30 (E.M)

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God she looks pissed

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God she looks pissed.
I swear I could kill those little imbeciles. I was so close to kissing her and they just had to fucking ruin it. And to make matters worse I just left her in that room. I was so frustrated that I didn't even think for a second how it would make her feel. I just needed to get out of there before I lost even more of my cool. I thought I could redeem myself but then those idiots just had to ask for a ride home instead of with Nancy. I couldn't say no to them but I also couldn't have Bexley in the car with all of us they most definitely would say something stupid or embarrassing about me. So I did something even more stupid and told Bexley to get a ride with Nancy.
Which was incredibly brainless.
I thought it would be ok. Seeing as though her and Nancy were friends, but from the look on her face I could tell I was wrong but I couldn't take it back it was to late.

"You want me to ride home with Nancy?"
She questions me. I could see the hurt and confusion in her eyes. I was mad at myself. I just got her to open up a bit and admit to wanting to be my friend and then I go and fuck it up. I didn't mean to get so close to her and touch her but God I can't control myself around her. It took all my strength not to just kiss her earlier but I knew I needed to go slow, she's like a baby deer one wrong move and she takes off. But now I'm the one taking off afraid I just ruined everything.

"That's ok right? I mean I gotta take the boys home so I thought it would be easier"
She parts her lips like she wants to say something but she decides against it. All she can muster is a swift nod and then she quickly turns and hops into the passenger seat of Nancy's car. I close my eyes and sigh wanting to take back everything. When I open my eyes back up I find Nancy's looking back me full of displeasure, which I'm sure as been building for awhile. She's never liked me, she's never been rude I don't think a girl like that has it in her but every since I roped Mike into the club she's always watched me, like she's been waiting for me to fuck up, and now I have.
I watch as Nancy gets in the front seat of her car and drive off, leaving me with the boys and the thoughts of how the hell I'm gonna fix this.


"What an ass"
My eyes widen in shock as I hear Nancy curse for the first time. It makes me chuckle.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
I snicker which makes her turn her head and roll her eyes at me. Not surprising though considering how she already feels about Eddie me telling her about what just happened just adds more to the pile.

"You're gonna stop talking to him right?"
She questions me but my silence makes her huff. I can already tell what that means.

"Seriously Bex? He makes you basically beg to be his friend and then almost kisses you and then treats you like trash"
She makes a lot of good points but that's not the whole truth.

"There's so much missing context though Nance"
I correct.
"He obviously just wants to be friends I mean this is like the 3rd time we've almost kissed and it's never happened. Probably because he doesn't want it to"
She whips her head to look at me with a surprised look on her face. I shrink in my seat forgetting I never have shared this with either of my girls.

"You've what!?"

"Oh did I not mention that?"
I try and laugh off like it's not a big deal. But she has so many questions all of which I answer for the rest of the ride and I can't help but feel relieved when we finally pull up to my house.

"Wow and Robin doesn't know any of this?"
That's a complicated question. Because technically no I've never told Robin about any of the times of me and Eddie's almost kisses but she knows about all the times I've hung out with him and I think she knows more than I tell her.

"No but I swear she's psychic, every time she notices me with him or talk about him she has this knowing look in her eye"
I huff out amazed at the very thought of the girl because she can read me like a book.

"Ya she's pretty convinced you and Eddie are secretly dating"
Nancy reveals which just makes me chuckle and shaking my head expecting nothing less.

"Don't worry I'll call her and tell her all the juicy details"
Once she parks I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach for the door but her hand rests on my arm stopping me.

"Look whatever you feel for Eddie I'm sorry for what happened tonight, you deserve better"
My demeanor softens but what she does next surprises me, she hugs me. I'm stunned at first, not use to the affection. She senses my tension and let's go giving me a small smile.

"See you tomorrow morning"

"Bye Nancy"

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