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The apartment is empty when Dahlia gets in. But she can see Austin's big shoes that he had been wearing lying haphazardly on the floor. She places his precious guitar in the corner with the other two. Then she notices the window to the fire escape is open so she walks over and sticks her head out the window. Sure enough, Austin is out there, sitting on the ledge with his back leaning against the wall. He is smoking and gripping a bottle of wine in his hand. He still looks sad and does not even acknowledge Dahlia's presents, choosing to just stare dramatically off into the distance.

Dahlia could try and coax him into talking but truth be told she can't fix her own problems - she has no fucking idea how she would even begin to try and fix whatever is going on with Austin. So she just climbs out and sits down next to him, leaning on the wall with her back. Austin offers her the smoke which she accepts as well as the bottle of wine. She is not a wine drinker, but what the hell? She takes a sip and then immediately regrets it. It tastes like shitty vinegar, But she tries to keep her composure so she screws her face up and forces herself to swallow the nasty shit in her mouth.

She hears Austin let out a little chuckle. "This is shit. Leaves a shitty aftertaste too," Dahlia says softly smacking her lips together. "Come here," Austin says curling his fingers around her nape and guiding her lips to his. He kisses her till all she can taste is him then he pulls back. He gives her a small sad smile and then lights another smoke. "Here," he says pulling a beer from the box next to him and passing it to Dahlia. "The girl from the bottle store said I looked so sad she gave me the bottle of wine for free when I got the beer," he says.

Dahlia leans back on the wall and sips her beer while finishing her smoke. It's a good fifteen minutes of sitting in silence, comfortable silence before Austin says anything. "My grandfather taught me how to play guitar when I was five. I wanted to be a musician ever since. He gave me those three guitars...they are priceless - for sentimental reasons. I tried everything. You saw the monstrosity of a band I had in high school. I have been scraping by in New York...pubs, streets...even played at a few weddings. Just waiting for my big break...know what I mean?" he asks. Dahlia gets what he is saying, she nods. He looks beat down and she is a little scared about what he might say next.

"Did you see that rich suited asshole there tonight?" he asks. "Yeah," Dahlia answers. "He came to watch us tonight. He is a record producer...said we were shit. That we are forgettable and he wasted his evening...that was fucking hard to hear," Austin says. That pisses Dahlia off. That record producer is an asshole, but Dahlia can see on Austin's face he does not want to hear her going on about the record producer. He needs her just to listen to him.

"Nothing crushes your soul quite as hard as being told your dream is rubbish," Austin says, his voice sounding small. It dam near breaks Dahlia's heart. "Sorry he made you feel like that, Austin," Dahlia says. Austin turns his head to look at her. He scans her face for a while then blinks slowly and cocks his head. "What do you think? About my band...about my dream?" Austin asks. "Easy question...amazing. Could do with a sprinkling of ABBA, but that's just me being nostalgic," Dahlia says. Austin smirks and then fishes out another beer for her and himself.

"Do you want to give up? On your dream, I mean."

"Yeah. I want to give up every day. It's a hard fucking dream to pursue."


"But...I will never. It's too deeply ingrained into my chest. I will chase this dream forever."

"Fuck that guy," Dahlia whispers and takes a sip of her beer. Austin lets out a laugh then nods. "Yeah. Fuck that guy," he says. Dahlia stands up and then puts her hand out for Austin. "Come, I want to try something. Might take your mind off this shit," she says. Austin looks up at her and grins.

"Does it start with an A?"



"What the fuck are you in about?"


"Ok, I am done with you," Dahlia says climbing back into the apartment. Austin, still laughing, follows closely behind her and grabs her hips, spinning her around. "I am only joking you grumpy cow," he says. Dahlia starts laughing and he pulls her into his body, wrapping his arms around her. She likes the warm feeling that shoots around her body. She leans in and kisses him.

Slowly as they are kissing Austin slides his hand down her sides and undoes the zipper on her skirt then pulls it down over her thighs. "This skirt is ridiculous," he says. Dahlia rolls her eyes and laughs at him. "Get over it already. It's just a uniform," she says taking his hand and guiding it between her thighs. She bites his lip as he inserts a finger into her. He pulls his head back slightly, watching her as he strokes her lazily. "Off," he says tugging at the hem of her shirt. She does as he asks and removes his shirt too, letting out an annoyed whine as he removes his fingers to get his shirt off. "Relax, baby. I will take care of you," he says.

"I need more than your fingers," she just about demands. Austin takes off his pants then pushes her onto the bed and settles himself between her thighs. He can't help the smile on his face when he sees her breasts, dipping his head he sucks and nips at them. He positions himself after Dahlia rolls her hips, desperate for more, and pushes into her. Fuck, he feels so good that she almost forgets how to breathe. Dahlia wraps her legs around his hips prompting him to thrust into her even deeper and she lets out a whimper. Austin leans down and kisses her like it means something and Dahlia almost, almost falls for it. But Austin has just been kicked in the gut so it's understandable - Dahlia knows these kisses are secretly for Gina and not her. But she will take what she gets for now. It's desperate of her - but she has never denied being desperate for Austin. It's just a way of life.

She can feel her orgasm start down at her toes and softly move up a little higher every time he thrusts into her. She rolls her hips and by the time her orgasm reaches her lower belly, her whole body is shaking and practically vibrating. Austin's steady and slow build-up of her orgasm, the intensity of the moment, and the way he locks eyes with her at the time her orgasm explodes has her losing control of her vocals pushing her head back and letting out a scream. "Yes, baby," he says as he continues to push into her, going a little fast as he chases his own orgasm.

He collapses on her once he comes down from his high and buries his face in the crook of her neck. "Get off me. You are heavy as fuck," Dahlia complains pushing at his shoulder, and Austin rolls off her with a huff. "Always so romantic, baby," he says. Dahlia sits up and looks at him. "Don't call me baby!" she spits out. She does not mean to sound so angry but he is starting to say that a lot and having a sweet pet name is a big problem. No pet names.

Austin reaches out cautiously and pulls her back to him. "Ok, Dahlia. Just relax," he says like he is trying to pacify a slightly crazy woman. She is not crazy. Dahlia goes easily and settles onto his chest. She shouldn't, and she won't in the future but right now she just wants to fall asleep on his chest.

"What were you going to try on me?"

"Oh, I was just going to give you head."


"Too late now. That ship has fucking sailed."

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