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That's what I shouted when Eddie thought it would be a good idea to splash me with freezing lake water. The moment I stepped in I knew immediately I wanted to get out, Eddie had other plans.

"No way, we're committed now get your ass in the water!" He laughs while taking a dive in. Letting out a shaky breathe I lower myself further, not enough to get my head wet but enough I hope to appease the boy who is now soaked.
He's so pretty.

Looking at him right now with wet straggly hair and water dripping down his subtly toned and tan skin I start to appreciate the obvious attractiveness he has. His tattoos, though not professionally done, contribute to his already enticing personality. I couldn't help but wonder why this boy has no one to call his.

All because of a fantasy game and some fabricated rumors?

"What's got you lost in space?"
He questions me. Now at eye level we float in front of each other, not close enough to touch but at arms length. Just where I need him to be.

"Just thinking" I hum

"About me?" He smirks at me with that dangerous look in his eye.

"You wish" Rolling my eyes at him pushing a small amount of water in his direction, enough to hit him in the face. He looks back at me with a gasp leaving his lips and a offended smile attached to his face.

"Oh it's on!"
He yells before quickly swimming towards me. A humorous shriek leaves my lips as I flipped around trying my best to out swim the boy. But he cheats, using his abnormally long legs he traps my hips with his ankles and pulls me in, just when I thought he'd stop there and claim victory, I feel his hands on my head pushing me under the surface and then quickly setting me free to swim back up.

"Ok now you're really an Asshole" I cry coughing up water, taking a peak at him through my wet hair that now cover's my face I hear him laughing and if he wasn't in water I'm sure he'd fall over from the force of it.

With Eddie now being distracted with his crackling he doesn't see me coming as I jump on his now turned back and push him underneath the water with all the force I can muster. But my revenge doesn't last long, at the last second Eddie turned and pulled my hands, taking me with him in the depths below. He holds on tight so I can't get out of his grasp. Instead of freaking out like one normally would at being held hostage beneath the surface I find myself calm, relaxed even. Enough to open my eyes not surprised to find his already open and looking back at me. So we sit there for a moment, taking in one another not rushing to move.

But even with the seconds feeling like minutes the air to quickly leaves our lungs both sharing a knowing look that it's time to swim back up. Each taking a gasp of air as we break the threshold. Now only inches apart but neither moving back.
"Why do they call you a freak" I say barely above a whisper. It just doesn't make sense to me, I hardly know the boy and yet every second we share together I feel as though I'm never in danger next to him.

"Haven't you heard the rumors" He states, because it's not a question, of course I have, everyone has.

"Yes, but they're bullshit" I say matter of factly knowing I actually have no proof that they are but how could they not be? I'm not religious so the thought of people hating a boy just because he doesn't conform to their own personal beliefs is ridiculous to me.

"Are they? You could be here with a lying psychopath and now no idea" He jokes but not a hit of humor in his voice.

"Eddie" I sigh wanting the real story from his perspective. The eye contact we've held this whole time being broken by him looking away exhaling like this has weighed on him for a very long time. More than he would like to admit.

"The rumors have always been there pretty much since middle school, I was different than the other kids and they knew it. My dad had just gone to jail and I acted out. Got into fights more than I should've...."
I hum along nodding my head for him to keep going and to take his time.
"Freshman year I shaved my head and formed my metal band, Corroded Coffin, by that point I already been known to play DND so this just added more fuel to the He's weird rumors. I had never cared about them, I had my friends and my uncle so it didn't bother me"

Taking a look at me he shrugs and leans his head back to float on the water and gaze at the now fully risen sun above.
"What Changed?" I push him knowing that something else must've happened to make the unknown turn into hate.

He pauses again, lifting his head back up and catching my eyes once more.
"To cope with the taunts I got into drugs and before you know it I started selling, for awhile they stopped, probably because I actually had something they wanted" He scoffs.

I shake my head mad for the boy who people only seem to care about when they need something from him.
Like you?
The guilt starts to rise in my chest, realizing I've done the same to him.
"I'm sorry"

He looks perplexed. "Why? you weren't there"

"No I know, but for seemingly only talking to you when I need something"
My guilty eyes look away from him. Unable to face his expression. Suddenly I feel him closer than before, his fingertips gently brush the edges of my waist.

"Hey.." He coos to me, the lowness of his voice catches my attention and my eyes travel back to his
"I've never thought that of you that way, only as someone who keeps to herself. Not wanting to get to involved with anyone"

My breathe hitches in my throat, How does he read me so easily? It terrifies me how deeply he sees beneath my exterior.
I don't have the words to respond. We just float there. Holding each other's gazes. His fingertips brush against my waist again almost like asking for permission to touch me. I want to give in, I want to feel what it would be like to lose all my inhibitions. But I can't, not again.

Forcing my eyes away from his I slowly swim backwards away from him, not before I notice the disappointment in his eyes.
"I should be getting home, Robin's probably freaking out that I haven't call her yet, not to mention my uncle who probably is making a missing teen poster as we speak"

I awkwardly laugh knowing I've ruined the moment. He nods understandably
"Right of course, I have towels in the back we can dry off with"

He swims passed me not giving me a second glance, I sigh and follow his lead not looking forward to the ride home.

I always ruin everything

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now