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The silence is deafening Me and Hopper haven't spoken a word since our tense conversation in the kitchen earlier in the morning, But I welcome the quiet as I take in the scenery outside as we drive the empty streets

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The silence is deafening
Me and Hopper haven't spoken a word since our tense conversation in the kitchen earlier in the morning, But I welcome the quiet as I take in the scenery outside as we drive the empty streets.

I've only been in the city of Hawkins for 5 days now and this is the first time I've seen anything that wasn't directly outside my bedroom window.  Hopper has tried to convince me to walk around and get to know people before my first day of school so I wouldn't be so alone but me being my stubborn self I obviously ignored his advice. The closer we get to the high school though I soon realize he was probably right, I would never admit that though.

Making friends as never been my strong suit. Not because I can't, more so I don't want to. I've always had my same group of friends that I've love and trusted since I can remember and trusting others doesn't always come easy for me. I mean I trusted my own flesh and blood and look where that got me, sent to the middle of fucking no where with an uncle I've met twice in my entire life.

The clearing of a rough voice pulled me from my thoughts, "alright kid here's your stop" taking a look up I see the words Hawkins High School sketched on top of a small run down building. I let out a loud sigh.
"Didn't we just talk about that attitude" he says displeased.

"Well what the hell am I gonna do for an hour before class actually starts" I question with exasperation. "Pick up your class schedule, find your locker, make a friend, I don't care just Go" he states as he unlocks the passenger side door.
Rolling my eyes I grab the handle and push myself out.

"I won't be able to pick you up so take the bus or walk" I look at him in disbelief "how can I walk home if I don't know where home is" he quickly rolls his eyes and says "well maybe if you actually left the house before this you'd know" I look at him humorlessly waiting for more of an answer, he sighs clearly agitated with me " it's 5 minutes down the road, take a left on cherry lane and it's 3 houses down on the right" he pauses before he continues "I'll be home at 6 I expect you to be there when I arrive, now move before I'm late" he complains.

I slam the door closed and throw my middle finger up as he drives away "asshole" I mutter. Looking around at the almost deserted parking lot I decide I better try my luck and hope the front doors are unlocked. Making my way forward I start to feel a little bit of anxiety as I think about the day I have ahead of me.

God I miss my friends, Chris would've told me I was being ridiculous. How could anyone not like you bex, I hear his voice in my head. But here in this midwestern hell I'm definitely going to stick out like a sore thumb. Nothing about the way I look screams that I belong here. With my platinum blonde shag and non conservative wardrobe and dark makeup, I doubt I'll make it through the day without a teacher telling me to cover up, even with the brown leather vest I put over my shirt to appease Hoppers own personal dress code.

Pulling on the handle of the front door I'm slightly surprised it's unlocked, making my way through I try to look for any signs that would point toward the head office. Not finding anything I lazily roam the halls hoping I somehow stumble upon what I'm looking for.

Turning the corner my eyes catch sight of 2 double doors with the words Office written above them. Finally I think to myself, I slowly make my way towards them and place my hands on the knob giving a small tug they open with a load CREAK

"Who's there"
A small but firm voice speaks out
"Hi, sorry I'm a little early I just came to grab my class schedule, I'm new" I cautiously say. "Oh! That's right, I've been expecting you?" She waits for my reply,

"Hopper, Bexley Hopper" the lady in front of me quickly stops what she's doing and looks at me, "Hopper as in Chief Hopper?" She questions suspiciously, "yes ma'am he is my uncle" I state matter of factly not liking how she is staring at me, am I missing something I wonder to myself.
"My apologies, I didn't realize our chief had anymore family" she goes back to rummaging through draws.

" it's ok" I slowly say. As far as I know me and my father are all my uncle has.
Maybe I'm wrong?

She quickly pulls out a piece of paper and leans to hand it to me " alright Hun here is your class schedule, your home room is with Ms Walker she is your Calculus teacher room number 4 just down the hall back where you came" she smiles sweetly at me "class begins in 30 minutes so feel free to wait in the library or find your way around to other classes, students should start pouring in any minute now" she gives me small nod and goes back to what she was doing before I interrupted.
Here goes nothing.

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now