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UnexpectedI actually feel disappointed that Eddie isn't sat next to me

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I actually feel disappointed that Eddie isn't sat next to me. Almost wishing to have his eyes on me once again.
Where is he? More importantly why do I care?
I know I have to stay away from him for my own sake so why do I seek him out?
The rest of 1st period goes by agonizingly slow. But finally the bell rings signaling my release not only from this class but also hopefully the pondering of the boy plaguing my mind.

Reuniting with Robin definitely halts the thoughts I'm trying so hard to ignore. She even cures the sour mood I once again had at the beginning of the day.
Unlike yesterday we walk to the cafeteria together, picking up Nancy along the way we head to the same table sat beside the big window.

"Who you looking for?" Robin interrupts my watchful eyes on the crowd around me.

"What? Oh uh no one" I stammer out, which doesn't help the fact she clearly knows I'm lying.

"Are you sure? Because I couldn't help but notice a certain someone wasn't in your 1st period today" She smirks at me.

"Who are we talking about?" Nancy queries,

"No one!"


Both me and Robin say at the same time. I throw her a glare and she snickers.

"Why are you looking for Eddie?" A confused look on Nancy's face appears. Robin answers before I can think of something,

"She has a crush on him, Obviously" She says like it's the clearest picture in the world. A stunned "oh" escapes the other girls lips.

"Do not!" I declare in truth.
Is it the truth?
I quickly ignore the thought that tries to evade my brain.
It's not. I won't let it.

"I want to buy from him" I force out. Tricking the girls and my mind into thinking that's the only explanation as to why I'm seeking him out.

"Like drugs?" Nancy questions, a hint of judgement in her voice.

"Just weed" I shrug knowing it's not a big deal, at least for me. "Is that a problem?" I ask them.

"No not at all" Both girls share a look before Robin continued, "just concerned, I've- we've seen some people go down a bad path before" Sadness evident in her voice.
Reaching my hand out to touch hers I smile gratefully.

"I appreciate the concern I really do but I promise there's nothing to worry about" I say assuring them it's the truth. Seemingly convinced Robin reveals the possible whereabouts of the tattooed boy.

"I've heard that he conducts a lot of his deals in the forest behind the football field".


I'm literally gonna get murdered out here.
Following the path that leads into the woods I'm entirely alone out here with no sightings of either a picnic table or Eddie.


Whipping around quickly in the direction of the twigs breaking behind me. Nothing.
Sighing out in relief I decide to keep walking for a bit not wanting to get mud all over my boots for nothing.
Relaxing a bit as I finally see the old table just up ahead.
"Eddie? Eddie are you out here" I call out waiting for a reply that never comes. Another snap, this time further in front of me but with all the trees I can't see a thing.
Fuck this
Slowly I back up but before I had the chance to actually turn around my shoulders come in contact with a chest of someone taller than me. Screaming at the top of my lungs as hands grab onto my upper arms to help whip me around.

"Easy there" A familiar voice brings me back to my senses. Still feeling the large hands clutching me I look up into those brown eyes that almost make me soften at the sight of them but my racing heart won't allow me to.

"You ok?" He questions with a small laugh.

"No! You scared the shit out of me, asshole" I huff. He shakes his head amused.

"Don't blame me you're the one out here all by yourself"

"Looking for you!" I point out.

"Me?" He says softly almost as if he doesn't believe it.

"Well ya, everything happened so quickly yesterday I realized after I got home I forgot the rest of the baggy" hoping he understands what I mean. Nodding he says,
"Right of course" sighing as he walks around me to sit at the table, he pulls out a lunch box.

"You'll have to pay this time" Not sparing me a glance as he rummages through the box. I shake my head ok and take a seat In front of him.
An awkward silence glooms over us. I clear my throat to gain his attention.

"I also wanted to apologize, for yesterday"
He looks at me confused
" you already did"
Sweat begins to poor in my palms trying to redeem myself a bit
" I know, but I don't think I did a very good job" I say pathetically.
"No you didn't"

Meeting my eyes again I want to vanish under his fierce gaze. He knows what he's doing. Making me feel guilty and vulnerable. I think he enjoys it. He holds eye contact, testing me to see if I break first. But I hold my ground.

"I mean you basically insinuated that you're embarrassed to be seen with me" He continues to test me.

"I did no such thing!" I gasp. Offended he thinks of me as that kind of person.

"Want me to recite it for you? Cause it just continues to play over and over again in my head" sighing like he's grief stricken.
But a humorous glint in his eye makes me catch on.

"Well that seems like a problem for your therapist not me" I taunt knowing full well I'm messing with him just as much as he's messing with me. He clutches his heart like I've pulled it from his chest.

"Wow you're meaner than I thought" He mocks, making a pouty face at me

"You must like it or else you wouldn't be out here with me" I say playfully.

"You're right, I do like it" the humorous glint now completely gone from his demeanor.

He draws me in, I don't know how he does it but he makes me set aside all my troubles and doubts, for whenever I'm in his presence for better or for worse I become completely

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