Twenty Three

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"Spin the bottle!" Orlando shouts at the top of his lungs. Paris, Gina, Lou-Ann, and Charles clap excitedly and gather on a large circular couch. Gina grabs Dahlia and pulls her next to her on the couch while Austin is pushed down opposite Dahlia with Lou-Ann firmly attached to his side. Dahlia had found Lou-Ann's fixation with Austin funny but it's been a couple of hours since dinner and Dahlia is getting annoyed. But she can't say or do anything because Austin is not her boyfriend and their deal was no jealous lash outs. So all she can do is throw a discreet dirty look in their direction every once in a while.

"I will go first," Orlando says. He reaches over and spins the bottle that is laying on the round coffee table. It spins and finally lands on Gina who squeals in delight. Dahlia wants to kill herself. "Truth or dare?" Orlando asks. "Truth," Gina says giggling. "Who is your best friend in the whole wide world?" Orlando asks. Gina thinks for a bit then looks at Austin with an apologetic face. "You know I adore you Austin and I consider you one of my very best friends. But I have to go with my girl, Dahlia," Gina says bumping Dahlia with her shoulder. There is going to be no good outcome to this game, Dahlia can feel it in her bones.

Gina leans forward and spins the bottle. It turns around at lightning speed and slowly comes to a stop on Lou-Ann. Before Gina can say anything Lou-Ann blurts out, "dare!" then turns to a wide-eyed Austin with her lips already puckered. Gina giggles and Dahlia's heart freezes - is she really going to let Lou-Ann kiss Austin? "Lou-Ann I dare you to do ten jumping jacks," Gina says then winks at Dahlia. Seems Gina is not as stupid as everyone thinks. "Thank you," Austin mouths to Gina as Lou-Ann gets up and does jumping jacks.

When she sits back down she grabs the bottle and spins it. It lands on Charles who chooses a dare and then has to kiss Gina. Charles spins the bottle and it lands on Paris who has to sing a song in French. Ok, maybe Dahlia spoke too soon, maybe this won't turn out as bad as she thought. It's still a shit game though. Paris spins the bottle and they all watch as it slowly slows down and eventually lands on Dahlia. Paris and Orlando both grin. "Truth or Dare?" Paris asks.

"Truth," Delilah says, fully intending to lie whatever the question is. Paris pretends to think for dramatic effect then leans forward and asks, "at what age did you lose your virginity?" Dahlia frowns. Of all the fucking questions to be asked he chose that fucking one? Dahlia looks around the group. Both twins are leaning in awaiting her answer. Gina is giggling at something Charles is whispering into her ear. Austin is purposely not looking at her, choosing to rather concentrate on picking the label off his beer. "I am not answering your stupid question," Dahlia says folding her arms in annoyance.

Paris shakes his head, "Of course. It was a silly question. This is just a game and you don't have to answer...Gina, do you want to know what I saw today?"

"Eighteen! Like everyone else I am sure," Dahlia interjects. Orlando and Padis both cheer. Creepy little fuckers. "Eighteen what? Sorry, Charles and I were lost in our own world," Gina says. "Nothing. Let's just move on," Dahlia says. "Oh don't be modest. Dahlia here was just telling us about her virginity," Orlando explains. "Oh, you told them?" Gina asks in shock. "Yes. Can we just move on," Dahlia mumbles and picks up the bottle, "my turn to spin, right?" she says. "No. Dahlia this is fantastic. Empowering! You should be proud that you are still a virgin. I am so pleased that you feel confident enough to share this side of yourself finally," Gina says.

"She is not a virgin," Paris says. Gina starts laughing and clings to Dahlia's arm. "Well unless she has found someone in New York since we moved there that I know nothing about then she is a virgin," Gina says. The twin's mouths both drop open as they gasp in shock at the realization of just how fucked up Dahlia's shit show is. "Right, Dahlia? There is no one," Gina says. Dahlia's eyes flick to Austin and as soon as they connect she regrets it immediately.

Austin is looking at her with furious eyes. His face is red and she can see him in clenching his jaw so tightly she is sure he is grinding his teeth.  "No one important," she whispers. Austin's brow creases, he juts his chin out and nods his head slowly then downs his beer and stands. "This game is bullshit. You twins should find a new fucking hobby," he says then climbs over the couch and walks away. "Is he ok?" Gina asks.

"He is fine. Just dramatic," Dahlia says, "but I will go and check on him. Stay here." Dahlia gets up and heads in the same direction as Austin had stalked off in. She finds him at the bow, watching the waves with his hands shoved into his pockets. Dahlia comes up from behind. "Austin," she says to his back. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asks quietly with his back still to her. "I am not getting into this with you. I don't have to tell you shit," she snips at him. Austin spins around and slams his hand on the railing. "Don't fucking do that!" he shouts.

"Do what?" Dahlia shouts back like she has no idea what Austin is mad at her about. "That!" he points at her, "don't fucking pretend like you don't give a shit!" he shouts at her. "Fuck you, Austin. I don't owe you an explanation for the choices I make! We are not in a fucking relationship!" she shouts then turns to go but Austin grabs her and pushes her up against the wall. "I could have hurt you...I did hurt you. If I had known you were a virgin I would never..." he whispers. Oh shit. She mistook his anger just now - it's guilt?

"You didn't hurt me. Please...I know we are nothing. That we could never be anything - but please don't taint that night. Don't take that away from me," Dahlia whispers. Austin's eyes search her face, "why? Why could we never be anything?" he asks. Is he really going to force her to say it? He is just trying to punish her. But it's good she supposes, she should be repeating why they can't be together all the time so she will stop fucking pretending they are more than what they are. "Gina...because of Gina," Dahlia says swallowing the lump in her throat. Austin watches her for a moment and Dahlia sees his eyes glaze over and then he steps back.

"Yeah...fucking Gina," he says and then walks away. "Why does it matter so much that I didn't tell you?" she calls after him. Austin stops abruptly and turns to look at her, anger still etched onto his face.

"It matters."

"But why? We are not in a relationship. You are not responsible for me or any of my experiences in life. So why the fuck does it matter? It does not matter to me."

"It matters to me and it should matter to you."

"Well it does not," Dahlia says. Austin's face drops from anger to sadness. The sudden change making Dahlia's head spin. He looks at her, biting his bottom lip as if she is lost. He makes her feel lost. He opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and shuts it then turns around and walks away.

It matters. Dahlia just does not know how to deal with the fact that it matters so much.

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