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InterestingIs the best word I could use to describe the ride home with the 2 bickering girls in front of me

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Is the best word I could use to describe the ride home with the 2 bickering girls in front of me. Mostly arguing over which cassette tape to play of course.

"Ugh Nancy we've literally listened to your Bon Jovi tape everyday this week" Robin complains wishing to hear something different.

"And what would you prefer?" Nancy inquires continuing on "More Blondie? At this point you should just get Parallel Lines tattooed in your brain" She scoffs.

"It's not my fault it's an iconic album" Robin rebuttals.
"To be fair, Robin isn't entirely wrong" I agree with the girl so passionately getting her point across.

"Ha! See Nancy, 2 against 1" She gloats to the girl clearly upset she lost this battle.

"That's not fair!"
Nancy replies glancing at me in the rearview mirror, "Bex literally looks like a carbon copy of Debbie Harry" She exasperated. Shifting my eyes to meet her's I smile appreciatively, glad she noticed who I aspire to be like.

Music is a big deal in Seattle, an even bigger one in my life. I think I'd actually die if I went without it for one day. God I miss going to underground shows I wasn't supposed to be at in the city. It was so exhilarating.
Now I have a love for most genres of music but my favorite has to be "Glam Metal" as Chris would describe it. I'd always roll my eyes at the clearly sexist remarks about women's rock bands he would make, but wouldn't say anything as he clearly loved it just as much as I did, though he never admitted it. I miss talking with him about our favorite bands. I remember his sad eyes when I told him I was leaving, "How can you leave now?, There's a brand new genre coming I can feel it".
He was usually was right about that stuff. always predicting when a new band or sound was going to become popular.

"What do you wanna listen to Bex?"
Robin voice pulls me from my reminiscing. I shuffle though my bag and pull out a tape "How about Heart?" Her and Nancy share a look and shrug. "Sure why not!" She reaches back so I can hand her the brand new tape I just bought of the bands newest album.
The rest of the drive goes by smoothly as we listen to the songs go on one by one. Softly singing along right before even louder music comes from behind us. Turning around I notice it's a big old van,
I notice him almost immediately in the front seat head banging away to the new Metallica song, Master Of Puppets. Of course.
And just as quickly as he came into view he even quicker veers left into a mobile home park Forest Hills I read as we drive passed.

"Ew it always stinks over here" Nancy states plugging her nose. I didn't notice at first but after bringing it to my attention I recognize the smell.
"Is that weed?" I say almost in disbelief.
"Oh ya, Eddie is like the second biggest dealer in town"
Robin states matter of factly. Holy shit.
Just when I think I'd have to go off the wagon for an entire year my wishes have been answered. And that answer is Eddie.
I mentally take note of that route Nancy takes to get back to my house from the trailer park, knowing the minute they drop me off I'll be headed back there on foot.

"Wait, Isn't this the chiefs house?" Nancy questions as she pulls up the driveway.
"Did no one mention my last name?" I say to her as she shakes her head no.
"Oh" I briefly pause " I'm Hoppers niece" Hoping to avoid any further questions I open the door and make my way out quickly. "Thank you so much for the ride, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I wave.

Both girls wave back but I notice the puzzled look on Nancy's face. "Wait" Robin stops me, pulls out a pen and scribbles something on a piece of paper and hands it out to me though the window. "Mine and Nancy's numbers, so you can let us know when to pick you up in the morning" she smiles. "Oh don't worry about me I can walk"
I say not wanting to be anymore of a bother. "Nonsense" Nancy speaks "I'm basically the designated driver for my brother and Robin already so one more person won't hurt" she smiles sincerely. And with that we all wave once more as I watch the girls drive off.


The walk to the trailer park was longer than I thought. I should probably exercise more I gasped to myself.
A few more minutes go by and the familiar sign from earlier comes into view.
Now that I'm here I realize I don't know which trailer is his. I sigh and consider if I should just go back the way I came. Just before I turn around though I think I notice the same van that once sped by blaring music parked in front of a home.
Making the probably stupid decision to walk towards it.

Once I reach the door I hesitate, they will be no turning back once I knock.
Going against my better judgment that's exactly what I do.
I hear a small thud and a flustered voice mutter fuck under their breath.
The door flys open with haste and just when I think someone is gonna tell me to get the fuck off their porch,
instead I'm met with those big brown eyes.
Eddie breathes out surprised to see me. I give back a small self conscious smile.

"What are you doing here?" He asks confused. "I mean, how did you know where I lived" He corrects thinking he was rude before.

"Nancy and Robin gave me a ride home when I noticed you drive by" He looks at me to continue "And they mentioned you have an extracurricular activity outside of school" Still looking confused I extend, "And the law"

Finally finished I watch his face as he realized what I meant.
He smirks and opens the door
"Then by all means come on in"

Accepting I squeeze passed him slightly grazing his arm as I do. Closing the door and turning around I see a small blush present on his cheeks. "So what are you in the market for" He asks.
"Just some good ole fashioned Mary Jane" I reply meeting his eyes again, he almost looks relieved. I silently wonder why that is.

Signaling a finger to tell me to wait he turns around and starts digging in draws, giving me a chance to take in my surroundings.
The messy but homey atmosphere makes me feel welcomed as I stare at all the photos and mugs that line the wall. "So who's the hoarder" I joke turning my head to look at him. Almost embarrassed he says "My uncle, he uh always collects random shit"

Obviously not wanting to say more he pulls out a baggy from the draw, he stands "Found it!" Chuckling as he swings it back and forth. I let out a breath of relief. Finally, I think when I see the full bag in his hand. From the pants I'm wearing I pull out a wad of money to pay for it, But a hand reaches out to stop me. Looking up at the boy confused. "First time buyer discount" He offers with a genuine smile. Noticing the skeptical look on my face he continues. "Hey don't feel to special now, it's a deal I give to all my new customers" He winks. Relaxing a bit, "thank you" I say reaching for the bag that he quickly lifts out of my reach.
"Wanna smoke it now?"
Fuck it

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