24 (E.M)

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PeacefulThat's exactly how I'm feeling

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That's exactly how I'm feeling. I didn't even realize we fell asleep before I woke up and felt something on my arm. Looking down I see Bexley. Her hair covering most of her face that's nuzzled against my bicep. My chest warms at the sight. I gently brush away the strands of hair in her eyes tucking them behind her ears. Not wanting to move I just continue to admire her and think about how we got here. Everyday is so different, I can never expect how it's going to go between us. I forever feel like I'm caught in space with her just drifting about until she decides to pull me in. She usually pushes me away but rare moments like today she comforts me. Listens to every word I have to say not judging a single one.
Where did you come from?
I think to myself. Never in a million years did I think I would have the guts to explain what really happened last year with Chrissy and let alone have someone completely understand me. But even when Bexley ignores me in the hallway or in first period she never joins in on any of the teasing instead she defends me. She'll never know how much that means to me. Or how hot I think she looks when she tells Jason to fuck off willing to throw the first punch it seems. I want more from her, I need it. But I'm afraid that if I take a step to far she'll ran away from me for good. I'm completely at her mercy and she doesn't even know it.

Slight movement from below ceases my admiration of the girl. Looking down I can see her eyes start to flutter letting me know she's waking up. Not wanting to be caught as a creep I close my eyes pretending to have been asleep this whole time.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck"
I hear her whisper out and quickly but gently move out of my grasp and off the bed leaving me cold. As soon as I hear her putting things in her bag I instantly 'wake up' hoping I can somehow convince her to stay or at least drive her home.

my groggy voice snaps her head in my direction. The stressed look on her face doesn't go away but she offers a sheepish smile.

"Hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you"

"No worries blondie, going somewhere?"
I question her. She turns her head over to my clock on my desk that reads 9:40 pm and runs a hand through her now messy hair.

"Yes I'm so fucked, my curfew was hours ago I don't know how I'm going to explain this"
Her hands now hold her face obviously angry with herself. Feeling bad I offer a solution.

"Why don't you just stay, I mean if you're already in trouble no point in going home now"
She looks at me like I've lost my mind and I think I definitely have but it's the only thing I could think of.

"If I don't show up he will send out the entire police force out looking for me"
She groans and I look at her confused.

"Last time I checked you needed 24 hours to declare a missing person" I chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now