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ExhaustedI'm completely drained

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I'm completely drained. I don't think I got any sleep at all last night, my brain was to consumed with thoughts of him.

"Gonna play it stone cold right?"
Robin's voice awakens my tired eyes from the backseat of the car. After Nancy dropped me off yesterday I did exactly what I said I would, I called Robin. I spilled everything, well everything having to do with me and Eddie. But part of me wanted to tell her more, more about my past, my trauma, why I can't bring myself to be completely open with anyone. I was on the verge on tears, wanting to reveal all my secrets, the ones that will eternize my nightmares. The words were on the tip of my tongue, begging to come out, but nothing did. I couldn't risk everything, not the trial and especially not Robin's life. So instead I let her believe the tears were for Eddie, but in that moment there weren't, they were for me.

"I'll be a brick wall"
I sarcastically mimic her words to me from last night. She told me to act like what happened didn't bother me, but truth be told it did. It's easier this way though. Just being friends with Eddie, knowing he doesn't actually want anything more makes that easier too. I'll just push my feelings down and ignore them. I'm good at that.

"Good. Maybe it will knock some sense into him and he will work to get back into your good graces"
Nancy interjects. I only laugh at the girl who talks like it's a 50's romcom.

"There are no 'good graces', it's just a friendship and that's enough for me"
I sigh but the 2 girls in the front seats share a look, one that says they know I'm lying but thankfully they don't say it out loud. I over at the empty seat next to me, fortunately Mike got a ride from Dustin's mom this morning. The anxious thought runs in my head that the reason only being because of me.

Finally arriving to the school we unbuckle our seatbelts and hop out of the car where immediately I see Eddie to the side of the parking lot talking to his party. He doesn't notice me, to engaged in whatever topic they are discussing. Suddenly Robin blocks my view, sighing and giving me a pathetic look

"Stop gawking"

"I'm not gawking!"
I say scoffing, playing off the fact that I totally was.

"Nancy do we believe her?"
Robin asks her which she replies by giving me a not very sympathetic look and nodding no.

"Wow I'm feeling really ganged up on right now"
I say mocking in indignation. They both playfully push my shoulder and as I go to say something I instantly pause, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, Like that only do when I feel someone watching me. I turn my head to the left discreetly fearful of what I might find behind me. But my anxiety is slightly calmed, only finding a boy about my age leaning against a blue car looking at me. I quickly turn back toward the girls hoping that we only accidentally made eye contact. But when I slowly turn back around I'm surprised to find him still watching at me.

"Who's that?"
I ask not to anyone in particular. I hear an annoyed sigh escape from Nancy.

"That's Billy Hargrove, he graduated last year but some days he still drives his sister Max to school"
Max? Where have I heard that name before?

"Him and Steve we're like mortal enemies"
Robin chimes in with an unreadable expression on her face. Even from here I can see his defining blue eyes. I'm almost intimidated by his conventional attractiveness.
The bell rings from the school letting us know classes with begin shortly.

"Come on let's go inside"
I hear Nancy say. I let my eyes fall from the boy and trail behind the girls but even joining the big crowd of students I still feel the his watchful blue eyes on my back.

Eddie says to me as I take my seat next to him. I give him a bashful smile.

I say in return. It's awkward after that. Neither knowing what to say next.

"Did you sleep alright?"
An embarrassed expression crosses his face, almost like he wished he has said anything else.

I say shortly.
"Did you?"
I ask back not really caring about the answer because given the bags under his eyes I already know what it is.

"Not really"
He truthfully says. But I know it's bait. He wants me to ask him what's wrong but I won't do it. If he wants to talk about yesterday he will have to bring it up himself.

I say in a nonchalant voice. His demeanor instantly drops realizing I won't give him what he wants. An uncomfortable silence fills the space between us but even between Ms. Walkers lectures I can feel every time his eyes move to glance over at me. Nearing the end of class I had counted 22 times I felt him.

"So how do you feel about what happened yesterday?"
He whispers almost nonchalantly. I freeze.
Should I pretend I didn't hear him?
But if I'm going to make him believe that it's no big deal then I'm gonna have to act it.

"It was a good time but like I said I don't think that DND is for me"
I say shrugging taking a quick glance at him. He looked troubled, like that wasn't the answer he wanted or expected. I could tell he wanted to say more, I don't think he knew what to say. He drops his eyes from mine, averting his stare back to the teacher. I don't know what I expected, I didn't want him to bring it up but I also didn't not want him to bring it up.

The bell finally rings ending my agony. I slowly gather my things secretly hoping Eddie doesn't just leave without saying anything.

"Catch you later"
He says with a small smirk and giving me a 2 finger salute before walking out, now leaving me  alone at the table. I stare after him in disbelief. Saying nothing would've better than that
Robin is gonna have a field day with this.

"He said WHAT"
Robin yells a little bit to loud causing heads to snap in our direction.

I tell her embarrassed.

"God boys are so stupid"
She shakes her head unsurprised. I can only nod my head in agreement.

"This is why I'm a L-"
She quickly pauses and looks stunned, like she didn't mean to utter these words aloud. I look at her surprised myself. I've had my suspicions about Robin, the way I sometimes catch her looking a little longer when a girl walks by or the way she stumbles on her sentences when talking to a pretty girl. I've never said anything though, I only wanted to know about it when or if she was ever ready. I truthfully never thought she would, especially not in the middle of class. I can tell she wants to look away but she can't, to worried about my reaction. So I don't give one.

"What should I do?"
I ask her, completely avoiding the situation. I don't know if it was the right thing to do in the moment but when I see her visibly relax I know it's just want she wanted.

"Depends. What do you want from him"

"I don't know"
I groan. I'm not a reliable person. I can't trust my own heart or mind. It's lead me astray to many times.
"I just need the awkward tension to go away and for him to talk with me normally again"

"Well what's the best way to get a guys attention?"
She asks me rhetorically.

I say worried about the evil look in her eye.

"Make him jealous"

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