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AwkwardThe silence in the air is awkward

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The silence in the air is awkward.
The only sound actually being heard is the constant sips of coffee between me and the man who hasn't yet looked me in the eye.
After spending the rest of the night in my room I knew the morning encounter was probably gonna go 1 of 2 ways, yelling or silence.

Hopper being the obvious man child he is chose to ignore me the minute I came out of my room before I departed for school.
I even decided to cover more skin today to avoid adding more fuel to the fire. A black pair of Dickies and a plum colored short sleeved button up satin shirt that hits right at my waist is what I picked thinking I'd at least get a nod of approval from the petty man.

"You're missing a few buttons"
Not even looking up as he speaks. I roll my eyes.
"I saw that" He grumbles

"Saw what? You literally refuse to look at me" I scoff.

"I don't need to look at you, I know you" He says in full awareness of my spitefulness.

"You don't know anything about me" I narrow my eyes at him as he finally looks up.

"I know a lot more than you think" He says with omniscience. But before I have a chance to rebuttal a loud horn is heard from outside.

"You're ride is here" Nodding his head in the direction the sound came from adverting his gaze back on the newspaper in his lap. Letting a large huff leave my irritated lips I quickly stand grabbing my bag making my way towards the door.

"I expect you home right after school"
Stopping my movements I listen for more, "If I have any suspicion that you got high again I will start making you take drug tests" With all the seriousness in his voice.
I reply by slamming the door closed.

Not even the sight of the 2 laughing girls in the front seat could make my anger disappear. Sensing my irritability they quickly dropped their grins.

"Everything ok?" Robin hesitatingly asks.

I let a sigh slip out "Everything is fine"

"Is it your period?" A strange boy next to me asks.

"Mike!" Nancy shouts in disgust.

"What? You act exactly like that on yours"
He points out, making Nance shake her head in embarrassment as Robin quietly giggles in the front seat. Turning my head to look at the boy I didn't notice before I quickly see the resemblance to Nancy.

"You must be the little brother, Hi I'm Bexley" Giving a small wave. He awkwardly waves back.

"Please ignore him, he's an idiot" Nancy states.

"Oh Shut up" Bringing his hand up to shove her shoulder.

Continuing to watch the 2 siblings bicker I instantly notice what the boy is wearing.
"You're in Hellfire?" I question, Pausing the torment on his sister he looks at me.

"Hell ya" He smiles, Nancy scoffing at the curse word he uses.

"You know what it is?" He questions back.

"Oh no, I've just seen the shirt before" I say as nonchalantly as I can.

Robin quickly takes notice of this and smirks at me through the side mirror, knowing the way Eddie peaked my interest yesterday at lunch.
But having no idea though of what I did with him after school.

"She doesn't wanna join your stupid club Mike so don't even ask" Nancy inserts. Rolling his eyes as he bites back,
  "whatever I wasn't gonna ask her anyway, Eddie doesn't want girls to join"

Taking a glance at me the boy mutters a quick "No offense" I raise my hands up, Suggesting I wasn't interested in the first place.

"Only because he can't get girls to join" Robin snorts causing the rest of us to laugh, apart from Mike who just looks offended.

The front of the school finally comes into view and just barely as Nancy pulls into the parking spot Mike is out the door running toward the group of boys wearing his same shirt.

"God he's such a dork" Nancy says, a smile hidden beneath her condescending tone. Following her eyes I take in the group, A boy with chin length brown curly hair tucked into a hat is the first one I noticed. I recognize him, he's the boy that called Eddie back over to their table yesterday in the cafeteria. Speaking of the Devil himself, He's nowhere to be found. I shake the feeling of disappointment.

"That's Dustin" I hear Robin say.
She must've seen me watching him.
"Mike's best friend" Nancy finished.

" I think Steve would beg to differ" Robin laughs causing Nancy to nod in agreement.

"Although I think Eddie is currently taking over that title" Robin argues back to herself.

"And we know Steve is the jealous type" Nancy gives Robin a tongue and cheek smile.

"I thought you never dated Steve?" Eyeing Robin. A flustered expression covers her face.

"I uh haven't" She stutters, quickly walking ahead of me and Nancy who gave her a sympathetic smile as she passed.

"Did I say something wrong?" I whisper to her.

"Not exactly, it's just a sensitive topic, people always assume they've hooked up, she just hates having to defend their friendship"

The way she pauses as she explains tells me there's more to the story, but I won't pry, Nodding I understand. We catch up to Robin and say our goodbyes for the morning before heading off towards our own classes.

The anxiety growing fast in my chest as I enter the classroom preparing myself to face the boy who didn't deserve my crudeness yesterday. Bumping shoulders trying to push my way through the rows of tables, finally bringing my eyes up expecting to find his filled with scorn, instead finding no one there.

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