Chapter 88

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Later on that night, Lisa's jeep came to a halt in front of the house and she helped Jennie out of the passenger seat before opening up the back to rummage through her med bag. The street was lined with her teammate's cars and before she could even close the back hatch of her Jeep, Mina was launching herself into Jennie, wrapping her up in a huge hug that almost took Jennie off of her feet. Once she pulled away Mina looked up at Jennie with a big smile on her face. "That's the hug you should have gotten from me on the tarmac last night, but Doc here snuck you away." Mina sassed as she came over and playfully tossed an elbow into Lisa's ribs.

"I brought you something to make up for it though." Lisa said, holding up the pregnancy test strips in her hands. Mina's smile widened even further at the sight. "All is forgiven," she said happily before her eyes settled on something within Lisa's jeep. "What is that?" Mina asked, pointing at an object in the back corner of Lisa's jeep. "It's a hat... my family does own a ranch, remember?" Lisa said playfully. Mina and Jennie exchanged comical glances and stifled laughter at the sight of the cowboy hat that was in the back of Lisa's jeep.

"Did you tell her about Claire and Eric?" Mina laughed.

"No I completely forgot." Jennie answered as they both looked up at Lisa, fighting their own laughter.

"Okay somebody tell me the joke, because I'm lost."

"Claire and Eric were um... doing some role playing in the bedroom the other night..."

Jeez maybe I don't want to hear the joke.

"Claire put Eric in a cowboy hat and told him to be a rancher trying to get with farmer's daughter, but Eric laid the accent on too thick and called her 'Darlin' which made Claire visualise him as... you." Mina laughed. "She told us they had to stop immediately and that Eric threw the hat away and swore of cowboy role play, because he didn't want Claire fantasising about you instead of him." Jennie said, giving in to her own laughter.

Oh that shit is gold.

"Well you better believe I'm wearing this inside to give them shit." Lisa chuckled, grabbing the hat and putting it on her head. "After you Darlin." Lisa said, looking down at Jennie, who seemed to like the sight of Lisa in her hat.

"Maybe the hat's off limits for Claire, but I think I kind of like it." Jennie whispered up against her neck, running her finger along Lisa's jawline.

Oh so Jennie wants a cowboy? I can be that for you Jennie girl. Hell, I'll be anything you want Darlin.

To be honest, Lisa couldn't wait for life to settle down enough for her to bring Jennie home to Texas to meet her father and see her family's ranch. If Jennie loved the sight of her in a cowboy hat, she might lose her mind at the sight of Lisa on an actual horse.

As soon as they entered the house, Jennie and Mina were already laughing and Lisa scanned the room until her eyes settled on Claire and Eric who were in the kitchen. She sauntered over with the cowboy hat on her head, causing Claire to spit her drink back into her glass once Lisa entered her line of sight. "I hear the farmer's daughter is looking for a ranch hand to show her a good time." Lisa said, laying on her southern accent thicker than usual as she looped her thumbs in the front belt loops of her jeans.

Jennie and Mina were hysterically laughing off to the side, with Claire joining in as she slapped both of them playfully on the shoulders.

"Fuck you man, take that shit off." Eric sneered. "Jesus! Claire I can't believe you told her!."

"I didn't tell her!" Claire said innocently between fits of laughter as she braced herself on the counter. Mina was doubled over next to Jennie who was clutching her stomach, they were laughing so hard.

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