Thirty Nine

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"Austin, I would hate to add to this disaster of a second date, but can you hear that buzzing?" Dahlia asks as her and Austin lay on the picnic blanket. Her still on her back and Austin draped over her front, his face buried in her neck. "Mmm," Austin hums in agreement. They are both lazy from the warm sun. "Well that's because you have placed this lovely picnic blanket directly under what looks like a beehive," Dahlia says and watches as a single bee buzzes around Austin's head once and then lands on his ear. "Baby, please tell me that is not a bee that has just landed on my ear," Austin whispers, Dahlia can feel his body stiffen.

"Ok...that is not a bee that's landed on your ear."

"Ok good. What is it?"

"A bee."


Dahlia stretches her fingers slowly and grabs the fork on the blanket then flicks the bee off Austin's ear. As soon as its off Austin stands, pulling her up with her. They both dust their clothes off. "Probably best to pack up," she says. Austin takes her hand and starts walking away from the picnic. "No, the twins who have been hiding behind that tree over there are going to clean it up for us," he says pointing to a tree not too far away. Dahlia can see two blond heads trying to hide discreetly behind the tree. "Remind me why we are friends with them again?" Dahlia asks moving her body closer to Austins. It's almost like their bodies are puzzle pieces that were designed to fit together. "Because no matter what happens in our lives those two little fuckers will have our backs," Austin says. It's true. The twins have become constants in their lives. They know about their secret and have chosen not to judge or guilt Dahlia or Austin. It's weird how much has changed since Dahlia has moved to New York. She has friends, family, a future, and Austin - if only for now. But it's a stark difference from the life she had back home. It's almost like the past did not exist like she gets to keep only the things she likes. Austin has made that possible for her.

She knows he wants her to share more things with him but she has to keep herself guarded a bit so that she has something to cling to when he goes but something changed after the yacht and now today something else has changed. Dahlia does not know what it is - but it's good. It feels good. She stops Austin and he turns to look at her with a questioning face. Dahlia reaches into her dress and pulls out her locket then opens it for Austin. Austin's face softens as he takes the delicate locket from her fingers and inspects the photo. "Your mother was beautiful, baby. Just like you are," he says in a whisper. "She was my best friend...I miss her so much. My heart aches and I hate him for taking her from me. Is it bad that I hate my own father so much?" Dahlia asks, she feels vulnerable - like thin glass that would shatter in a gust of wind. Austin closes the locket and places it carefully back inside her dress then pulls her into his chest. "It's not bad, baby. Losing your love sounds like hell and that's what he deserves," he whispers into the top of her head.

Fuck, how the hell did she land up with Austin so intertwined into her life right now? Luck? Is that the word she can use to describe it? Yeah, she feels lucky. She pulls out of his arms and wipes the tears on her face then blows out the air in her chest."Ok enough of this bullshit. This is a date - I don't think we have done much right but I am hoping you can salvage it with this magical Ferris wheel...does New York even have a Ferris wheel?" she asks. Austin laughs and takes her hand as they start walking again. "No, but I have a plan...I just hope you don't think I am cheezy," he says. "That ship has sailed long again," Dahlia laughs out.

They walk out of the park and eventually get to a building where Austin pays the bellboy discreetly. The bell boy ushers them onto the elevator and then keys in a code and presses the button marked 'Roof'. "You have fifteen minutes," he says as the doors open. Dahlia and Austin step out onto the roof but have to cling to each other because the wind is whipping at them so hard. "What the fuck is happening, Austin?" Dahlia says as her hair covers her face and her fingers hurt a little from gripping onto Austin. "I am going to start by saying I realize now that this was a bad idea," Austin says having to shout a little over the whipping wind. "Again, I don't know what the fuck is going on but by the way my hair is whipping into my face I am going to agree with you," Dahlia says. "Just trust the process," he says and starts moving them forward then stops. "Ok look out over the city," he says. Dahlia tries, she turns her face away from Austin's chest toward where she thinks the city is. But when she tries to open her eyes the wind is whipping into her face so hard that her eyes dry out and then water so she has to shut them. 

"I can't open them...where are we?"

"Top of the Freedom 105 floors up."

"Austin, that's the tallest building in New York. Are you crazy no wonder it's like a hurricane up here!"

"Can you just give me a fucking break? For like two fucking minutes!" Dahlia hears Austin shout at the top of his lungs. She manages to crack open one of her eyes and sees Austin shouting up into the sky at goodness knows what. But then suddenly the wind stops and everything goes calm. Austin and Dahlia both freeze in shock and then Austin turns to Dahlia with a fat smile on his face. "Luck or miracle, baby?" he says laughing and pulling her into his arms. "Let's go with both," Dahlia laughs and wraps her arms around Austin's neck as he leans down. "Why are we on top of the tallest building in New York?" Dahlia asks as Austin tightens his grip on her and then stands up straight, taking her with him. They are face to face while her legs dangle off the ground. "View is pretty good from up here," Dahlia says and kisses Austin's cheek then giggles. It must be the altitude that's making her stupid.

"Why are we here, Austin?"

"We are on the top of our own Ferris wheel...if our lives were a Ferris wheel. And I am going to kiss you up here like they do in all those ridiculous rom-coms."

Dahlia can feel her entire body turn too fucking mush, her bones feel like rubber. How is this man real? She pulls her legs up and wraps them around Austin's waist. She does not wait for him to kiss her - she can't wait. She smashes their lips together and kisses him till she can't breathe and then she kisses him even harder.

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