Chapter 14- Part 2

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"OK, that has to go- No Emmett! Not there!" Alice says loudly, frustration obvious in her tone. I swear, I am just about to collapse. Alice has definitely gone over board as it is technically my 'sixteenth'.

"Alice, I don't have many friends, only the wolves and us, why so . . . full-on?" I ask, completing confused of the meaning of all of this.

"It is your birthday! Do I need any other reason?"

"No bu-"

"You have to go and get changed, times a ticking!"

"It's not even-"

"Five? Yes it is, well half an hour off. But everyone is getting here at half past five so you have to be ready and everything has to be ready before then. Go to the bathroom upstairs! Everything is there for you!" she says as she walks off, complaining to Emmett and dad how they have no 'vision'. From reading mum's diary this scene playing out before me is reminding me of that, even though I didn't even exist yet.

"Having fun?" Jake asks as he wraps his arms around my torso from behind. I drop my hands to his, covering them on my stomach.

"Totally, Alice is going completely overboard," I whisper.

Jake laughs. "That's just Alice and besides, it'll be perfect," he says as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Jake come here and help and stop kissing Renesmee!" Alice says loudly. Emmett laughs. Oh my god.

"Alice!" I say, embarrassed.

"Go get ready!" she tells me again.

"Alright I'm going!" I say but not before I kiss Jake again.


I admire myself in the dress, looking at myself in the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. It is beautiful. It's a strapless deep purple dress which goes to just above my knees. Alice placed black high heels on the bathroom floor beside where the dress was hanging and I'm relieved that I have worn high heels plenty of times so I know I will not make a fool of myself by falling over a hundred times tonight.

I walk into Rose's room and grab her curling wand, wanting to curl my hair for tonight. It is naturally wavy but my hair looks great in tight curls.

I have just finished getting ready, make-up and all, when someone knocks on the bathroom door.

"Come on," I say. They open the door and I see Jake standing there, staring at me.

"What?" I ask, suddenly feeling self-conscious and looking down at what I am wearing.

"You look goregous."

"Thanks to Alice's fashion sense," I laugh. "Alice got the dress, it is nice."

"It's just you, you're beautiful."

And at that moment I feel so glad that I cannot blush, because my cheeks would have gone bright red. I sit on the edge of the bath and put the high heels on.

"Well I better be getting downstairs, before Alice starts to freak out about the 'time ticking!'" 


***Picture of the dress Alice got for Renesmee to the right!***  

Renesmee's Story (A Twilight Fan Fiction) *BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now