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Which is the word I would describe how I'm feeling in this moment.
Spending most of the day with Robin has lifted the sour mood I thought I was going to carry with me for the entirety of the next year. She undoubtedly makes me laugh more than I ever thought I could.

"Dude he literally was asked not to come back this year" Robin says laughing the whole time as she could barely get through the story of a boy so bad at every instrument he played the teacher gave up on any hopes of him joining band. I giggle along with her, mostly at the way she's so animated when she talks.
Just as tears begin to brim in her eyes from laughing so hard, she suddenly stops and looks behind me,
"Hey Nance!"
I turn to see who she's motioning to, A girl covered in pastels and a head full of brown curly hair pinned up comes into view.
"Hi Robin"
She gives a soft smile back as she walks up to us.

"Nancy I would like you to meet Bexley", quickly nodding towards me before continuing, "Today is her first day and I've adopted her as my new friend" she grins at me.
"Bexley, this is my to serious for her own good, friend Nancy" looking back towards the girl with a sarcastic scowl on her face.

"Wow great introduction Robin" Nancy jokes along, Pushing her small delicate hand forward for me to take.

"Nice to meet you Nancy" I saw earnestly as I shake her hand softy.

"Nancy, don't you have AP Lit next period?" Robin questions.

"Yes, with Ms Green, why?"

"Perfect! So does Bex, why don't you walk her there and catch her up to speed" With mischief in voice, Robin looks between us like she's a genius. I know what she's doing.

I look up to Nancy awkwardly waiting for her to speak,
"Sure why not" a small amount of hesitation present in her voice.

"Great!, well I have to run to class early so see you guys later!" She obviously tells a white lie before quickly getting up to rush out of the lunch room, leaving me and Nancy in an uncomfortable silence.

"Sorry about Robin, I think she just wants me to make more friends" I say pathetically. Nancy offers me a small smile "it's really no problem, a friend of Robin's is a friend of mine" I stand up to follow her as she continues, "plus Ms. Green is giving everyone a hard time this year so it will be nice to have someone to endure that with" she lets out a small sigh. "AP Lit kicking your ass huh?" I say understandably. She chuckles "I think Ms. Green should just retire at this point, it's pretty obvious she hates us all" I laugh along with the girl who I'm starting to befriend.

Nancy was right.
Ms. Green is a cantankerous old lady. Pretty much everyone in the class almost refuses to speak, out of fear the petite women in front of us will lash out.

She grabs hold of our attention with contempt in her voice. "I want everyone to start reading the first 10 chapters of The Great Gatsby, and I want an essay of what significance they bring on my desk before the end of day tomorrow".
If you look closely you can almost see the visible soul sucked out of each and every person in this room. I sneak a glance at Nancy and she gives me  a I told you so look.

The only sound for the rest of class is that of the pages of our books being turned. No one dared asked questions. Thankfully though reading is something I utterly enjoy, it's the perfect escape.
As AP Lit comes to a halt I surprise myself by feeling quite saddened when I realize I don't have Nancy or Robin in my last class of the day. I'm even more surprised when I have the same feeling when Eddie doesn't Waltz in either.

Slowly final period has come to an end and the final bell of the day rings signifying my freedom. Putting away the last of my things in my bag I make my way out of the school.
looking around at the active parking lot filled to the brim of teenagers who couldn't be more excited to be heading home with their friends, I involuntarily look for mine.
I question myself,
I know I like being in Robin's and Nancy's presence but is it a good idea to actually be friends with them knowing I don't plan on sticking around here for long?
Just as I begin making the long walk back to Hoppers house the sound of a car pulling up stops me in my tracks.

Speak of the devil, or devils I should say.
"Need a ride?" Nancy's sweet voice pulls me to look down, a soft smile is placed on her lips, Sitting beside her in the passenger seat is Robin motioning for me to get in the backseat.

"You didn't plan on walking home now did you?" Robin smiles like she knew all along she was taking me home. My heart swells in my chest.
I didn't plan on a lot of things.

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now