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Steve never came

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Steve never came.
An hour after waiting Robin began calling him over and over again but to no avail.

"I'm gonna kill him" She bellows "I'm so sorry, he's never done something like this" Guilt in her voice.

"Hey it's ok, I'm sure something just came up" Nodding along but I can tell she's not satisfied.

"The only acceptable excuse is if he got into a vicious car crash but with the way he drives like a grandma that's a doubtful scenario"

Covering my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Seriously it's not a big deal I'll call Hopper he's at the station" I wave her off so I can make my way to the phone.

"Hawkins Police Department this Is Florence" The sweet old lady's voice fills my ears

"Hey flo it's Bex, is Hopper around?"
I've only been able to meet the station's secretary once but I know she's a ball buster, especially towards Hopper

"Oh no dear I'm sorry you just missed him, He went out on a call to help Joyce"

"I could try to reach him for you? Although it might be awhile" I sigh knowing she's probably right and a waste of time.

"No thanks Flo I'll figure something else out" Saying goodbye I hang up the phone looking back a Robin with a weak smile
"I can walk home"

"7 Miles!?" Letting out a yelp she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm not letting you walk home, We can wait for Hopper or for my Mom to come home" She pleads but we both know we'd be waiting awhile. Taking a glance at her a probably bad thought crosses my mind.

"I have one more person I can call"

Anxiously picking up the phone I dial the number I've memorized but never dared to use.
A groggy voice answers the phone. I don't respond, to stunned that I actually called him.
He repeats this time annoyed.
"Hey Eddie" I breathed out.
Clearly confused as to why I'm calling.
"What are you up to?" Asking nonchalantly. Robin looks up at me like I'm insane.
"Well it's 10 am I just woke up" He laughs likes it's obvious.
"Oh shit, you're right I'm sorry" Internally kicking myself for waking him up.
"No, no it's fine, can I help you with something?" My heart starts to warm at the boy who even though rudely was awoken still wants to lend a helping hand to someone.
"Actually yes, I know it's out of the blue and you really don't owe me anything but you have a van and I can buy you a coffee or-"
"Slow down there girl" He laughs "just spit it out"
"Right sorry, what would you say to picking me up from Robin's and I treat us to breakfast?"
A brief pause is taken, the boy trying to find a way to to me let me down I'm sure.
"I'll be there in 10"

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now