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"Austin! I saw you come out here!"


She walks a little deeper into the alley where the buildings have cast dark shadows. At night it always looks like a black hole. It freaks her out so she is happy it's still day. "Austin! You stupid mother fucker!" she shouts out and scares a cat that had been digging in a trash can. It screeches and hisses causing Dahlia to scream. Then she hears Austin laughing a few meters down. "I heard you. Come out," she says.


She walks deeper into the alley. Gingerly, because it's cold and dark. It puts her on edge. "Seriously, Austin, this freaks me out. I...I don't like this. Fuck," she says quietly, too scared to raise her voice again. Then she feels Austin come up from behind her and she tries to hide the little jump she makes when he slides his hands over her body to her front, drawing her to his chest. "The thing about you, Dahlia, is that you are not as tough as you pretend to always be," he whispers, staying behind her and stretching his hands out on display in front of her as he talks. Her eyes go straight to his large heavy metal rings that cover almost every thick finger. The skin on the back of his hands and fingers are covered in tattoos - some sentimental, some meaningless. He slowly starts to slip each ring off while Dahlia watches, it's a mundane task but it sends a shiver down her spine.

"And even though I know you are capable of holding your own and looking after yourself...put your hands out, palm up," he says.  She does as he instructs. He divides his rings up and puts some in each hand. "Hold onto them tightly, baby or there will be hell to pay if you drop them," he says, sending another shiver down Dahlia's spine. She curls her hands into fists and holds onto the rings tightly, they feel heavy and big in her hands. Austin grabs her hip roughly and moves her forward till she is facing a wall then he takes her wrists and moves her fisted hands into the wall above her head. He holds three fingers up to her mouth, "suck," he instructs. She takes his fingers in her mouth, making the as wet as she can. Then he slips his hands down to her front and flicks open the button on her jeans. "Tell me, are tough," he slips his hand into her jeans, "you can hold your own," he slips his hand into her panties, "you can look after yourself," he runs one of his thick fingers along her vagina, "but you like being like being looked after," he says then he takes all three fingers and plunges them into her. The force lifts her off her feet for a second and she lets out a cry.

"Austin, your fingers...they're too thick...I can't," she manages to get out, although her voice is unsteady. "Shhhh, baby," he says kissing the back of her neck as her head lulls forward. "It's too much...I can't," she says again although she hopes he does not remove his fingers. He doesn't. "Relax, baby. Just breathe. You can take what I give you," he says. "Ok, ok," Dahlia breathes out. "Don't drop my rings, baby," he whispers again then moves his thumb to her clitoris and starts rubbing circles on it while adjusting his fingers so they are stroking her G-spot. She almost drops his rings so she clenches her fists as tight as she can.

But Austin is relentless with his stroking and rubbing as he bites softly at the back of her neck. He is rough but careful with her and Dahlia can feel her orgasm starting to fizzle and pop around her body. "I am going to..." she chokes out as her knees turn to jelly.  Austin props her up with his knee and starts stroking faster, "I know, I can practically taste you," he says, his voice a raw hum. That's it. That's what tips her over the edge and she lets out a long guttural groan as she climaxes while Austin strokes her through it. Fucking perfection.

He gives her a minute to calm her breathing then he removes his hand and turns her around to face him. Her hands are still in fists, gripping his rings. He looks down at her and then slowly licks her off his fingers. The sight is enough to have her climax again. Once he is done he smirks and does up the buttons on her jeans and fixes her shirt. "Think Harry will make us those famous waffles of his?" he asks turning toward the pub door. "Y-yes," Dahlia squeaks out. Austin turns and looks back at her with a cocked head and a raised eyebrow. "Need another minute, baby?" he says not even trying to hide his smirk. Asshole.

Dahlia puts his rings into her pocket, fixes her hair and straightens her shoulders then walks past Austin. " dick," she says. "You love my dick," he says from behind her. Dahlia swings around and glares at him. "You are pretty confident with that statement," she says. Austin stalks towards her and crowds her against the wall. "The way you melt into me...the way your body goes soft and pliant every time I push into you leaves me without any doubt, baby," he says. Dahlia looks to her side in an attempt to hide the smile on her face. "Come on, sweetheart. It's just us," he says. Dahlia looks back at him and then rolls her eyes. "Fine...I do love your dick," she says. Austin smiles, "good because he loves you too," he says. Dahlia gives up and starts laughing causing Austin to start laughing too. I love you, is what she really wants to say.

"Get off me and let's go guilt Harry into making those waffles for us," she says instead.

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