want to get rid of Ponyo, just like the Lousy Three...?" *Looks very angry, as she pulls out a Pokéball.*

Kieran: "A-Ashlie? Not now...we have other thing to-" *Suddenly sneezes loudly, alerting the attention of the man and Mamoswine, who surround the group.*

Man: "What are you kids doing here all by yourself? You could get hurt without supervision here."

Ashlie: "Trying to keep an eye out for those 'Loyal Three', you?

Man: "The Ogre Clan doesn't need to tell you anything, it should be obvious if you were listening."

Ashlie: "Yeah, trying to take the life of another creature? Sorry but I can't let you get away with that." *Sends out Fist.*

Ogre Clan Man: *Sigh.* "Looks like I have to teach you to respect and not challenge your elders, nothin' personal kid." *Sends out a Golem.* "Stone Edge!"

Ashlie: "Iron-Aerial!" *Fist used Aerial Ace to dodge while charging in, before landing Iron Head with the added momentum.*

Ogre Clan Man: "Gyro Ball!" *Golem spun around and threw the Kubfu back at Ashlie, who decided to recall Fist while sending out Leek the Sirfetch'd.* "Another Fighting type?"

Ashlie: "Don't underestimate me, use Leaf Blade!" *Leek charged in while using his leek sword to use the Grass Type attack, doing a lot of damage!* "Now, jump away and use Brutal Swing to throw your shield!

Leek: "Understood!" *Uses Dark type energy to throw the leek shield to stun Golem.*

Ogre Clan Man: "That's it, use Stone Edge around yourself!" *Golem does so.* "Gyro Ball to send it flying everywhere!"

Golem: *Spins around and the Stone Edge attack becomes a bunch a shards that fly at Ashlie's team! Leek spun around while using Brutal Swing to send some back at Golem to protect the others, but got hit by a few.*

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