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SorrowThat's all I feel

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That's all I feel.
Mile after mile everything looks the same, long gone is the ocean and mountain tops and now instead, I'm faced with long stretches of open fields with nothing but barely surviving crops.
As I stare out of the car window behind my tired reflection I try and find anything worth a second glance but the more I look out into the distance the more I realize the life I was living 2 days ago will now only be apart of my memory.

I sigh turning away from the dying grass and trees that cover every inch of what will now be my new home.
"How inviting " I whisper out, maybe it's only in the movies do small towns have charm and likability. 
"Did you saying something kid?" Huffed out the tense man beside me.

"Only wondering how much longer, my legs are falling asleep and I'm staving" I say with irritation. "Also I'm not a kid anymore so could you please stop with the condescending tone" I roll my eyes at him.

"Jesus like 5 more minutes" he grumbles out, "and your 17 which makes you a kid, technically my kid now, thanks to the court" he says with a bit of trepidation.

"I'll be 18 soon" I say with hostility, "and wow thank you so much for supporting me and taking time out of what I'm sure is an amazing life to take in your orphaned niece" My voice filled with resentment as I speak.

"God kid you're so dramatic" Sighed Hopper
"your father is locked up not dead"

"Might as well be" I say under my breath.
Deep down I know it's wrong to say that, let alone think that, I mean he is my father, but he was supposed to take care of me and our family. Not the be the destruction of it.
"Look, you have a right to be upset, what your father did was... Unspeakable, but you can't undo it and he is paying for it. This is our life for at least the next year so I suggest you try and move forward"

Sincerity was in his voice as he spoke, he quickly looks at me with heavy eyes before slowly turning them back on the road.
"Ya I'll get right on that" I say grudgingly. Enough time had past during our exchange that once I looked back out the passenger side window a small house had appeared in the distance.
"Welcome home"

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now