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"You would be terrible at that job."

"Gee, thanks. But no one is asking you, Austin."

"You didn't want to do it, Dahlia. I had to beg you."

"Not everything has to be said out loud, Gina!" Dahlia says as she stands in front of a full-length mirror in the shortest black leather skirt she has ever seen. Gina has a matching pink one on and Austin is sporting a scowl as he looks at them while he clutches one of his beloved guitars. They have been in New York or hell as Dahlia likes to call it, for a few weeks now. Her and Gina have been searching for jobs and found one today. They are waitresses at a pub and grill called 'Sweet and Sour'.

It goes without saying that Dahlia gets to be dressed in all back leather and represents the sour part while Gina gleefully is the sweet part dressed in pink leather. Given, it's not Dahlia's first choice and she is sure she will be fired sooner rather than later but a job is a job. But now after Austin's comment, she is feeling self-conscious. Does he think she is too stupid to remember a food order? "Do you have to wear that? Thought you would be the first to kick up a fuss about wearing a short tight leather skirt. Objectifying women and all that shit," Austin says. Oh, that's the problem. He is worried about the number of guys that will hit on Gina.

Gina giggles then grabs her bag. "I am just going to the loo. I will meet you at the lift," she says and dashes out. Dahlia slips on her black leather jacket and looks at Austin. He is staring out the window - sulking.

"You don't have to worry about her," she says trying to hide her annoyance. "What?" Austin asks turning his head to face her. "Gina. You don't have to worry about guys hitting on her. I will chase them away." Austin looks at Dahlia for what seems like ages with a sad face. "Thanks," he says eventually. Dahlia shrugs and picks up her bag from next to him on the bed. "Dahlia. I will meet you and Gina at the pub at the end of your shift...I don't think it's safe walking on your own so late," he says. Dahlia gives him a curt nod then turns to go and meet Gina by the lift. She can look after herself but part of her wishes Austin worried about her like he does Gina, even if it's just a little bit.

Gina takes forever in the toilet and Dahlia curses herself for leaving the apartment too early because now she has to wait in the passage twiddling her thumbs. "Hello," a happy voice says from behind her. Dahlia turns around and comes face to face with a rather lovely-looking man in a bike helmet and tight bike shorts. "You just moved into 105, right? I am in 101. Nice to meet you," he says with a sweet smile. He seems nice. "Hi...and yes...105," Dahlia fumbles a little. She battles with first meetings. They always feel awkward.

"You enjoying the city so far?" he asks. "No," she says. 101 throws his head back and lets out a loud contagious laugh. He is not put off or annoyed by her weird answer. "Yeah. It took me ages to find my place here. It will happen," he says. Dahlia likes him and his laugh. "Hope to see you around 105," he says then dips down the stairwell. "Oh, who was that?" Gina says rushing toward Dahlia just as the elevator doors open. "101," Dahlia mumbles pressing the button. "Well he is cute, you should go on a date with him," Gina says elbowing her. Dahlia rolls her eyes. If only Gina knew how she really felt. With Austin in the world, 101 stands no chance.

Sweet and Sour is everything Dahlia hates. It's a breeding ground for misogyny. Men with big egos and limp dicks, drinking beers and telling bullshit stories with their buddies about some hot model they pulled once in their early twenties. Dahlia is placed behind the bar, the manager saying that it may be best for everyone that there is a barrier between her and...well, everyone. The manager is the first person in New York that Dahlia likes.

Watching Gina and serving drinks is a full-time job. The bar is very busy and so Dahlia is sweating with the amount she is running up and down. But she keeps getting cheezy grins and, "keep the change, sweet cheeks," so she doesn't complain with her tip jar nearly full. She can hear Gina giggling from the tables and when Dahlia flicks her eyes over she can see her flirty with the customers happily.

During their last hour, Dahlia sees Austin come into the pub and take a seat at the bar. He scans the pub and frowns when he sees Gina flirting with a table of men. Dahlia feels a little bad. She had told him she would look after Gina, make sure guys back off but she had done nothing to stop the flirting. She even feels a little smug. But that's the thing about love. Austin is hurt and sad now - so she can't rejoice. His pain is her pain. It's pretty fucked up.

"It will just hurt more if you keep looking," she leans over the bar and whispers in his ear. Austin jumps and spins around to look at Dahlia, leaning his elbows on the table. "Were you never taught to not sneak up on people?" he asks with a grin. Dahlia shrugs and leans her elbows on the bar, matching his stance. "The opposite actually. I was taught that I should sneak up on everyone. It makes stealing hearts easier. People can't see you coming," she answers in her flirtiest voice. She may have had one or two tequila shots earlier. Austin's grin grows until he starts laughing with his head thrown back. His laugh sends shivers down Dahlia's spine. Austin is just lovely.

Once he collects himself he looks at Dahlia, still smiling. "Sneaking up and stealing hearts. Well I would say you have both art forms down to a fine skill, little lady," Austin says, still trying to contain his laughter. Dahlia laughs a little. Austin's smiling face drops into one of mock shock. "Oh, she laughs!" he says. "Shut up, Austin," Dahlia says turning to get him a beer. She can't help it. Austin makes her giddy. Turning back she sees that Gina has found her way to his side and he looks completely engrossed in what she is saying. So she places his beer in front of him quietly and moves on to help the next customer.

She had him for a few minutes and so she will be happy with that.

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