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"You ok kid?"

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"You ok kid?"


Hopper's yell brings my eyes from the dinner that sits in front of me. Slowly I meet his, which are full of concern.

"Jesus I've been talking for a full 5 minutes. Did you listen to any of it?"
I don't respond. Only continuing to pick at my food, zoning out again as I swirl my potatoes around the plate. I'm not sure how long we sat there in silence but before I know it the plate is being snatched from my grasp.

I groan but not really much upset that the food was stolen.

"Ok spill it"
I look up at him confused not knowing what he could be referring to.

"Spill what?"

"Whatever is bother you"
Despite the annoyance in his voice his face paints a different picture, one filled with solicitude.

"There's nothing wrong"
I lie not wanting to confide in the man. I've been in Hawkins for a little over a month now and things with Hopper are still awkward. We don't know how to act with each other. I mean yes we are technically family but I've only met him once in my entire life when I was a toddler and I barely remember it, the only memory being of a burly man lifting me up in the air and swinging me around with a giant grin on his face. Other than that he is a total stranger. I didn't even know he once had a family and the only reason I know that is from that brief in counter with the office lady, otherwise he's never spoken about it.

"Listen I could not give a rats ass about whatever teenage girl problems you're having but you've been wasting food for the last 3 days so I'm starting to think I need to intervene"
I nervously bite my lip not wanting to tell him about Eddie but it's eating me alive.

"I've been a bad...friend to someone and I don't know how to fix it. Or if I even should"
He squints his eyes like his trying to comprehend what I'm saying.

"What did you do?"
Oh you know just casually avoided a boy I'm deeply attracted to but can't express it and when I'm desperate I call him when it benefits me and then push him away when he tries to get to close.

"Look I'm not good at making friends. It's even harder when you're basically in hiding and have an expiration date for how long you can stay in town"
I say exasperated. Hoppers expression instantly turns sorrow. The weight of the room feeling heavy.

"Do they know that?"
He questions voice filled with apprehension.

"Of course not I'm not stupid"
I say rolling my eyes at the ridiculous question.

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now