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"Where the hell have you been?" Robin's worried voice echos in the lunchroom as she finally sees me

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"Where the hell have you been?"
Robin's worried voice echos in the lunchroom as she finally sees me. Nancy is tailing close behind with an equally concerned look on her face.

"We drop you off this morning and then you miss 3 classes, is everything ok?"
A tinge of disappointment drips in her voice because the academic scholar in her couldn't fathom ditching.

"Yes I'm fine I just had to take care of something"
Neither of them look satisfied. They take a seat in front of me at the table and give me a suspicious look eager for me to keep going.

"For 3 hours?"
Robin questions me. I sigh conflicted. Trying to find the words to explain to them how I've spent these last few hours, but my mind is still racing still trying to process what happened earlier.

"Under what condition Eddie?"
I ask nervously. The smirk on his face makes me think he's thought about this for awhile.

"With that traitor Lucas always practicing for pre tryouts with that piece of shit basketball team, I'm down a player for my campaign"
I look at him confused. Not understanding what he is trying to say.

"But all is well now"
He smiles
"Now we have you"
His smile grows.

It finally clicks and instantly I'm repelled.

"Absolutely not"

"And why not?"
He asks annoyed with my attitude.

"Because I don't know how to play and it-it would be-"

"Be social suicide?"
My eyes soften while his fill with something I can't quite describe.

"No, it would be unfair to your club"
I say sincerely, not wanting to be burden to anyone else.

"I'll teach you"
His eyes light up. He takes a few strides to me and stands just an arm away. A small smile on his face.

"Come on blondie, it'll be fun"
He leans even closer, I can faintly smell the mint on his breath. But this time I surprise myself, I don't push him away.

"And by me doing this, we will be ok?"
He doesn't even hesitate when replying.

But I hesitant, by accepting this I will no longer be able to hide from him. For weeks he has put little cracks in my wall and I'm afraid he may break it down eventually.

"Ok, you have a deal"

"He taught you what!?"
Nancy shrieks while Robin smiles to herself like she knew this would happen eventually.

"Did you not hear a word I just said"
I say rolling my eyes playfully at the horrified girl.

"Your brother plays that game why are you so worried"
She sighs quietly.

"Haven't you seen how much they get bullied? I'd hate to see the same happen to you"
I reach across the table and place my hand on top of hers that's anxiously tapping against it.

"I appreciate the concern I really do but I'll be fine I promise. It's only a one time thing and I doubt anyone will find out"
Physically she relaxes a bit but I can still tell she remains unconvinced.

A voice I recognize comes up from behind me.

"Hi Eddie"
Both girls say in unison. Robin with a real smile on her face and Nancy with a forced smile on like hers like always when Eddie is around.

"Hi Bexley"
Since my back is facing him and I never turned toward him he brings his head around mine and lays it on my shoulder.

"Hey there"
I laugh not being able to see him well from this angle.

"Still remember where to meet me after school?"
I shake my head at the boy laughing again knowing we literally just had this conversation.

"Yes Eddie"

"Just checking"
He smirks and sends me a wink before lifting his head off me.

"See you later then. Bye ladies"
He waves and walks off. I turn my head to watch him walk back to his friends at his table who also have been watching our entire interaction. The 2 youngest boys I've come to know a bit smile and wave at me while all the rest of the boys don't look as friendly. I turn back towards the girls shaking off the feeling of their obvious indifference toward me. When I look up Robin gives me a sly grin.

I ask her.

"This is gonna be interesting"

I know

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