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OrdinaryThat's how life in Hawkins as been

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That's how life in Hawkins as been.
The last week has dragged on by with nothing out of the usual happening. Eddie still watches me out of the corner of his eye, I pretend not to notice. Small talk plagues our daily conversations, neither one wanting to confront the tension that runs deeply between us. Scared if I let him in to close I won't be able to hide behind my facade of indifference anymore.
Robin also has been continually trying to convince me to hangout after school, I lie and say I'm grounded. Which was true, for the first 5 days she was asking but then Hooper lifted the ruling not noticing I've been more sneaky with my extracurricular activity.

"Oh come on! Please it's Friday night"
Robin's voice begs me. She's desperately trying to convince me to have a movie night with her.

"I've got it all figured out, You come by the video store at 7 right before I get off, pick out a movie plus snacks and then I will make Steve drive us back to my house for a sleepover"
Looking me over with pleading eyes.

"And before you make up some excuse to get out of it I've already convinced Steve to also pick you up in the morning to drive you home, so all the boxes are covered so unless you make up some bullshit reason why you can't, which I wouldn't even believe you if you did, there's really no excuse, you're coming"

Smiling as she's satisfied with herself. I gape at her, trying to rake my brain for a response but there's nothing there. She's won me over. I shake my head holding back a smile
"Damn it Buckley, you make it impossible to say no to you"

She literally pats herself on the back before continuing
"That's exactly what Steve said to me, you guys are gonna get along great" I throw her a accusing glare

"You better not be trying to set us up Robin" stern clear in my voice. She quickly gets up from the table backing up slowly

"What's that? Sorry I've gotta head to class, see you tonight!" She blows me a kiss as she runs away from me. Damn you Robin.


Convincing Hopper to let me go to Robin's annoyingly detailed planned sleep over was a lot easier than I thought, Probably helped that I conveniently left out the part of Steve tagging along. I also convinced him to drive me to the Video Store which he very grudgingly did, but underneath seems glad I'm actually leaving the house.

"God kid I'm gonna have to start charging you gas money"
I shake my head unamused,

"well if you for once let me drive myself I wouldn't have to bother you to do it"

I have my drivers license just no car, and no car means no way to get to a job and no job means no money I remind him.

"Ya that's not gonna happen" He laughs.

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