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I thought I had made it home in time

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I thought I had made it home in time.
I didn't

As soon as I unlocked the front door I was confronted with the displeased man waiting for me in the living room.

"I asked you to do one thing"

He says way to passively for my liking. The calm before the storm.

"Where the Hell have you been" This time his voice makes my blood run cold.

"Out" I say like it's no big deal.

I try and make my way passed to get to my bedroom but he blocks my body with his.

"With?" He demands to know.

"Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley" I tell the truth. Well half truth, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I avoid eye contact as Unsuspiciously as I can knowing my eyes are probably glossy red from the substance I smoked only hours ago.

"Look at me when I talk to you"
I slowly bring my eyes to meet his naively hoping he won't notice.
He glares knowingly, the words taste like poison I'm sure as he speaks
"Are you high right now?"

Maybe it was the way his face was so red I swear he'd pop a blood vessel or maybe it's because I'm stoned out of my mind that I start to giggle before nodding.

He pinches the bridge of his nose obviously trying not to lose anymore of his temper.
"I swear to God" He mutters under his breath
"Go to your room, Now!"  This time he yells.
My giggling stops and my face falls. He doesn't spare me another glance as he makes room for me to pass. Knowing I've messed up I quickly make my way in and shut the door. Leaning my forehead against the cold wood.
Why do I always mess everything up.
I refuse to let the tears begging to escape my eyes fall down.
Sitting alone in the quiet room gives me a chance to look back on my afternoon with Eddie. Of course I saw the hurt on his face as I spoke to him before I left.

It wasn't his fault. It was mine.
I shouldn't have stayed. But I couldn't help myself. His presence making be feel comfortable. He reminds me so much of Chris. I think that's way I acted the way I did when he brought up Seattle. I felt guilty. Like I was betraying the boy who I haven't spoken to in almost a week.
You have nothing to feel guilty about.
I remind myself.
Chris isn't mine anymore.
That doesn't stop me from wishing it wasn't the truth.

I have to stay away from Eddie. He reminds me to much of the pain I had to leave behind.
I also can't get to close to the girls that brought me so much joy today. It wouldn't be fair to them.

My mind then thinks back to Hopper. Despite what he may think, I don't hate him. But I also must keep him at a distance.
I won't let myself endure the pain of one more person exiting my life.
I wouldn't survive

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now