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It was the first day of the new year and unfortunately for Kalen and me, it was also the day that we returned to Milwaukee. Kalen starts school on the 2nd of January which was tomorrow. He's probably just going to end up going back on Wednesday though since he might be a little tired from the flight.

Our flight was at 10 AM and it was 6 AM right now. I was super tired due to how late we stayed up last night, but I decided I'd just sleep on the flight back home. Kalen was still asleep because we weren't leaving until 7 AM and Christian was taking a shower.

I had already taken a shower, so I was just ensuring I had everything I needed before changing my clothes for the flight. I decided to just wear a black hoodie with grey sweatpants that Kalen had given me because they didn't fit him anymore.

When I was done changing, Christian walked out of the bathroom in just his sweatpants. He was drying his hair with a towel and I just sat on the bed, watching him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He muttered softly as he looked at me with a smile.

"I wish it did last forever." I said sadly since I didn't want to leave him.

Christian walked over to me and grabbed my two hands, pulling me up towards him. "Don't be sad, Sunshine. I'll be back down in Milwaukee soon."

"Two months is a long time." I pouted and Christian chuckled, kissing my pouty lips.

"Everything is going to be fine, Sunshine." He said and pulled away from me. "You should start waking up Kalen though because we have to leave soon."

I nodded and walked out of the room to wake up Kalen. I knocked on the door before opening it to see him sleeping soundly on the bed.

I walked over to the bed and shook him slightly. "Kalen, wake up. We have to leave soon."

Kalen groaned and rubbed his eyes before stretching. "Do we have to leave? I can just transfer down here."

"Oh, so you want to leave Brianna and all of your friends?" I asked and he shook his head quickly.

"You got me at Brianna." He said, sitting up on the bed and making me laugh. "I'll be out in a second."

"Okay! Also, make sure that you have everything." I told him before leaving the room.

I walked back into Christian's room to see him putting on his shoes. His head turned to me once he heard the door open and he smiled at me.

"He's up?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, he is." I told him, sitting down on the bed. "He asked why we couldn't stay because he could just transfer here but then changed his mind when I mentioned Brianna."

Christian laughed which made me laugh as well. "He almost forgot that he had a girlfriend." Christian said and I nodded. "Who knows though... maybe one day you will move down here with me." He said, placing a kiss on my cheek and I smiled at him. 

"We'll see what happens in the future." 


A pout formed on my face as Christian opened the passenger door for me after arriving at the airport. I was not ready to leave him again even if it was only for a couple of months. 

"Come on, baby. It's just a few months." Christian said as he grabbed hold of my hand and helped me out of his car. 

"I'm still going to miss you." I pouted. Christian chuckled and brought me into a hug which made me even more emotional. 

"I'm going to call you every day and I promise time will fly." He said, placing a kiss on the top of my head. "We'll be back together in no time."

Nodding, I looked up at him with a sad smile. "I love you." I told him. 

"I love you too." He said, wiping a stray tear from my eyes. "Don't cry, sunshine. I don't like seeing you cry."

"I'm sorry." I said, blinking away the tears that had formed in my eyes. 

Kalen came around the other side of the car after grabbing the two suitcases from out of the trunk and said, "Ray, we have to head in."

I looked at him and nodded, looking back at Christian. "Drive safe and text me when you make it back to your house. I love you." 

"I love you too, sunshine." He said, bringing me into a sweet, passionate kiss. Christian and I separated and he turned his attention to Kalen. "It was great having you here, man. Behave in school and work hard on that baseball team, alright? You know you can always call me or my family if you ever need anything alright?" 

"You got it, man." He said and they hugged. 

We finished saying our goodbyes and then Kalen and I headed into the airport. I looked back at Christian who was standing right outside of his car and I smiled sadly at him while he made a heart with his hands at me before getting into his car. I know it's only a few months but I'm going to miss him so much.


"Isn't it great to be back home!" Kalen said as he dropped his body onto the couch in the living room.

"Yes, it is." I say chuckling as I took my shoes off at the door. "Do you want to order some takeout for dinner?" I asked him and he nodded so I took out my phone to order takeout.

It was around six thirty in the afternoon at the moment here in Milwaukee so it wasn't too late. The flight from California to Milwaukee was pretty decent this time. I slept the whole way through without any interruptions as did Kalen. 

"I'm going to go call Brianna. Let me know when the food is here." Kalen said as he stood up from the couch and went upstairs to his room. 

I finished calling the food place and decided that I would call Christian while I unloaded some of my suitcases to pass the time. 

After about 2 rings, Christian's face popped up on my screen and he was laying down on his couch with the TV running in the background. 

"Hello Sunshine, I see you made it home." He said with a cute smile on his face that I missed already. 

"Yes, we did." I replied with a smile. "I wish you were here with us though." I pouted slightly which made Christian chuckle.

He fixed his position on his couch, placing his arm behind his head which made him look extremely attractive to me. 

"I wish I was there too, sunshine. It's so quiet in the house without you and Kalen." He said and then continued with, "But... how was the flight?" He asked. 

"It was good!" I told him as I took out a bag of dirty clothes to through in the hamper. "I slept through most of it." 

"Good because you barely slept last night." He said and then there was a knock on his door. "I think that's Ryan because I invited him and some of the guys over. Can I call you later tonight, baby?" He asked as he stood up from his couch. 

"Yeah, go ahead! We can call tomorrow since I might fall asleep in a few hours." I said with a small laugh at the end while Christian just smiled at me through the phone. "I love you, handsome! Have fun with your boys."

"Thank you, sunshine! I love you too!" He said and blew me a kiss before hanging up the phone. 

For the rest of the night, I continued unpacking what I could until the food arrived. After eating, I cleaned up the kitchen and decided that it was time to call it a night and go to bed so that's exactly what I did.


I'm glad to say that I'm trying to come back and post more frequently than I have been doing. It's been a busy and rough couple of months and I'm sorry I always disappear like this. This chapter is pretty boring since it's just Rayleen and Kalen returning to Milwaukee but the next chapter will be much more interesting!

Question of the chapter...
What's your greatest fear?

My answer...
My greatest fear is probably being alone. Not like for a little bit, but for like a very long time. I imagine it as like being alone in a cabin in the woods. That would scare me. 

Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter even if it may be boring. Thank you all for the continuous support!! Stay tuned for more coming up!!! LOVE YA'LL  ❤️❤️❤️

Mr. Baseball & Sunshine{Christian Yelich}Where stories live. Discover now