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Do you know that feeling? That feeling of when you feel all the blood in your body stop moving and your lungs will no longer work?
Well I do. I know it so well that it's basically my normal state of being. Just the smell of his cigarette from down the hall letting me know he has finally awoke from his drunken slumber causes all the hair on my body to stand up, igniting my flight or fight response, neither reaction could save me from what I knew was coming.
heavy footsteps echo against the creaky floorboards, I quickly turn over in my barely hanging on bed frame, pulling the blanket up higher hoping that just this once he won't come in here. I close my eyes as hard as I could when I hear him open my door, I try not to let out a shaky breath as he sits on the mattress beside me. A rough hand pets my head, it's angry and lacking affection as usual. He knows I'm faking, he always does.
"It was your fault, everything is your fault"
He says in a tone that sends a tear down my cheek.

I know it is.


Just a quick flashback chapter to let you know I'll be hopefully writing more frequently again!
Happy New Year everyone 🎆

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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