Thirty One

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Gina, the twins, and Josh are all seated at a table in the restaurant. Gina and the twins look up at Austin and Dahlia as they walk in and then burst into celebration that they finally made it and the twins insist that Dahlia sits between them. There is no mention of any breakdown. It's like it never happened.

"Ok! The plan for today is simple but very busy. We are going to be tourists for the day," Gina says with a smile. "That sounds horrible," Dahlia says, "can't we just go day drinking?" Gina shakes her head and pulls out a  few leaflets. "First we are going to meet up with Austin's photographer friend who is going to give all of us a crash course on how your very fancy camera works.  Then we are going to the Statue of Liberty," she says handing a flyer over to Dahlia. Dahlia takes it with a pout. "Then we are going to Times Square then a pamper party with facials and then a a massage," she passes Dahlia another flyer, "then we are attending only the best new up-and-coming music act in New York tonight."

"Can I drink at any of these places?" Dahlia asks and Gina shakes her head. "No silly...well except for Austin's show tonight. Now eat your pancakes so we can get going," Gina says. Dahlia tries to smile, this plan sounds like a day in hell. But Gina had put in a lot of effort and so she smiles at her. Everyone frowns at her. "Are you smiling or having a shit?" Austin asks. She rolls her eyes at him and tries a different smile. "Stop that! You look like you just killed some and got away with it," Orlando complains. "It's creepy," Paris adds. "Fuck you guys. You have all seen me smile before," Dahlia complains. "Yes, but that was by accident. When you try and smile on's fucking creepy," Austin adds.

Dahlia drops her fake smile and glares at them. "Isn't there a rule somewhere that says you can not be assholes to the birthday girl?" Dahlia challenges them, but they all shake their heads and so Dahlia gives up and sulks into her pancakes. Suddenly the table bursts into laughter and Dahlia glares at all of them again. Assholes. "Ok, Gina I think that's enough," Austin says.

"Aww, but Austin -"

"Now, Gina."

"Fine. Spoilsport."

Gina turns back to Dahlia and smiles at her like she has another gift hidden somewhere, "we are only messing with you. We would never force you to do any of that stuff. Today is simple. We are going to pretend like your birthday is not fussing. That's our final gift to you," Gina says. Dahlia has to clench her jaw and blink her eyes to stop any emotions from bubbling up and spilling out they did in the apartment. She can't bear to embarrass herself twice in one day. She can't help feeling grateful that her friends accept her for who she is.

'Thank you," is all she manages to mumble out before she shoves a heap of pancakes into her mouth. "Although my friend is still meeting you at Sweet and Sour for that crash course," Austin adds. "Oh and we are going to watch Austin play...normal day...nothing special," Gina adds. Dahlia can see that it's a battle for Gina. If it was up to Gina there would have been glitter canons and other fucked up shit that Dahlia does not want to think about.  So as they are leaving the restaurant Dahlia grabs her and hugs her. Gina melts at the contact and his teary face in Dahlia's neck. "You say we are best friends but you are more than that to me," Dahlia whispers. She does not know what more than being best friends is but Gina just feels like more to her. Gina freezes at her words then pulls her in tighter and whispers back, "like sisters."

Sweet and Sour is not open when they get there but Ronny is waiting outside and glaring at Dahlia as they walk up. "About time," he complains. "It's nine in the morning Ronny and we only open at ten so what the hell are you bitching about?" Dahlia asks while unlocking the front door. "It's payday, Dahlia...I have to settle my tab," he says. Delilah puts her hand out and he gives her his cheque, "and start a new one I suppose," she says as everyone files into Sweet and Sour behind her. "And so is the way of the world...cold beer please," Ronny says without a shimmer of guilt in his voice as he sits down at the bar, "also I don't see any of you as good examples. You are all here at the same time as me almost every day," he adds with a grumble.

"Gina and I work here," Dahlia says absent-mindedly as she cashes Ronny's check and starts counting the money. "What about you boys?" Ronny says in a rather accusatory voice. "This is our office. We make very important decisions here," Paris bites back. "Not your office and you are also all a pain in my ass and take up paying customers' seats," Dahlia adds as she divides Ronny's cash into three piles.  The first pile she uses to pay off last week's tab. The second pile, the biggest, she sneaks into an envelope she marks 'For Sue', and the third pile she gives back to Ronny with a cold beer. "Fucking hell the state is robbing me. This is all I got? The government is bleeding this country dry," Ronny complains as he counts out the notes in front of him.

"Your check is a disability check, Ronny. Last I checked 'raging alcoholic' is not on the disability list. Who the fuck is bleeding who is dry?" Austin says and accepts a cup of coffee from Dahlia. 'Thank you baby' he writes on a napkin, folds it, and slides it back to her. She rolls her eyes and tears it up, "idiot," she mouths back at him. "You two are so obvious. It's pathetic. Lucky Gina is standing at the front door sucking face with Josh or she would know something was up with the two of you," Orlando says. Dahlia ignores him and so does Austin. "No. Gina is as thick as two bricks sometimes," Paris says. Dahlia gives him a warning look. "Chill, Dahlia. I am not trying to be disrespectful but honestly take this morning for example," Paris says. Both Austin and Dahlia frown in confusion.

Orlando sighs heavily. "Ok, all three of you are as thick as two bricks. Fucking hell. Gina opened the door for us this morning while you two were still cuddled under the blankets and when we asked what was happening there Gina just said that she kicks in her sleep and you probably got into Austin's bed to stop being kicked by her," he says. "So? Could be true," Dahlia answers. "Bullshit - that's what I think," Paris says.

Austin downs the rest of his coffee and looks at the twins. "Want to know what I think?" Austin asks. The twins turn to look over at him and nod. "I think you should mind your own fucking business," he says as he stands, "will see you all tonight at my show. My friend will be here around twelve. Her name is Nessy," he says then walks out of the bar. Dahlia turns her back and ignores everyone as she flicks a message off to Sue.

The cheque is in.

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