Chapter 63

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Staring down the corrupt and evil men who had spent their lives trying to manipulate and control her family without success was a level of satisfaction that Jennie hadn't realised she needed. She stared into their souls and locked eyes with each and every malicious monster that had threatened to harm her family, saving Jiyong for last. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She wanted to cry and collapse and give in to every ounce of despair that she felt, but she didn't - she wouldn't let him win that way.

I know what you did Jiyong. And you are going to die for your sins.

Repeating the phrase over and over in her mind as she held Jiyong's gaze, she watched a hint of fear flash behind his eyes and loved the satisfaction that it brought her. Feeling her emotions seize her lungs and inch their way up her neck, Jennie reclaimed her place against Lisa's side and whispered up into Lisa's ear. "Get me out of here please." she begged against Lisa's neck.

"Yes ma'am." Lisa replied, raising her pointer finger in the air in a circular motion that prompted every man around Jennie to surround her and ready themselves to leave. Jennie felt completely safe and secure surrounded by some of the fiercest men she'd ever laid eyes on. Every step they took was purposeful and calculated as they stared down each person they passed. It was robotic and machine-like the way they took in their surroundings, assessing everyone and everything for possible threats.

Lisa had a firm grip on Jennie's waist with her face hardened and serious. Her brows were drawn into a hard line, scowling at everyone that looked in Jennie's direction and Jennie had never felt so protected. She knew, without a doubt, that even if the team wouldn't have come, Lisa was ready and willing to fight the entire world if Jennie needed her to.

Once they reached the cars at the top of the hill, Jennie tried to tamp down her emotions breathing and swallowing against the tears that were starting to come towards the surface. "It's okay to cry Jennie girl." Lisa whispered as they reached the top of the hill.

Shaking her head in disagreement, Jennie refused to let herself cry or show any kind of weakness in front of the cruel men that had attended her father's funeral. "I can't cry in front of them. They're monsters." Jennie said, looking down at the crowd of people who were still seated in front of the caskets.

"Don't look at them... look at us." Marcus said in a soft tone that Jennie wasn't accustomed to.

"We're your family, Bug" Jin said, taking hold of Jennie's hand.

"You were a fucking warrior down there baby, but you don't have to have your guard up to protect yourself right now." Lisa soothed. Jennie felt the tears start to sting her eyes and her throat ached as the iron clad control she had maintained started to slip. Each one of Lisa's team members was giving her permission to break down. They didn't want to split up and climb into the cars. They wanted to surround Jennie with support all at once to show her that they would protect her if she needed to break down - that it was okay to be vulnerable around them.

"Let it out sweetheart." Bambam said.

"You've been strong this entire time Jennie, let us be strong for you now." Hoony said. Don and Jong-kook moved and widened their stance, blocking Jennie from the view of the people at the gravesite. "No one can see you, Jennie." Don said. "Take off that armour and let us protect you." Jong-kook added.

Unsure if it was the precious words of affirmation and encouragement or the overwhelming emotions from her father's funeral, but Jennie could barely contain the tears that had started to well in her eyes as her chest heaved with heavy breaths.

"I love you Jennie... you don't have to be brave right now... I've got you." Lisa whispered in Jennie's ear as she wrapped her arms around Jennie, giving her a place to find refuge beneath her muscular arms. And with those little words, Jennie came apart in Lisa's arms.

She sobbed into Lisa's chest and took in fistfuls of the back of her suit jacket, clinging to Lisa like she was the only thing holding her up. She slowly started to feel hands on her head and shoulders as each one of Lisa's teammates gave her a physical show of support, comforting her and allowing her to draw off of their strength.

I have lost family and gained family so quickly that I don't know how to feel. I'm equal parts devastated and ecstatic all wrapped into one and the only way my body knows how to handle this level of emotional high is to cry.

Jennie had never cried like that in front of other people or in public, but Lisa and her team had made her feel safe enough to be that vulnerable and it felt good to get the poison out and to let go of the toxic emotions she'd been holding for so long. She felt like she was leaving all of the resentment and hatred there at the gravesite. Like she was riding herself of the hardened heartless version of herself that she had been forced to become in order to survive in her father's corrupt world.

Once her sobs softened into light whimpers and sniffles, Lisa lifted her head towards hers and wiped the trail of tears that had streaked Jennie's cheeks with her thumbs.

"You Jennie, are a fucking warrior... you're my fucking warrior and we are damn proud of you." Lisa said with a smile, reminding Jennie that vulnerability wasn't weakness.

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