Chapter 7- Part 5

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"Well at least we both can't feel the cold," Jake says smiling. I smile back. I walk over to him so our body's are almost touching. I feel a slight heat from him as his hand touches mine but not as hot as he use to feel. Jake leans in to kiss me and that when I realise he is standing only inches away from the river. I smile at this thought. I kiss him and raise my hands to his chest quickly and push him in. He falls under and I am laughing. He gets up quickly as it isn't that deep: the water is only around his waist.

"You know me too well, huh?" I ask between my laughter. He shakes his head and raises an arm to me.

"Help me up."

I keep laughing until I calm down. I reach my arm out and hold his hand to pull him up. As soon as I grab his hand he smiles and I laugh, can't believing that I fell for this. I'm right because Jake pulls me down into the water. I get up within seconds and splash him. The height of the water is slightly higher on me than it is him but he is a tad taller than me.

"I know you well enough to know you'd fall for that," he says, laughing. I roll my eyes and duck under water. Within a split second I am at the waterfall I saw him at when I came here not even an hour ago.

"Hey!" he calls out and swims over. He's not as fast as me in water, probably because he is much faster in wolf form. I keep smiling until I think of something? He had his phone in his pocket.

"Oh no, sorry about your phone," I say.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls his phone out. "Doesn't matter." I smile. "Don't you have your phone with you?" he asks.

"I'm wearing leggings, I have no pockets so I must have left it at home." I say, my grin even bigger than before.

"So, you trash my phone, and your's is perfectly safe at home?"

"I'm sorry!" I say, feeling bad about wrecking his iPhone.

"I'm kidding."

I smile at him and splash him again. He splashes me back.

"I want to show you something," he says as he takes my hand and leads me right up to the waterfall.

"What? I ask, curious.

He jumps up onto some rocks and helps me up. We are right underneath the waterfall, the crystal clear water drenching us like a shower. It is beautiful. I press my back up against the wall and see the flowing water not even a metre in front of me. I run through it and jump into the water. I don't worry about the depth as down here near the waterfall it is deeper than my height and even if I do hit the bottom with force I'll recover in seconds. When I re-surface Jake follows after me. As much as I like floating I swim over to water near the edge of the river that I am able to stand in. Jake follows me and stands right next to me, then he lifts his feet off the ground of the river so he is able to float.

"It's really relaxing, you know," he says so I try. Temperature doesn't affect me; as I don't actually need a jumper when it's freezing, but I still however feel different temperatures slightly so can feel the coolness of the water and wonder how cool it feels to Jake. I guess, how long we've been in the water, he's use to it by now.

We float and relax for a while, I don't actually know how long it has been, how much time has passed. I just know that I feel relaxed and haven't felt like this for a while due to my parents yelling at me for something that wasn't exactly my fault. Well, from their point of view, I can see how they believe it's my fault but they have to learn how to see things from my point of view and not just their own. It's really annoying because they never understand how I feel. Dad can tell if I'm angry by what I'm thinking but they don't know how I actually feel. They might have some sort of idea from Jasper but that still isn't them, that's him. You'd think because of all mum has gone through she'd understand but I think she lost some things when she turned.

Jake and I talk about my birthday a bit more and try to think of something we could do about the Volturi and how to make sure we can still be together. We aren't successful and don't come up with anything useful against the Volturi. They are all hard markers, especially Jane and it won't be easy to convince them about Jake and I being together. Even though werewolves aren't a threat to my family they are still a threat to other vampires so I think it will take a lot of convincing to make the Volturi see things from mine and Jake's point of view.

After a while of trying, and being unsuccessful, to find a solution to this issue, we decide to stop thinking about it and talk about it with my family when I go home tomorrow.

Renesmee's Story (A Twilight Fan Fiction) *BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now