Sixty One

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"I am so excited that we are all going down to LA! Harry and Austin are in the best band in the world, Desideratum Hart. The twins are soon-to-be-famous designers. I got that modeling contract from fashion week and Dahlia...oh Dahlia have you spoken to William about transferring you to his LA office yet?" Gina chatters. Dahlia shakes her head then shoves a handful of fries into her mouth from the plate Austin places down in front of her. He looks at her and screws his face up so she opens her mouth giving him a full view of her mashed-up fries. "Gross," he mouths to her. They both look stupid with how much they are grinning at each other.

"Oh, I have to take this!" Gina says excitedly as her phone rings. She jumps up from the table and stands under a large tree while she answers her phone. "So Harry. You ready to leave New York?" Dahlia asks him. "Yip. Never been out of New York," he explains. "What? Wow from never leaving New York to suddenly being in a band and on the verge of traveling the world!" Orlando says. "Not to mention being dressed by the most exciting on-edge fashion designers of this generation," Paris adds. "Oh? Who are they?" Dahlia asks ducking from a slice of tomato that Paris throws at her. "You know I am talking about Orlando and me," Paris says.

Dahlia opens her mouth to throw another insult at Paris but Gina stops her when she rushes back to the table squealing. "Dahlia! I got you a date!" she says very excitedly. Dahlia freezes and looks at Gina. "What? I never asked you to set me up on a date. What are you on about?" Dahlia asks. "Oh, I know you didn't but he was this total Greek God at fashion week and he had a crush on you...all the models had a crush on you but that's beside the point. He is in New York and free so I set you up on a date," Gina explains. Dahlia shakes her head. "Thank you but no thank you."

"Well if you don't want him then I will take him. We can go to a fancy dinner, go dancing and drinking-" the slamming of Austin's hand on the table makes everyone jump and Gina stops talking immediately. "Fucking dam it, Gina. I have had enough of this bullshit. Can't you see what's right in front of you? Starting at you right in the fucking face?" Austin says, his words pushed out in anger. His anger ignites Dahlia's anger. How fucking dare he? He has the audacity to say that to Gina when he is just as fucking blind to how she feels about him.

Her chest also stings. It's happening. He has finally snapped and is going to tell Gina how he feels. She had been hanging onto a morsel of hope that he would pick her over Gina. Well, she will not stick around for it. No ma'am. "Actually, Gina I will go on that date," she says. Gina and the rest of the table slowly turn their surprised faces from Austin to Dahlia. "Uhh...ok...uhh...I will text him for you," Gina says quietly, not sure on what to do or say. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Austin turns his anger on Dahlia. Fuck that. "No. I am young and single. I see nothing wrong with having a little fun. In fact, I think it's time I play the field. I intend on letting lose, going wild. I am going to fuck all the boys and the girls too," Dahlia says.

"Fuck you, Dahlia," Austin says then gets up from the table and storms out of the restaurant. "What are you doing? Go after him!" Orlando says. "No. He is not my problem," Dalhia says. "Just go see if he is ok...that outburst is not like him," Harry says. Dahlia rolls her eyes. "Why do I have to go?" Dahlia tries to defend herself. "Because you are the closest to him. Go!" Gina says. Fine, she will but only to give him a piece of her mind. She gets up and runs off in the direction he stormed off in. She does not have to go far, he is in an alleyway having a smoke.

"What the hell Austin!"

"What are we, Dahlia?"

"Austin stop. I am warning you. We are both pissed off and bound to say shit we don't mean."

"I don't give a fuck! Tell me what the fuck are we?"

"What do you want me to say? Friends? Best friends? People who fuck? I don't fucking know! I don't have all the fucking answers!"

"I don't want all the fucking answers, Dahlia! I just want one! What the fuck are we?"

"I don't know!"

"Wrong answer! Tell me what we are! What is this? Tell me what the fuck we are doing here? Tell me wh-"

"Austin stop! What the hell are you going on about? You know what we are. We had an agreement!"

"That was a year ago, Dahlia! Are you telling me that nothing has changed in a year? Your feelings are exactly the same? Tell me! Give me an answer. What the fuck are we?"

"Fuck this shit. Come find me when you have calmed your arrogant ass down" Dahlia screams. Her throat is soar from how much she is shouting and by how raw Austin's voice is she is sure he is in the same position as she is in. She turns to walk away but Austin grabs her and pulls her back, "Oh no you fucking don't!" he shouts, "we are settling this right here! Right fucking now!" he continues to shout. Dahlia struggles against him, trying to wriggle out of his arms.

"Austin, let go of me!"

"Tell me, Dahlia!"


"I fucking mean it! Tell! Me!"

"NOTHING!" she shouts at the top of her lungs. Austin falls silent and her voice echoes down the quiet cold alley. Austin lets go of her like she burnt him and steps back. "You are nothing to me and we never mattered," she says quietly. She can't look at Austin when she says it. It's the biggest lie she has ever told.

"Dahlia, look at me."

She can't, her shame makes her head feel heavy and she keeps looking down. She feels like she betrayed him. Like she erased all the words and actions from the past year in a matter of seconds.

"Dahlia...fucking look at me."

It takes her a moment to gather the courage but eventually she lifts her head. Austin's face is hard and his eyes are angry. She hates the way he is looking at her - like he hates her.

"You made a fool out of me."

Dahlia shakes her head. That's not true, she would never do that. He is her heart. She needs to tell him that he is wrong and that she loves him. She reaches out for him but he takes a step back. It's fine, he will come back to her once she tells him the truth. She opens her mouth but then Austin's words make her blood run cold and she can't talk.

"I never want to see you again."

Dahlia is frozen by his words. Then he is gone. Leaving her in the alley alone. She feels sick and has to run to a nearby bin, throwing up what feels like months worth of food. It's one thing to have to give up Austin to Gina when the time comes, but it's a whole different ball game knowing he never wants to see her again. He hates her - how can she live knowing that?

She slumps onto the floor and takes out her phone then dials William's number.



"Hello? Dahlia?"

"Can you come fetch me please?"

"Yes. I am coming right now. Text me the address you are at."

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