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SluggishIs how I'd describe the rest of class

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Is how I'd describe the rest of class.
I try my best to pay attention but with broody eyes keeping a close watch on the side of my face it's been hard to concentrate.

I'm actually quite good at school. Especially math. It always stays the same wherever it goes.
"Alright class!" Ms. Walkers voices booms over the lingering voices of the students who weren't paying attention. "I'm passing out your homework for the day" groans were made across the room. "It's only 1 page" she calls out. "If you were paying attention maybe it wouldn't be so bad, I expect everyone to be working on this until the bell rings and to be turned in first thing in the morning"

Taking the piece of paper from the boy in front of me I pass the extra in my hand to the one waiting patiently next to me. He smiles as he takes it from my hand, "thank you" he murmurs. He looks at me like he wants to say more but decides against it and looks down at the page in front of

A small exhale is expelled from the worried lips beside me. He looks over the paper and reads the first problem label #1, he pauses like he's thinking about how to solve it but observing him so intensely makes me believe he actually doesn't know the answer.
"Would you like some help?" I finally muster the courage to speak. He looks at me almost like he's embarrassed he was caught. "Is it that obvious I suck at this?" He questions. I offer a sympathetic smile, "it's ok, before I mastered it myself I struggled with the equations"
Before he even has a chance to respond the bell rings signaling that 1st period has come to an end.

I quickly stand and gather my things, maybe being early to my next class will help avoid another awkward introduction I think.
A large hard grabs my notebook before it has the chance to slide off the table. "Thank you" I breathe out, taking the book back from his hand, the moment our hands meet we lock eyes "no thank you " his rough voice echos out, I look at him confused waiting for him to continue
"For offering to help me with the homework I mean" Gratitude was in his voice as he spoke.
"You're wel-" a booming voice from behind interrupts me "Don't waste your time darling" A cruel smirk of a blonde boy comes into view 

"fuck off Jason" the long haired boy next to me spits out. "What's the matter freak, worried the girl you've been ogling all morning will find out you're an idiot" I sneak a glance at the boy who before made no attempt to hide his staring, now refuses to meet my eyes.

"Boys!?" Our attention now on the teacher in front of us "is there a problem here?" With everyone focused on the 2 boys seething at each other I quickly step back and make my way out of the class room. Jesus I think, there's probably a lot to unpack there. But it's not my problem, I can't get involved in anyones drama. I simply just want to exist, and to be not noticed.

"What's that about" a voice appears out of the blue in the corner of the hallway I'm in making me jump out of my skin. "Holy shit" I gasp.
"Oh hell, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
The girl next to me stammers out. "It's alright, just wasn't expecting it" I say sincerely.
I take in the appearance of the girl, short chin length brown hair and kind eyes. Her boyish look does not go unnoticed by me.
"I'm Robin" she smiles, lifting her hand for me to shake. I take it gently
"I'm Bexley" I smile back at the girl.
Maybe one friend won't hurt

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