Chapter 26

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Lisa and Bambam sat in the media room playing 'Call of Duty' online against Sehun and Jackson, but Lisa would be lying if she said she hadn't checked her phone every five minutes.

It's 2:00am, they should be back by now.

Her leg bounced with nervous energy as she waited to hear from the group at the club, when suddenly the unlatching of the front door caught her attention, giving her a sudden surge of energy.

Fucking finally.

Trying not to seem too eager as she came down the stairs, she kept her pace slow and casual despite the fact that she wanted to take off running to meet Jennie at the front door. Jin came in first, holding Jennie's purse and held the door open for Marcus who had Jennie's limp body thrown over his shoulder with his jacket wrapped around her waist.

Oh my God Jennie.

"What happened?" Lisa said, losing her composure and taking off down the hall towards Jennie. Her heavy panicked footsteps were cut short when she heard Jennie's tipsy giggles bouncing off the tile floor as Marcus entered the house.

She's not hurt... she's drunk.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Lisa gave Marcus a chin lift and went to the kitchen to get Jennie an electrolyte drink, knowing if she drank that much, she was going to need it. "Come on Bug, let's get you into some pyjamas." Jin said, scoffing at his very drunk sister as Marcus set her on her feet. Lisa grabbed a drink for her from the fridge and followed the sounds of her drunk laughter into her bedroom. She leaned against the door frame, making eye contact with Jin who was equally amused by Jennie's drunken state. "She's changing in the bathroom and she is completely wasted." Jin chuckled. "I'm guessing she had a good time, then." Lisa said with a smile, loving the thought of Jennie being able to actually enjoy herself out in public for once. "Yeah, she did." Jin said.

Lisa and Jin stood in the doorway shooting the shit and talking about their night when they realised how long Jennie had been in the bathroom. "She's been in there a while." Lisa said. Jin moved toward the door and knocked loudly. "You okay in there Bug?"

"Yep." she said with a drunken laugh, popping the 'P' at the end of the word. "You sure are taking a long time. You don't have Steve Yang from accounting in there do you?" Jin joked. Jennie snort laughed before she delivered a very loud "screw you" through the door.

Sleepy Jennie is still my favourite, but drunk Jennie is fucking hilarious.

The bathroom door finally flung open revealing a very drunk Jennie, but damn it if she wasn't the cutest sight Lisa had ever seen.

Her shirt is on backwards... and so are her shorts.

Lisa watched Jennie stumble towards her bed and crawl on top of the comforter as she leaned back onto the pillows, closing her eyes in the process. "Did you have fun tonight Bug?" Jin asked. "Mhhmm. I just missed her though." she slurred. Jin shot a knowing grin over to Lisa who was still standing in the doorway. "Who did you miss? Kai?" Jin asked, trying to get a rise out of his sister. "Eww No! I missed Lisa. Lisa's who I missed." she whined with her eyes closed.

Fuck. Yes. She missed me.

"You like Lisa, don't you?" Jin asked Jennie, but maintained eye contact with Lisa who was grinning like an idiot. "She's soooo dreeeeamy." Jennie slurred into her pillow. "But you can't tell her I said that... it's a secret," she added quickly, sitting up and pointing at Jin and still leaving Lisa unnoticed at the door. "What's a secret?" Lisa interjected, causing Jennie to sit straight up, trying to fake sobriety. "Nothing." she shook her head vigorously. "And we were not just talking about you." Jennie looked over at Jin, who was leaving the room, and gave him a huge over-exaggerated, cartoonish wink that made the side of her mouth raise.

The sight made a deep laugh explode from Lisa's chest as she walked around the side of the bed and sat down next to Jennie. "I brought you a present." Lisa said, holding the electrolyte drink behind her back. "Really?" Her adorable face lit up and she eagerly turned to face Lisa. Pulling the drink from behind her back, she presented it to Jennie with a huge smile. Scrunching her nose, she looked down at the drink and folded her arms across her chest in an act of defiance while literally turning her nose up at the sight of the drink. "Come on Jennie girl, you're gonna make yourself sick if you don't drink it." she said softly, tucking away a loose strand of her hair that had fallen down. "I'll sit with you until you finish it. How about that?" A sweet smile stretched across Jennie's face at Lisa's suggestion. "Deal." she eagerly agreed.

Lisa sat on top of the comforter with her back against the pillows, letting Jennie sit between her legs and lean back on her chest as Jennie sipped her drink. She downed it in a couple of gulps and allowed her head to fall back against Lisa's shoulder, pressing her back against her until it was completely flush with Lisa's upper body.

The smell of Jennie's hair and skin wrapped itself around her and Lisa rested her cheek against the top of Jennie's head for a few minutes before she turned in her arms to face her. Jennie curled herself up in her lap, pressing her face into Lisa's chest, taking in fistfuls of the front of her shirt. "I'm glad you had fun tonight Jennie." she said low into her ear. She tilted her head up toward Lisa's face, but left it laying flush against her chest. "I missed you though." Jennie hummed, closing her sleepy eyes in the process.

She couldn't be more adorable if she tried.

Smiling down at Jennie, Lisa spoke as softly as she could as Jennie slowly drifted to sleep. "I missed you too Jennie. And I hear you think I'm pretty dreamy." she chuckled.

"You are dreamy and I am craaaazy about you... but you can't know that." Jennie's eyes were still closed as she made her tipsy statements which only made the sight more entertaining for Lisa.

"Okay I'll make sure not to tell myself." Lisa laughed.

"Thank you." she sighed, letting herself relax further into Lisa's chest, before she let out the cutest hum of contentment. After a few minutes Lisa felt her go heavy against her body with her face nestled into the crook of Lisa's neck. Jennie's warm breath fanned across her skin, sending a trail of goose bumps that peppered her neck and chest. She could have laid there in that exact position for the rest of her life and died a happy person, but she wasn't going to stay the night in Jennie's room without an invitation. Lifting her body, Lisa gently tried to slide out from underneath Jennie, but felt her small hand clutch the front of her shirt tightly.

"Stay..." she whispered against Lisa's neck. "Please..."

She settled her body back down against the pillows at Jennie's request, thrilled to death that she wanted her to stay with her.

Yes ma'am. Nothing could drag me away from you right now.

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