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PlainThat's how everyone looks

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That's how everyone looks.
I shouldn't have expected anything less from the small town of Hawkins Indiana. I was hoping it would surprise me and I'd actually find something enjoyable about it but maybe that's just my own delusional brain trying to cope with the fact that I'm stuck here for the next year.
If I was back home right now I'd be with Chris and Amelia behind the school smoking a joint before first period. But now I fear I won't taste that bitterness of the wax paper for awhile, I seriously doubt anyone here smokes anything stronger than nicotine. I grimace at just the thought.

I decided to take the advice of the office lady with suspicious eyes and walk around to find all my classes so I didn't look as new as I am. She was right though, minutes after our conversation I heard the quiet steps of some kids coming in the front doors. I couldn't help but think why they were here so early, were these the straight laced kids with the best grades or the ones who couldn't wait to escape whatever home life they have?

I can't help but wonder about the strangers that pass without giving me a second glance, but I've always been that way, a watcher. Observing people is the best way to get to know someone I think. Noticing the unconscious way someone talks with their hands to get the point across or the beads of sweat on a forehead and nervous eyes when talking to a crush. Maybe I just prefer it that way, listening and watching so intensely to other people in the hopes that they are so self involved they never think to ask anything about myself.

Looking up at the old clock that hangs on the wall in the empty hallway it lets me know I now have but a few minutes to make my back towards my first class of the day. Sighing, I wonder if it's best to get there first in hopes to avoid the awkward I'm New conversation in front of my peers but internally knowing there's no way to avoid it.

People have already began to stare as I walk by, avoiding eye contact but keeping my head up high and looking straight ahead knowing it will steer people away from coming up to me.
The hallways now anything but empty and full of chatter, my eyes make contact with the number 4 written above the door that I so desperately wish would make me disappear as I walk through. Well shit I think to myself. I hadn't realized how long it took me to make my way from the other end of the school but now staring at a full classroom I can see I've almost made myself late.

"You must be our new student, Bexley right?"
A sweet voice pulls my attention. But not just mine, every pair of eyes are now on me in an instant.
So much for avoiding awkward introductions.

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now