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"Billy Hargrove!?"Robin shouts which echos down the hall causing heads to turn to look at us

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"Billy Hargrove!?"
Robin shouts which echos down the hall causing heads to turn to look at us.

"Shh inside voice please"
I say bringing a finger up to my lips motioning for her to be quiet. She shakes her head in disbelief and lets out a puff of air.

"When I said make Eddie jealous I didn't mean with mega douchebag Billy Hargrove"
She groans not happy with my choice. I look at her in irritation.

"Well it was your idea in the first place and he practically asked me to participate"
I sigh leaning against my locker tired from the  very early morning interrogation. Nancy had something to do this morning so I took the bus and Robin got a ride from Steve, which she offered to me as well but I declined. I can't handle another male ego at the moment.

"Are you gonna go through with it?"
She asks and I look up at the ceiling and groan.

"I told him I would but honestly probably not. I mean Eddie saw us yesterday so maybe that was enough for him to come out and say what he has been thinking"
And truthfully that's all I wanted. Whether Eddie has feelings for me or not I just need to hear him say it. If he tells me the truth than I can deal with it. We will either be just friends until I leave or we won't be and I'll be forced to awkwardly avoid him until it fizzles out. Even though I can't decide which option is better but both are better than continuing the way we are until the tension breaks and one of us lashes out. And I can't have that, I can't let us get to the point of breaking down each other's walls. It's easier this way. I'd rather break him first so he doesn't have the chance to break me.

"Well speak of devil"
She says which causes my head to whip down and turn towards the entrance of the school. There he is in all his glory, clad head to toe in black with his hair all in a beautiful mess. He meets my eyes and I hold eye contact, we watch each other the the entire time he walks toward me. I hear Robin mutter a small 'see ya' and she leaves me alone. Not for long though because Eddie stands now directly in front of me.

He smiles unsurely and waves his hand.

I reply biting the inside of my cheek. If me last year could see me now she'd probably laugh. I've never been nervous around guys, I mean they are just boys. Even when I've had a crush I've been unbothered by them. But Eddie keeps reminding me he is different. He makes me feels things I've never felt before. Including butterflies.

"You ready for today?"
He says which causes me to be confused but only for a moment before realization came over me.

"Oh shit our presentation, I completely forgot"
I almost facepalm myself from my stupidity.

"I was gonna find you yesterday after school to talk about it but you seemed..busy"
He said in a bitter tone which makes me lift a brow at him.

"Is there a problem?"
I ask him not understanding where this attitude is coming from.

"No, no I just didn't think you were that kind of girl"

"And what kind of girl is that?"
I ask now getting angry at the boy.

"The kind that's naïve enough to go after assholes"
Judgement in his voice as he spoke. I don't know why he is so angry. I can't tell if it has more to do with me or Billy but in this moment I don't care. He can be angry all he wants but I won't stand for people judging me when they don't have any clue about who I am.

"Apparently not naïve enough to realize I'm talking to one now"
Venom drips from my voice which makes his face drop. I think he just now realized how he is acting but I don't give him a chance to explain or apologize.

"Fuck you"
I spit and knocked his shoulder as I walk past him. I ignore him calling my name as I walk down the hall and in the direction of Robin. I need to tell her that I'm no longer on the fence. Eddie has played with my emotions for far to long. I don't know why he hates the idea of me with Billy so much and I don't care I'm glad I know now. I'm done letting him continue to play with me and my emotions. It's time for him to get a taste of his own medicine.
Game on.

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