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 "Not only is he missing his left arm, but his left EYE"Eddie growls while yells are exchanged a crossed the room from the others clearly upset at this revelation

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"Not only is he missing his left arm, but his left EYE"
Eddie growls while yells are exchanged a crossed the room from the others clearly upset at this revelation.
I however, remain completely confused. Ever since I met Eddie an hour ago after school he didn't waste a second to begin setting up the game. Since I had no idea really how to play or what do to my job was to set the atmosphere. Which in his words had  to "Reflect the medieval fantasy in which the game takes place" or something.  So the lighting is lowered. It's dark and dingy, the only source of light being from candles placed around. A dark wooden table is the centerpiece, and the carved wooden thrown at the end of it will hold the Dungeon Master, Eddie Munson.


"Vecna is dead!"

"He was killed by Kas!"
The energy in the room has been growing steadily and what happened just now made it hit it's peak. All the boys yelling over each other I can't tell who said what. I've felt like such an outsider this entire time, the couple hours of teaching Eddie tried to give me not paying off in the slightest. But to my surprise I'm not the only girl here. I guess once Eddie told the others I was joining the game today they had their doubts, rightfully so. Thinking I would mess up their rhythm they took it upon themselves to find a better replacement, Erica Sinclair.

"So it was thought, but Vecna LIVES!"
Eddie yells again. Although I have not the faintest idea about what is happening in the game I can't help but be completely captivated. The way Eddie demands and holds the attention of the room. Nobody can look away from him, including me. This is a new side to him I've never seen before. Sure I've seen him act confident before but that was more of a facade, to protect himself from the bullies. But this, this is different. This seems like him. The real him and I can't look away.

"I say we fight, to the death"
Dustin says.

"To the death"
Mike repeats.

"To the death!"
"To the death!"
"To the death!"
A round of chants flows in the room, it's so hypnotic I begin to chant as well. I look over at Eddie who is laughing maniacally.

Another hour of yells and cries go by but from what I understand we finally have reached the end of the game, all Erica has to do is roll a 20. Dustin already missed so she is our last hope. The anxiety in the room feels suffocating we are all watching her shake the dice in her hands in anticipation. She finally lets them go and slowly they roll on the table all eyes on glued to it and at the last second it stops.

"It hit!"
Erica yells while the boys around jump up and down in excitement screaming profanities.

"That's why we play!"
Eddie laughs bowing down before Erica. I laugh along with the group seeing them all hug and high five each other and feeling surprisingly sad that none of that is extended to me. I don't know why it affects me so much I mean I'm not really apart of their group but knowing that my presence doesn't make a difference or not to them brings out insecurities I didn't know I had. The room eventually clears out leaving just me and Eddie to clean up.

"So, what'd you think"
Eddie asks me. I take a moment to think about my answer wanting to be honest.

"It was entertaining, even though I had little to no idea what was going on the entire time"
I laugh embarrassed a bit that I wasn't able to pick up on it.

"Don't worry you'll get there, we'll have another campaign starting soon"
I smile weakly at him which confuses him.

"I had fun Eddie I really did but I don't think you're friends enjoyed having me there"
I say worried about his reaction. Unlike Eddie, the rest of his friends don't have his lightheartedness, they seem more bitter. The years of bullying obviously taking a toll causing them to be more weary of strangers.

"Don't take it personal, they don't know how to act around girls, let alone beautiful ones"'
The last part of his sentence making my breath hitch in my throat. His cheeks don't reddened this time, he's not embarrassed to let me know how he sees me.

"And you do?"
I question him, now wondering if he has had past relationships. I almost want to take it back but I can't, I don't want to. I'm to curious.

"Maybe. Why do you want to know?"
He says walking closer to me. Not to close just close enough so I can see his eyes in the light from the candles that dimly light the room.

"Just curious. You don't seem like the type to date cheerleaders, which seems to be all that's at this school"
I chuckle softly. But a hidden meaning under my words. Ever since he told me about Chrissy I can't help but think there's more to the story. The way he talks about her. It seems to me he had a crush on her.

"What type do you think I have?"
He steps even closer to me, breaking the distance that once was between us. We've been here so many times but this feels different. This time we aren't strangers in his room or the lake, we're friends.

"You tell me"
I whisper looking up at him. He's already staring at me, he hesitates but instead of saying something he brings his hand up to the side of my head tucking some loose hair behind my ear. I shiver at his touch, it sends shocks down my spine. He then lets his hand linger before sliding down slightly and cupping my face while his thumb rubs against my cheek.

"I think you know the answer"
He whispers to me. I part my lips but nothing comes out, there's nothing to say. I know.
He leans his head down to my level and kisses my cheek, he moves to the other cheek and places a kiss there as well. I close my eyes and tilt my chin up waiting for the next kiss to be placed on my lips.
But it never comes.
Instead the door is thrown open with bickering coming from the 2 boys that rudely interrupted.

"Whoa, uh sorry we- we didn't mean to interrupt"
Dustin stammers out clearly embarrassed for ruining our moment. Eddie removes his hand from me and takes a step away sighing angrily.

"What do you want?"
He spits. The boys gulp getting nervous seeing his reaction.

"My sisters car won't start, see needs a jumpstart and we saw your van still here and figured you could help?"
Mike winces out.
Eddie just shakes his head annoyed but takes his keys out of his pocket.

"Fine let's go"
He says stepping around me not taking a second glance at me. The boys lead him out of the room shutting the door with a bang. Leaving me alone. I thought about following but needing a moment to collect myself. My heart is still racing and sweat still lingers on my palms.

I almost kissed Eddie.

That is not being a good friend. What the hell is wrong with me. What's wrong with him. He made this big deal about being friends and now he wants to kiss me? My head won't stop spinning. I'm so confused but deep down something tells me he is too. And this realization makes my heart beat faster. Because what's the end result of 2 confused teenagers?

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