Chapter 37

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Once they returned home, Jennie and Lisa ate dinner together enjoying the solitude of the house. Jennie's father and Dara were traveling, going from one speech location to another and Jin was an hour away visiting a friend, trying to steer clear of reporters and crowds with Hoony in tow. The house was always so quiet when her father and brother were traveling, but Jennie secretly loved it.

After dinner, Jennie walked Mrs Youn to the door and kissed her goodbye, locking the door behind her and turning to face Lisa, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Lisa?" She called out.

"Living room!" Lisa answered.

Jennie was practically skipping as she followed the sound of her deep voice toward the living room. Lisa's lips had been begging for hers all evening and they had been exchanging light, teasing touches all day long. She was passing by the halls that led to the guest bedrooms when Lisa's large muscular arm reached out from one of the dark hallways, hooking her around the waist and pulling Jennie into her embrace where she had been waiting against the wall. They were cloaked in the darkness of the hallway as Lisa dropped her mouth onto hers, stealing her breath in the process. Jennie's muscles tensed against the surprise of Lisa's grasp, but melted against her as she pressed her hard body against Jennie's and devoured her mouth.

Lisa shifted her hold on Jennie, lowering her head down to her neck where Lisa nipped and sucked her way down, letting her teeth graze Jennie's soft skin as her mouth made the journey down her neck. A soft moan escaped her mouth before she could stop it at the sensation of Lisa's teeth against her skin and she felt all of Lisa's muscles tense against her once the sound reached her ears.

She felt Lisa's hands slip below the hem of her shirt, wanting to continue upward, but stalling briefly as she broke contact with her lips and pressed her forehead against Jennie's. They were both out of breath with chests heaving, but Lisa somehow managed to speak. "You've got all the control here honey. I'm not looking to take anything you aren't willing to give me right now. We can keep going or we can stop, but either way it's your call and either way I'm happy as a damn fool." Lisa said with a grin, catching her breath.

Jennie's heart swelled to the point where she thought it might burst at the level of respect Lisa had for her. Lisa's need for consent was a bigger turn on than she'd ever imagined and Jennie smiled up at her with the warmest smile she could muster. Lisa was so intuitive and Jennie knew Lisa hadn't forgotten what she had told her about Ha-joon. Being the type that wanted to distance herself from all things she hated, Lisa was making it crystal clear to Jennie that she'd never force herself on Jennie and wanted to give... not take.

Letting out a hum of contentment, Jennie rested her chin on Lisa's chest as she looked up at her handsome face and spoke the words Lisa wanted and needed to hear if they were going to go any further. "I want you Lisa." she hummed.

Lisa's eyes flashed with desire and she swept her tongue across her bottom lip, taking in a sharp breath at her words. "Then I'm yours honey," she said before crashing her mouth onto Jennie's.

My Lisa - I like the sound of that.

Before she could react, Lisa scooped her up effortlessly, causing her to squeak in surprise and wrap her arms around Lisa's neck as she walked Jennie to the guest room she'd been sleeping in.

Her excitement was laced with intimidation and uncertainty. She wasn't exactly experienced and didn't want Lisa to be disappointed if she was expecting someone with a few more notches on her bed post. "Lisa? Full disclosure?" she said softly as Lisa carried her into the bedroom. "Always." Lisa said immediately making her feel at ease already. "I umm... I'm not very experienced." she said "I mean I've had sex before, but just with one person and just twice." She winced at the word twice as if it were taboo, nervous about her reaction to her statement.

"You think that matters to me?" Lisa asked with a half-smile that made her insides melt.

"I'm serious. I've never even had a... from... he never was able to get me to... you know..."

Oh my God are these words really leaving my mouth right now? Jesus Jennie!

That last statement stalled Lisa's movement and she looked down at Jennie with a look she couldn't quite decipher which worried her.

"You're kidding." Lisa said. "You're telling me no one's ever given you an orgasm before?" Lisa said the words so plainly like it was second nature and part of her daily vocabulary.

"No... does that change anything for you?" she asked timidly knowing that the extent of her lack of experience was now on full display.

"Change anything? Jennie do you think that's a bad thing? I'm fucking pumped." Lisa said with a smile smeared across her face as she placed Jennie on her feet beside the bed. Lisa's words and enthusiasm put her mind at ease instantly, dissolving her insecurities one by one every time Lisa spoke to her.

"To know that I'll be the first person to take you there and make you feel that good... I can't fucking wait." Lisa said the words soft and slow as she eased her back on the bed, kissing her again and again as she hovered over Jennie.

"I'm gonna worship you Jennie girl," Lisa hummed with her lips against her ear.

Holy. Shit.

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