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Ms. Walker didn't even consider the possibility of giving me a new partner. In fact she told me that me and Eddie work well together and we could push each other. I wanted to scoff right in her face. What does she even know. Push each other? Oh please give me a break.

"Ready to go?"
Nancy's voice brings me out of my personal rant. She caught me in the front of the school like she always does to walk to her car after the school day is over.

"Oh shit" I sigh having forgot to tell her at lunch about my new plans. She looks at me totally at a loss.
"I'm actually getting a ride with Eddie....to his trailer" I say that last part barely above a whisper.

"Come again?" She stops in her tracks looking at me like I have 2 heads.

"Ms. Walker made us partners on this research assignment, something about Number Theory in everyday life. It's stupid I know but we have a week to get it done and knowing Eddie we need all the time we can get". I sigh starting to walk out of the school again keeping an eye out for the long haired boy.

"Well good luck with that, you have my number in case you need me to come save you"
She jokes and then offers a small sympathetic smile before waving goodbye to me and grabbing Robin who sees me from across the parking lot throwing me a smile and a wave before both girls drive off.

"Looking for me?"
A familiar voice calls from behind giving me a small scare.

"Dammit Munson" I curse turning around to face the snickering boy. I glare at him as he walks past me obviously wanting me to follow his lead. We walk silently through the crowd of kids and cars receiving strange looks as we pass by. I keep my head down as I follow Eddie to his van naively hoping the rumor mill doesn't spin vicious lies about why I'm seemingly hanging out with the boy everyone sees as nothing but a freak.

Opening the door for me Eddie motions for me to climb in the passenger seat, doing exactly that I take a seat placing my bag on the floor and watch as he runs around the van and climbs in the drives seat. He starts the van and pushes play on the cassette, me not being surprise at all to hear the band that always seems to be all he can play.

"The floor is a better hiding spot"
He sighs digging his hand in his jacket and pulling out a back of cigarettes.

I say confused, turning to look at him as he tries to light the cigarette in his mouth with one hand. Obviously struggling to much to respond I sigh leaning over and taking the lighter out of his hand and lighting the cigarette for him. He looks at me stunned. Carefully watching my movements as I place the lighter back in his jacket pocket.

"Eyes on the road"
I grumble not in the mood to get in a car crash. He laughs a bit shaking his head.

"I'm a great driver for your information"

"Says the boy who drives to fast and thinks it's more important to smoke a cig than keep his eyes on the road" I say rolling my own and looking out the window at all the the familiar trees we pass by knowing we are only minutes from our destination.

"My apologies blondie I figured you'd want to get out of sight as soon as possible, to embarrassed to be seen with me right?" His voice dripping in disdain. I freeze not knowing how to respond. He's not entirely wrong, but not for the reasons he thinks. I'm not embarrassed to be seen with him I don't care that people think he's a freak or that I might be labeled one for hanging out with him. I care about being noticed. I don't want people to know me or gossip about me. I want to be completely invisible and I can't be that around him.

"Eddie-" I start but he interrupts me,

"Don't, it really doesn't bother me I know what people would say. I get it."

Whether that's true or not judging by the sound of his voice and the way he won't even look at me the sentiment hurts him. He tries to hide his pain but the constant years of bullying and shame must do more damage to him than he would like to admit. And knowing that the people that he befriends must be forced to encounter the same fate. Maybe if I was a better person I'd be willing to endure the same, but I'm not, I'm entirely to selfish and put my own survival above all else.

Eddie putting the van in park brings me out of my own head. I notice the empty spot next to him and come to the conclusion his uncle must be at work meaning we will be alone. Opening the door I grab my belongings and follow him up the steps of his trailer waiting for him to open the door.

"Sorry for the mess, the maid took the week off" He awkwardly mutters while unlocking the door and letting me in first. Taking a look around it's definitely more messy than the first time I was here. Clothes litter the floor and dishes piled high in the sink. Eddie rushes passed me quickly picking up everything in sight and stuffing it in some random closet in the hallway. I look for a place to sit and start working but before I can settle a hand grabs mine.

"We can work in my room, I have a desk and I promise it's slightly cleaner"
I simply nod my head and follow him. I didn't even realize he was still holding my hand until he let go once we made it inside. Shaking off the feeling of disappointment I place my bag on top of his desk and pull out my notebook and some pencils for us. The rustling behind me causing me to turn around and look at the boy digging through his dresser and pulling out a small baggy. He smiles at me as he holds up the contents of what's inside the small clear bag.

His smile quickly falls and a pouts replaces it on his lips

"Eddie I'm here to work on an assignment for school not smoke weed"

Trying my best to sound annoyed even though we both know his idea sounds much better. He groans and puts the baggy away before flopping down on the bed with a exasperated sigh. I chuckle just slightly at the childish boy in front of me.

"Just so you know I'm not going to allow you just to sit and do nothing you will contribute to the work even if I have to force you"

"Oh I love a girl who takes control"
He winks at me while slightly sitting up and leaning back on his hands which makes the bottom of his shirt lift up allowing me to see the tiniest bit of a happy trail. Quickly pulling my eyes away before he could notice I throw the notebook at him and scoff

"Get to work Munson"

"Yes ma'am"

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