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White Which is the color of the ceiling I've been staring at all night due to my restless soul

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Which is the color of the ceiling I've been staring at all night due to my restless soul.
Turning over to see that the clock on my nightstand reads 6:15 AM.
I sigh knowing the zero hours of sleep I got will contribute to my already sour mood.
A soft knock pulls me from my misery,

"Hey Bex, I uh made some coffee if you want some" He hesitantly speaks out.
I decide not to give a real response besides a small groan.
"Listen school doesn't start till 8 but I gotta be at the station in 20 so if you want a ride you better hurry your ass up" I roll my eyes as I hear annoyance in his voice.

Grudgingly I sit straight up, looking around at all the boxes I have since refused to unpack full of clothes. Maybe if I never open them the reality of my situation will never set in I lie to myself.
Regrettably getting out of bed I head over to one box labeled TOPS opening it up I decide to go with the first thing I see, which is a long white sheer top with bell sleeves and slight lace detailing. I turn to the next box and pull out some brown corduroy pants. Being pleased with my choice I make my way towards the mirror to get dressed and finish my makeup, knowing I'll wear my usual dark shadow and liner that will undoubtedly make my tired eyes look worse.
Good enough I think.
Opening the door I make my way towards the kitchen

"Absolutely not"
I hear a gruff voice behind me. Turning around I see Hopper in the hallway with a disapproving look on his face.
"What's your problem" I question him.
"You can't wear that!"
"Says who?" I say with an attitude.
"Bexley" he warns. I knew my bra would show through this shirt, it's exactly why I went with it. I smile, "what's wrong? Scared I'll be labeled a whore?" I swear I almost see his eyes pop out of his head.

He marches toward me,
"Listen you little smart ass, I've had it with your attitude, I've given you a break these last couple of days but that's over" he spits out angrily "you have 2 choices, you either suck it up and start getting your shit together or I can call that state lady and have her come pick you up and take you to that group home if that is what you really want"

Given his tone of voice I can tell how serious he actually is. I look up at him through bitter eyes as I speak,
"Consider my shit together" 
He slowly releases the air it seems he was holding in
"Good, now put a jacket on"

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now