Chapter 33

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A few hours later everyone had returned home and was changing clothes. It was well past midnight and everyone's steps were slow and tired as they filed into the house to change out of their uncomfortable clothes.

Lisa and Jennie had made plans to watch a movie in the media room before bed, despite Jennie's tired eyes. Lisa couldn't wait to have Jennie cuddled next to her on the couch and hoped to steal a few kisses in the dark. Changing clothes as fast as she could, Lisa had the smile of a giddy teenager smeared across her face when Bambam entered her room and shut the door behind him.


"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" Bambam asked.

"You're asking me as a friend or as a subordinate, because I've got two different answers for you." Lisa joked, hoping to lighten the serious expression on Bambam's face.

Bambam's expression was unmoved and hardened even further at Lisa's light-hearted jab. "Be right there Bam, I forgot Jennie's meds?" Bambam repeated Lisa's words back to her in disbelief.


"I watched you pack Jennie's med back myself before we left. Not only that, but I know for a fact that you keep an extra stash of her medication with you at all times and even put one in my pocket in case of an emergency. I know you guys like the back of my hand. You really think I wouldn't pick up on that?" The room was silent before Bambam spoke again, continuing his reprimand. "You're playing with fire, Doc." Bambam said coldly.

"Yeah and?" Lisa countered with a little more attitude than she had intended.

"And? And if Richard were to catch you two and report you to Don, we'd all be reassigned and out of here which would not only end your time with Jennie, but fuck up our secondary objective for Alpha team."

"You think I don't know that?" Lisa said.

"Well you're not fucking acting like it." Bambam replied sharply.

"It's just harmless flirting Bam." Lisa lied trying to get Bambam off her case for the time being.

"You're really gonna stand there and lie to me like that?" Bambam growled at his friend.

"Now tell me the fucking truth, or you're on the next flight home." Bambam's threat shot Lisa's heart rate up, knowing that no matter how she answered Bambam, she was putting herself in hot water and risking being taken away from Jennie. Letting out a sigh, Lisa decided to confess her sins to her friend and hope that Bam was feeling merciful.

"I like her, man... I really fucking like her. It's like nothing I've ever felt before." Lisa said, shifting her weight and scratching the back of her head nervously. Nodding his head at Lisa's confirmation, Bambam clenched his jaw and lowered his head causing Lisa to brace for the worst. "You know if you would have pulled this shit a year ago, I would have sent your ass home within the hour." Bambam said before pushing out a hard breath as if he were battling with himself. "But..."

"Mina has turned me into a fucking marshmallow." Bambam said in an irritated voice as he stared up at the ceiling briefly. "Is she worth the shit storm this could potentially cause?" Bambam asked looking Lisa dead in the eyes. "Without a doubt Bam. She's the one. Has to be." Lisa replied immediately. Letting out a hard sigh Bambam nodded and softened his expression. "Then I'll cover for you as best I can, but you've got to meet me halfway here. Lock your shit down in public and around Richard."

"Done." Lisa said, trying to hide her excitement and relief. She hated lying to her teammates and was relieved beyond belief that she no longer had to hide her feelings for Jennie around them. "Also, just so you know, tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb in there covered for you. They told lies just as awful as yours when I asked them about you and Jennie. So just know that those fuckers are loyal... stupid, but loyal." Bambam chuckled. Lisa couldn't help but smile at Marcus and Hoony and their loyalty to her.

"I owe you one Bam, seriously." Lisa said, knowing Bambam had put their friendship over all else and was putting a lot of trust in Lisa.

"No you don't." Bambam responded immediately. "You fought pretty damn hard for my girl. Only fair that I fight for yours as well." Memories flooded Lisa's thoughts of Mina's brush with death. She could still feel the anguish that the team experienced as Lisa administered the most terrifying rounds of CPR that she'd ever given to Mina's lifeless body and she could feel and see Bambam's gratitude from across the room.

"I appreciate it brother." Lisa said with a smile. Bambam sighed and gave Lisa a smirk. "When did I turn into such a fucking softy?" Bambam chuckled.

"Mina has that effect on people Bam." Lisa said, adoring Mina more than usual at the moment for inadvertently helping her.

Lisa turned to leave with the weight of the world partially lifted from her shoulders. Bambam's approval and agreement to cover for her was a small step in the right direction, but small steps were still movement and Lisa was ecstatic that she didn't have to hide her feelings for Jennie from her teammates - from her family.

She made her way up the stairs up to the media room only to find a sleeping Jennie curled up in a tiny ball on the couch. The light from the television danced across her perfect face with Jin, Hoony, and Marcus all swivelling their heads toward her as she entered. "She stayed awake as long as she could for you." Hoony laughed. "Only made it about ten minutes into the movie before she was out, but that's pretty typical." Jin added.

Lisa grinned and shrugged without a care in the world as she made her way over to her sleepy girl on the couch. She lifted the blankets and sunk down onto the cushions next to Jennie, waking her slightly in the process. She shifted and groaned, but registered Lisa's body next to hers and immediately moved towards Lisa without opening her eyes. Grabbing the pillow she was laying on as she sat up, Lisa placed in her lap and let Jennie lay her head across her lap as she cuddled up next to her torso. Her long dark hair draped over the pillow and onto the arm of the couch and Lisa couldn't help, but run one of her strong hands through it as she slept. She stroked Jennie's hair gently and loved the soft hums of contentment that she made in response.

Bambam entered the room shortly after, taking a seat on one of the recliners and giving Lisa an approving grin as he passed by. Every man in the room understood and approved of Lisa's feelings for Jennie and it was a feeling of satisfaction that she never knew she needed, but was thrilled that she had received it.

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