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What the fuck What the absolute fuck is Steve Harrington doing here

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What the fuck
What the absolute fuck is Steve Harrington doing here. And why is he standing in front of me trying to have a conversation. Something in the air shifted as soon as Steve spoke. The lightheartedness that was building between me and Eddie had been cut and now replaced with thick tension. And not the good kind.

"How have you been?"
Steve asks. A nervous hand scratching at the back of his neck. Both of us knowing he basically stood me up and left me almost stranded at Robin's house.

"I've been good"
I say shortly trying to end the conversation before it begins. I don't have any animosity toward Steve but I've learned my lesson about giving people second chances. And I won't make that mistake again.

"That's good"
Rocking back and forth on his feet now. But still he stays.

"I'm great too, thanks for asking"
Eddie sarcastically says. His abrupt input causing me and Steve to turn our attention to him.

"Oh hey Man, what's up?"
Eddie rolls his eyes at Steve's attempt at trying to include him.

"Well I was in the middle of a conversation before you came alone. What's your purpose here again?"
I widen my eyes at Eddie. Never seeing this side of him before. Sure he can be a smart ass but never rude. As the 2 boys stare down each other the tension grows like a burning kettle. I see Steve get visually uncomfortable. Not knowing why Eddie is being so hostile towards him.

"Uh I just saw Bexley sitting here and figured it was a good time to come over and apologize for last weekend"
Steve softly smiles at me while Eddie looks at him and than me. Clearly confused as to what Steve is referring to.

"Well I appreciate that Steve, but it's ok really it all worked out"
I smile hoping this will satisfy him. He nods in returns.

"Good. Well I hope to see you around?"

"I'm sure you will. With Robin and I being friends"
He waved goodbye to both of us and made his way to the front of the restaurant leaving me alone again with Eddie, who is giving Steve's back a glare

"What the hell was that about?"
He blurts out.

I mumble picking up the menu and reading it trying to be nonchalant.

"Seriously Bexley what was Steve apologizing for?"
A different tone is in his voice this time. It almost comes across as protective.

"Seriously it's nothing"
A hand reaches out pulling the menu away from my face. I'm met with unconvinced eyes.
I sigh knowing there's no way out of this.

"Remember last Saturday? When you picked me up from Robin's house?"
He nods wanting me to continue.

"Well technically Steve was supposed to pick me up and drive me home. But he never showed"
He doesn't speak. He adverts his eyes away from mine and back down to the menu in front of him. Now realizing I only called him because I had no other option. He continues to scan the pages and I'm left feeling guilty. I never told him why he needed to pick me up that day but he also never asked. But sitting here now I know I've made a mistake. I mean how many times did I really think I could continue taking his kindness for granted. Only hanging out with him when I need him. Does he realize now? Realize that I'm not someone he should be friends with.
This is what you wanted remember.
It was.
But now with him sitting in front of me I'm actually sad. Sad he is starting to see the real me. And now he probably doesn't want anything further to do with me.

"Hey Darling did you decide on something to eat?"
Gloria returns and is ready to take our order. But before I can say anything Eddie interjects,

"Just 2 coffee's to go, 1 with sugar and cream and the other without"
He quickly hands her both menus and then digging out some cash from his jeans. She looks at him confused but takes the money.

"Sure thing Darling, be out in 3 minutes"
Leaving us alone again Eddie still won't look at me. Only letting his eyes dance around the room.

I sigh out trying to get his attention. But he simply ignores me.

"Come on Eddie"

"Coffee's up!"
Gloria's voice rings out and Eddie stands up leaving me at the table as he grabs the cups and walks out the door. My mouth gapes at the boy. All the sadness is strip away and replaced with anger.

I follow the boy out of the restaurant but only his van is in the parking lot. I scan the area not finding Eddie anywhere. I huff and make my way to the van. I pull on the handle but it's locked. I shake my head at his stubbornness. I decide to try my luck with the drivers side. I walk around the back of the van but before I can place my hand of the handle my body is slammed against the side of the sliding door. My wrists are pinned on either side of my head and a heavy body stands directly in front of me not giving me any room to move.

"What the hell?"
I yell. I continue to struggle but the hands pinning me in place are stronger than me. I know instantly who it is. His musky scent making me aware before looking up into his frustrated eyes.

"Are you done?"
He says clearly annoyed I haven't given up on trying to break free.

"Are you insane! Let me go you asshole"
I scream again.

"I'm the asshole?"
He scoffs
"You're the one who keeps making me think we're getting somewhere only for you to continue to lead me on"

My anger only increases
"Lead you on? How have I led you on?"

"Oh come on Bexley stop playing dumb and admit it"
What is his problem?

"Admit what? That you're a prick? Because you are"
He only shakes his head at me in disbelief.

"Jesus Eddie I've never led you on. We are-"

"Are what?"
He interrupts. Peering down at me. His brown chocolate eyes become even more dark than I thought they could be.

"Friends. We're friends"
I blurt out trying to not only convince him but also myself. He leans down closer, bringing his lips to my ear.

"Well you're a terrible friend"
He whispers. His breath sending a shiver down my spine. His lips linger on my ear before moving lower to almost rest on the nook of my neck. But he doesn't move. Like he's waiting for my reaction. I want to shove him away and run but my body betrays me. I lean into his touch. His lips graze my skin. I want more. But he pulls away, leaving me cold.

"Let's get you home"
He steps back looking at me briefly before unlocking the van and getting in the drivers seat. This time not walking me around and opening my door.
Instead he leaves me cold and surprisingly

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