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Pins and needles That's what you could hear if dropped

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Pins and needles
That's what you could hear if dropped.
With attentive ears and curious eyes just waiting for me to make a sound. "It is Bexley right?" She questions after having no response from me.
"Yes sorry, I uh didn't hear you the first time" I try my best not to let my voice waver. Just relax I try and calm myself. God I'd rather chop my own hand off than do an icebreaker.

"Not a worry" she smiles at me again "listen up class we have a new student today, Bexley Hopper is joining as all the way from the great city of Seattle" Turning my eyes back on those in front of me I give a small straight lip smile and wave. No one waves back.

"Luckily for you, we are only in our second week of school so it will be easy to catch up!" Looking back at her I give a small nod of understanding. "Now would you like to tell us a little about yourself dear?" Absolutely fucking not.
The anxiety starts to build faster than I can control. Knowing anything I say will ensue judgement. But before I can get a word out the door to the classroom flys open with a bang. A disheveled looking boy nonchalantly stumbles in.

With an irritated voice Ms Walker says
" Mr Munson are we really going to have a repeat of last year? Isn't your intention to actually graduate this time?" She looks at him disappointed. He slightly smirks at her "you know the only reason you've held me back is because we're in love and you just can't stand the thought of me not being around" A wave of giggling is passed between the students. A small chuckle even leaves my lips. Although it seems everyone else is laughing at him and not with him. That's strange I think. Looking at the boy he is quite attractive. Long black curly hair, a bit of edge to his style. Finally something worth looking at. He would be sought after at my old school no doubt. Judging at the looks he is receiving I can tell that's not his experience here at Hawkins High.

With an exasperated sigh Ms Walker points towards the back of the class "please have a seat Mr Munson" He gives a small wink and makes he way down the rows of chairs. He's trouble. Before he has a chance to sit down, Ms Walker speaks again, looking smugly at him,
"Since you so desperately want to actually pass my class this time, I think you're the best person suited to get Ms Hopper up to speed" she looks back to me "so sorry for the rude interruption dear, please follow Mr Munson and take your seat, class will begin now" I give a quick nod and start to make my way towards the already seated boy. As I pass by the rows of students I can't help but notice the stares and snickers I receive. "Do you think the freak with try and recruit her too" I hear barely a whisper. Freak? Are they talking about me?

The boy offers me a cheeky smiles and pulls out my chair for me. I mutter a small thank you and take my seat.
"I'm Eddie" he offers his hand. More snickers arise from the students in front of us. He can tell I'm apprehensive.

" don't worry, they are laughing at me not you" He gives a small smile. I ignore his hand. "Why are the laughing at you?" I whisper. He awkwardly retracts his hand back down to his lap, "you haven't heard? I'm the towns local satanist" He rolls his eyes unenthusiastically. Looking at him I see under the leather jacket and jean vest he is wearing a shirt with the words Hell Fire Club written in black ink. He follows my eyes

"Unfortunately not a real satanist just a non conformist with a cool fantasy game club" this time his eyes light up and he smiles with enthusiasm. This must mean something to him I think. I nod in understanding not wanting to give fuel to the fire of the kids still eavesdropping in on us. If I was back home or able to push pass the resentment I feel towards this undeserving town I might consider making this unconventional boy my friend. But all I feel when I look at him is the life I wish I was still living, So carefree without a worry in the world. I turn my eyes back on the front of the classroom and hope the boy with eyes still on me will take the hint and leave me alone to wither away
All alone.

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