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I like Robin Staring at the girl in front of me who for that last 20 minutes has not stopped talking about her close friend Steve, who she swears is just a friend

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I like Robin
Staring at the girl in front of me who for that last 20 minutes has not stopped talking about her close friend Steve, who she swears is just a friend.
Listening to Robin ramble on about her life and friends makes me envious of her. Not in a bad way, just knowing I can't allow myself to have that here, but I'll enjoy her company in the meantime.

"You should really meet him" Robins voice pulls me from my thoughts.
"Who?" I question,
"Steve, my friend who works at the Video Store with me!" She says excitedly.
"Oh, I still have a lot of unpacking to do" I say more awkwardly than I intended to. I feel bad for lying to Robin, because who am I kidding I'm not unpacking those boxes anytime soon I just don't have the heart to tell her the truth. "Yea of course, I didn't mean tonight anyway" smiling as she understands. Looking back down at the history book we were supposed to be reading this whole time.

2 period had come and gone and now I sit in 4th, next to Robin like I had been the last 2 classes we had together. Both me and and the girl who talks way to fast for her own good (I find it adorable though) were happy when we realized we have most of the same classes .
Sitting back in silence makes my mind wonder back to the dark brown eyes I can't seem to forget.

I haven't seen the long haired boy known as Eddie since 1st period and I can't help but be relieved. Nothing against the intriguing boy but every time his eyes are on me I can't help but feel as though I will melt under his intense gaze.

The ringing of the final bell of the morning brings my gaze up from my book. "Alright class, you have your assignment for the night go enjoy lunch" the history teacher Mr. Brooks sighs. Turning my head back to Robin as I hear her begin to speak "I have to pick up something from the band room but I can meet you in the cafeteria in a little bit?" I give a small smile before my reply "sure I'll see you later" she waves as she turns and walks in the opposite direction as me.

Making my way into the lunch room I have no desire to eat whatever "food" they offer and decide just to head to an empty table by a window and eat the granola bar I brought.
Taking a seat I look around at all the kids that pile in and go to their respective tables. Even moving across the country one thing that stays the same everywhere you go are cliques.
The table that sits are the very front of the room are of course the jocks and next to them are just as suspected the cheerleaders. And after that is pretty much what you'd expect, the band geeks, art wannabes, loners etc..

And then there's them.

I spot him with that same welcoming smile on his face and loud laugh that carries across the room. He's surrounded by other boys his age, some even younger, all wearing that same shirt with that club name that seems to make the other kids glare as they walk by. There's no hate like Christian love I snicker to myself.

"What are you staring at?" Robins voice startles me again. "Jesus you gotta stop doing that!" I laugh. "You make it to easy" she giggles with me.

"But seriously why were you staring at Eddie "the freak" Munson" she mocks. I guess the name is synonymous with everyone at this school.
"Why is he even called that" I ask her with more nuisance in my voice than I intended. She looks at me with raised brows curious as to why I care I assume. "What?" I innocently ponder. "I sit next to him in math class, he doesn't seem that bad" I speak truthfully. She exhales a breath as she responds "I don't know honestly, there are lots of reasons and theories I guess"

"Theories?" I push for more.

"There are some not so nice rumors that have been around for ages, like he's in a cult and worships satan"

"That's hardly a reason to outcast someone don't you think?"

"Well there's also a rumor that in his cult they sacrifice people for some satanic rituals" I look at her like she's out of her mind. "I'm serious!" She exclaims. "I'm not one of those people that believe it of course but plenty of people do"

I look back across the room at the boy who jumped onto his table walking down it while shooting his mouth off at the jocks across the room.

"But as long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" He shouts.

"You want something freak?" The blonde boy from earlier in the day yells out. Eddie responds by throwing up a devil face, making Jason shake his head as he decides to sit back down before making a scene.
I almost giggle at the sight.

Before I have a chance to look away from the humorous boy, he turns his head almost as if he knew I was staring, we make eye contact long enough for him to give me a cheeky smile, I look away, almost feeling bad I didn't smile back.

"He's coming over here" Robin speaks out loud. I whip my head back up to see exactly what she said was true, talking long strides he makes his way right in-front of me.

Smiling as usual he speaks "Hey it's Bexley right?" I nod confirming what I'm sure he knew before he even asked. "You left class so quickly I never got a chance to hand this back to you" looking down at the hand he is holding out, in it is the Seattle Space Needle charm I had pinned to my bag.

"Oh my god! I didn't even realize it had fallen off" I rush to take it from him, frustrated I hadn't noticed before. "Thank you" I beam at him with gratitude. His cheeks burn a bright red.
"you're welcome"

Still holding eye contact almost as if he's trying to learn more about me than the color of me eyes, "I'm doing great too thanks for asking" Robins voice drips of sarcasm. Eddie looks over at her and chuckles "Nice to see you to Robin" He teases. She smiles satisfied with herself, I roll my eyes at her playfully.

A yell across the room steals our attention,
"Eddie get your ass over here" one of the younger boys at his table screams in frustration.
"Sorry ladies it seems I have been summoned, so unfortunately I must say farewell" he smirks and bows for us making me and Robin giggle.
I watch as he runs back over to his group of teenage boys who seem to be in the middle of a debate of some sorts.

" you're telling me that boy who speaks like he's in lord of the rings is supposedly killing people?" I ask aloud in disbelief. She simply shrugs and continues eating her soggy french fries.
Maybe this town will surprise me after all

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