6 (E.M)

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Bewitched That's what I am

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That's what I am.
I saw her standing in front of the door. Almost at war with herself. Deciding when to go in, But she doesn't look nervous, more Reluctant. Wishing to disappear.
She must be new I think to myself, I would've noticed her if she wasn't.
Watching from a distance, she cracks her knuckles, shakes her head and rolls her eyes preparing herself for what's to come. First day introductions.

She's obviously not from around here. She stands out. And she knows it. Wearing basically a see through top and a brown leather vest that does little to no justice at covering her white lace bra underneath, brown corduroy pants that hug her curves in all the right places and white leather boots that make her stand at least a few inches taller than girls passing by.
She doesn't notice or doesn't care that the girls look at her in disapproval or the boys gawking at her behind.

As the the last students make their way into their classrooms she sighs and places her hand on the handle to walk right in and gain attention like she already has in my mind. I slowly follow behind not wanting to steal her thunder, I watch from the window of the door, Ms Walker wears a big smile as she introduces her to the class of captivated students. Now she looks nervous, but to the untrained eye she just looks aloof.
"Would you like to tell us about yourself" Ms Walker asks her. Her striking blue eyes dart around the room looking for any excuse to get out of answering the meaningless question. No one in that room has enough depth to fully understand her.
Here goes nothing

Quickly shoving myself in the room acting before I think as per usual. As eyes land on me, even hers, she looks relieved.
With irritation in her voice Ms Walker says to me,
" Mr Munson are we really going to have a repeat of last year? Isn't your intention to actually graduate this time?" She looks at me disappointed. 3rd times the charm right, I slightly smirk at her "you know the only reason you've held me back is because we're in love and you just can't stand the thought of me not being around" Faint giggling is heard in the background, I know they are laughing at me I'm not stupid, but all I hear is a small chuckle that leaves her plump lips. She stares at me, like she's sizing me up, we lock eyes, enchanting.
I almost forgot we are in a room full of other people

With an exasperated sigh Ms Walker points towards the back of the class "please have a seat Mr Munson" I give her small wink and make my way down the rows of chairs, But before I have a chance to sit down, Ms Walker speaks again, interrupting my thoughts of the eyes I once had on me, looking smugly at me she says,

"Since you so desperately want to actually pass my class this time, I think you're the best person suited to get Ms Hopper up to speed" she looks back to the girl who looks like she'd rather be anywhere else than at the front of that classroom. "so sorry for the rude interruption dear, please follow Mr Munson and take your seat, class will begin now" She gives a quick nod and starts to make her way to me. I can feel my heart begin to race, holy shit it worked.

Just before she makes it to her seat next to me I hear that asshole Jason utter under his breathe to his friends beside him
"Do you think the freak will try and recruit her too"

She looks almost offended? I hope she realizes they aren't talking about her. As she gets to me I pull out her chair from underneath the shared table, a brief thank you was released from her lips.

"I'm Eddie" I offer my hand, More snickers arise from the students in front of us. She avoids eye contact with them, If my hand clearly wasn't on fire I'd think it was by the way she looks at it.
" don't worry, they are laughing at me not you" I give a small smile to try and put her at ease, She ignores my hand. Ouch

"Why are the laughing at you?" She whispers, Not wanting to further draw attention to herself. I awkwardly retract my hand back down to my lap, "you haven't heard? I'm the towns local satanist" I my rolls eyes with contempt. She looks me up and down, not in a judging way, almost as if she's taking all of me in.

"Unfortunately not a real satanist just a non conformist with a cool fantasy game club" I say with pride. She gives me a small nod that she understands and quickly looks back up toward the front of the room again. I continue to look at her though, her eyes seem heavy and mind full of worry. Leave me alone is written all over her demeanor, not in a "You're trash" under her shoe way, more like she desperately wants to go unnoticed and slip though the cracks.
I simply won't allow it.

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