11 (E.M)

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UnrealHer sitting in front of me is unreal

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Her sitting in front of me is unreal.
The last thing I expected when I got home today was for her to knock on my front door moments later.
Next thing I know we're sitting on my bedroom floor stoned out of our minds. Of course I lied to her when I said I offer all first time customers a free dime bag. I just wanted to make a good impression.

Me asking her to smoke it with me however came at a shock to both of us.
Me acting before I think again. I somehow make myself into more of a fool when she's around. She doesn't seem to mind though, at least right now. She thinks I'm quite hilarious in fact.
"You're an idiot" She laughs.
Well maybe not.

"How am I an idiot?" I laugh along with her.

"For making everyone think you're some badass satanist when you're really the opposite"
She teases.

"And how do you know I'm not?"
I lower my eyes to look at her. She makes eye contact with me before breaking out into a wide grin and motioning to the room we're currently in.

"You literally have stuffed animals on your bed! Not to mention the Madonna record I can see hidden behind you" she giggles, laughing even harder she falls over when she notices my cheeks red from embarrassment. But I quickly recover,
"First of all sweetheart that isn't a stuffed animal it just so happens to be a stuffed replica of James Hatfield's guitar and second of all every man is entitled to some guilty pleasures in life" I state, embarrassment completely gone from my demeanor.

Still laying on the floor she looks up at me through thick lashes, Oh fuck.

"And what other guilty pleasures do you have" She inquires still looking up at me with those sultry blue eyes. I suck in a quick breath of air, debating how I should respond.

"Do you really wanna know?" I test. Looking at her with desire in my eyes.
She holds eye contact with me for a moment knowing whatever she wants to say next will change the direction of this conversation.

slowly she looks away clearly loosing the confidence she once held. Sensing the uncertainty I quickly make a change of pace.
"Fine" I sigh "you've pulled it out of me, I actually really like musicals, Grease being my favorite" I reveal.

She swiftly sits up, clearly appreciating the more humorous atmosphere, "Shut up!" She chokes out through the unstoppable laughter she has.
"Ya ya get it out" I roll my eyes while smiling at the girl who makes my day a little brighter.

We continue on like this for a little while longer, giggling over jokes we tell each and listening to music, which leads me to find out we have a very similar taste. That fact actually surprises me.
"I didn't realize you were such a big metal fan?" I ask astounded.

"Oh totally! Although my favorite band is Heart" she reveals happily.

"Respect" I nod in approval. Not their biggest fan by any means but enough to appreciate what they do. She looks at me like I'm the first man to agree with her on the topic.

"I'm guessing where you're from influences you a lot" I say knowing full well the sound blossomed in the rainy city.

"What do you mean" She questions.

"You know Seattle? I've heard how big the Metal Scene is there".

Something almost shifts in her the minute I bring up her home. Surprise crosses her face like she forgot she use to live there. She looks down almost like she's guilty of something.
"I'm sorry did I say something to upset you?"

"No not at all"
She quickly mutters standing up towering over me now. Turning her head to my bedside table looking at the clock that reads 5:45 pm.
"Shit!" frustration presented in her voice, picking up her bag she runs out of my room toward my front door.

"What's wrong?" Worried I've actually upset her. Following her out I see her putting on her shoes.
"I'm late!" She cries "And will be dead if he finds out" I assume she's talking about a curfew and a father.

"Let me drive you" I offer feeling bad I've kept her so long.

"If he sees me in your van I'm definitely dead" She says insinuating being see with me is worse than any other boy.

"Look I guarantee it will take you even longer to run home than it will be for me to just drop you off near by" Hurt definitely present in my voice as I offer a solution. She stops her movements, looking back at me with regret in her eyes but no attempt at an apology. Slowly nodding her head accepting my offer. Grabbing my keys I lead the way out to my van.

Not many words are spoken besides the directions she gives me to drive her home.
How could the afternoon fall apart so quickly?
"Stop here"
I do as she says. The clock on the dash now reading 5:58. She reaches for the handle but pauses just before opening it,
"Thank you" she whispers "for the ride home, and everything else"

She doesn't look back as she runs out and up the driveway towards a small house.
Sighing I turn the wheel and head back to my trailer wishing she was still next to me.
What the hell just happened

Inscrutable (Eddie Munson) Where stories live. Discover now