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 "I need to know all the details young lady!"

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"I need to know all the details young lady!"

Robin yells making my head spin before I'm even in the car door.
"Jesus, It's not even 8 AM can we use our inside voices please"  Rubbing the side of my temples from the monstrous migraine that rests there. "Also I literally said everything that happened when I called you not even 2 days ago"

"Well someone didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning" Nancy says in a sing song voice. I look at her through the rearview mirror and flip her off with a scowl on my face. Mike snickers next to me causing Nancy to reach around and smack his head. 

"What are you guys even freaking out about"
He asks annoyed like me from all the screaming coming from the 2 girls in the front seats.

"Bexley's date with Eddie"
Robin informs him causing me quickly protest

"Uhh I did not have a 'date' with Eddie"

Mike's head snaps towards me with a disgusted expression on his face
"You're dating Eddie?

"No" I groan "can everyone please just stop talking my head is killing me"
Robin digs in her bag and hands me 2 little white pills.

"Here take these" I nod appreciatively at the girl who keeps looking at me to keep talking
"What?" I snap. Causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"You barely said anything on the phone, I want the juicy details!"

"Me too!"

"God spare me"
Both sibling say at the same time, Mike looking like he would rather be anywhere else than in this car.

"There are no juicy details, he picked me up from your house bought me coffee and took me home, end of story."
I conveniently left out the part about the lake but truly nothing did happen and it was a private conversation. I didn't want to expose Eddie's privacy just for the sake of some gossip.

"So you weren't the girl Eddie took to the lake?" Mike's questions makes all 3 of us snap our heads towards him. He looks at us scared like he just said something he shouldn't have

All 3 of them now look at me as I avoid eye contact. Probably putting the pieces together.
"He took you to the lovers Lake?" Nancy questions.

"Now it makes sense why it took you over an hour to call me" Robin smirks

"So you are dating Eddie?" Mike interjects.

I shout frustrated throwing my hands up. My sudden outburst causing the group to go silent. Which is how we spent the rest of the ride to school. I felt bad, I didn't mean to get so defensive I don't even know why it matters if they think that.
Yes you do.

If they so easily think that does that mean Eddie thinks that too? The thought makes my head spin. Have I lead him on? I don't think I have. If anything I've given him a cold shoulder. I can't let this continue. I have to stop all communication. Even if it means I go sober for a year. I have to, for my own sake.
And his.

Once we arrive to the school Mike and Nancy go their separate ways leaving me and Robin walking silently to our home rooms.
"I'm sorry" Her voice breaks the silence between us, "for pushing you so hard to talk about you and Eddie, whatever happened or didn't happen is none of my business " she finishes to afraid to look at me.

I sigh glancing at the sad girl
"Nothing happened, but yes he took me to the lake. We just talked and swam. And that's all you're gonna get" lightly shoving her shoulder making her chuckle. " And it won't be happening ever again"

She grabs my arm to stop me
"Why not?" She questions. I pause to think of a good explanation. But I don't have one. Not one I can share without revealing to much of myself.

"It would just complicate things, plus I don't see him that way" I stammer out before stepping away from her not daring to wait for her response.
"I'll see you at lunch"

I wave off the girl without another word. Finally heading into Ms.Walker's class. Immediately I see Eddie's mop of curly hair already seated eyes searching the room clearly looking for someone. Once making eye contact he beams at me pulling out my chair. I give only a small tight lipped smile.
His grin faltered slightly.

"Everything alright?"

"Why wouldn't it be"
I say shortly keeping my eyes locked in front of the room. He doesn't respond but from the corner of my eye I could see the small nod he gave.

"So, did you have a good rest of your weekend? He tries again to make conversation. The guilt already setting it from my own shortness.

"Sure, it was uneventful"
I wish I could stop it. Eddie doesn't deserve me acting like a jerk but I have to remind myself that in the long run I'm protecting him. Only problem is he doesn't know it. All he sees is the girl that acts like he's the bug she keeps swatting at. He only has the chance to nod before the teacher steals our attention 

"Alright students, we're finally through the first month of school so you know what that means....research paper time!" She claps excitedly while a wave of groans pass around the room.

"And this year I've added a little twist, so please turn to the person sitting next to you and say hello to your new partner!"

Well fuck

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