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Friday's were the worst day of the week

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Friday's were the worst day of the week.
I know what you're thinking, how could they be? They signify the end of the school week and the start of a glorious weekend. But for me Friday's only bring pain. And that pain being gym class with Jason Carver.
How the school sees him as an angel instead of the obvious spawn of the devil he is leaves me baffled. Despite him dating some girl named Heather I alway catch him watching me. Whether it's in the lunch room or first period or even now as we run drills in gym. But unlike when Eddie watches me I feel quite uneasy as the Carver boy stalks me across the room. We've barely spoken but a few words together, most of which coming from him in first period usually in the form of bullying Eddie and me telling him to fuck off. At first I thought maybe it could be crush. Like how old ladies always say,
"if he picks on you that means he likes you"
That sentiment has always rubbed me the wrong way. Why would I want to go out with a guy that shows his supposed affection for me in the form of teasing? But judging on the way his eyes always seem to glare at me accompanied by a scowl on his face I quickly came to the conclusion that a crush was not the right assumption.

So here we stand, on opposite sides of the gym sweaty and red in the face from all the running when the teacher tells us it's finally time for a break. I unfortunately don't have Robin or Nancy in this class so I walk off by myself to lean against the gym wall sipping on the water in my bottle when all of a sudden I notice the blonde boy coming in my direction. Wanting to avoid whatever he has to say I close the bottle placing it back on the ground and just when I'm about to push off the wall and walk away he swiftly grabs my elbow keeping me pinned against the wall. If looks could kill he'd be dead.

"You have about 5 seconds to let go of me before my fist connects with your face" I say through gritted teeth not caring that such an act would land me in detention. Him not moving fast enough for my liking I quickly yank my arm from his grasp and turn around ready to walk away when he this time gently places his hand on my shoulder, not enough force to actually stop me but the motion makes me pause anyway knowing he probably won't give up.

"I just want to talk"
He says slowly not wanting to actually find out if I'd live up to my threat. I would.
I give him approximately 3 seconds to continue but when he doesn't I roll my eyes and turn away again fully annoyed and over this interaction. I only hear him mumble something under his breath as he makes his way in front of me again blocking my path.

"What the hell do you want Carver?"
Normally I wouldn't think twice about the choice of words I use but knowing how much of a church boy he is I figured certain ones would piss him off more and that brings me more joy than you could know.

"I want to talk about you...and Eddie"
He pauses painfully slow on that last part almost testing to see how I would react.

"And what actually is there to talk about?" Annoyance clear in my voice.

"Are you and him dating?" He questions. He almost seems apprehensive like he's worried to know the answer. I look at him coldly as I respond.

"And why the fuck would you care?"
If I didn't know any better I swear Eddie was the person he might've actually had a crush on.

"Just yes or no" he says sternly like he's losing patience with me.

"Not that it's any of your business but no. Why?" He looks around the room to make sure no one is paying attention before coming in even closer. My first instinct is to back away but him grabbing my wrist stops me.

"He's dangerous" He whispers. I'm not sure why, everyone in this damn school already thinks that.

"Oh yeah the lavender shampoo really screams psycho" I roll my eyes at the ridiculous boy knowing the one everyone calls a freak use's sweet scented soap but swears his uncle bought him it by accident. Jason applies more pressure to my wrist like he's trying to convey the seriousness he feels.

"I'm serious! I know you've heard the rumors around school but those are just child's play compared to what I know"
The look in his eyes sends a shiver down my spine but not in a good way. Not like when Eddie stares at me. This is different. This is someone full of hate and it terrifies me. And I'm not interested in hearing anymore.

"Let go" 
He doesn't.
"Let. Me. Go" I say fiercely. Eyes have now been drawn to us. Noticing our closeness but also the tension. Jason now aware of our audience he finally let's go but before walking away he speaks once more with a voice I can only describe as venomous.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. You might end up dead"

And with that he makes his way out of the gym leaving me dumbfounded, along with everyone else in the room.

What the fuck

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