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Maddening Eddie's constant ways of distracting me are infuriating

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Eddie's constant ways of distracting me are infuriating. Between throwing balls of paper at me or getting up every 5 minutes to get some kind of snack or drink but after 4 hours of working he's decided to move on to something else. The sound of a lighter brings my head up.

I groan watching him take a drag of smoke while sitting on the floor leaned up against the bed.

"Oh come on blondie"
He groans back "we've been working non stop for hours it's time for a break" He leans forward and holds out the joint for me to take. I look at him from my seat at the desk debating whether or not to participate in his idea of a break. Deciding to give in I put my pencil down and stand up walking towards him before sitting down directly in front of him. With my feet crossed underneath me matching his position our knees touch but neither make a move to change that.

I take the joint and bring it to my lips inhaling a big huff enough to make a novice cough but for me I just feel the relaxation roll down my body. I take another and another wanting to make the feeling more intense and forget all my worries. Feeling satisfied I take a look at Eddie who's eyes are already on me. Intensely holding eye contact waiting for my next move. The air being thick with tension.

Within the last couple of hours in between studying and Eddie's inability to sit still we've stolen many glances at each other. With him on his bed on his side staring at me as I wrote all the notes, eyes tracing down my seated body usually lingering on my chest as my top didn't do well at hiding the fact I wasn't wearing a bra. And me staring at him as he read from the textbook watching his lips as he spoke every word and my own eyes not being able to tear away from the small patch of hair that was peaking out from the top of his jeans.

I blame the weed and the fact that I haven't been laid in months and the hormonal urges of my period I'm on that cause me to lean forward on my knees and bringing my face inches away from Eddie's. He looks confused but doesn't dare question me as I bring the joint up to my lips taking another hit inhaling slowly, I grab his chin bringing his lips to mine but not quite touching. It takes him a moment to understand what I'm doing but as he does he parts his lips and I slowly exhale the smoke into his mouth as he inhales and I watch as his face fills with ecstasy. When he's done we just continue to stare at each other. He looks down at my lips and then up to meet my eyes almost asking permission to kiss me. His hands grab onto my waist bringing me even closer, his nose brushes up against mine but before I can make a move the sound of the front door slamming shut causes us to jump apart and me to fly back into the chair at the desk and Eddie to stand up adjusting his pants.

"Where you at boy"
A gruff voice calls out from the front of the trailer. Eddie sighs angrily before looking at me and mouthing 'uncle' to me so I know who rudely interrupted us.

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now