Forty Three

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"I am looking for a Dahlia Hart," a man that looks very much like a lawyer says leaning on the bar. Dahlia frowns at him and folds her arms in front of her. "Who is asking?" she asks defensensivley. "Sorry, my name is Mich Michigan. I am a lawyer...I represent her family," he says passing her a business card. Dahlia keeps her arms crossed and stares down at the lawyer. A family lawyer? That's not a thing. Dahlia has never seen this man before so whatever he thinks he is representing is complete rubbish. Dahlia's fingers go to her locket, she does not know why. Instinct?

"There is no Dahlia Hart here so piss off," she says. "But I was told she works here. I have been looking for her for ages now," he says. Dahlia shrugs and grabs a beer for Ronny who has just come in the front door. "I don't know what to tell you, man. The information you have is wrong. Now leave," she says opening the beer and sliding it to Ronny who gives her a grateful nod and sits down at the bar. "Look, can I just leave my business card here...just in case," he pleases. "Just in case what?" Austin asks coming up from behind the lawyer and then taking a seat at the bar. "You wouldn't happen to know Dahlia Hart?" he asks Austin. Austin keeps eye contact with him and shakes his head. "Nope. Never heard of her," he says without missing a beat.

"Ok, well can I leave my card here anyway?" he says turning back to Dahlia. She shrugs again, "you could," she says, "but I am going to throw it away the second you leave this bar." The lawyer glares at her and taps the bar lightly in annoyance. "Thanks for nothing," he says dropping his card in the bar and stalking off. Dahlia and Austin watch him go. Once he is gone Dahlia looks down at the floor near her feet. "He's gone. Wanna tell us why the sight of a lawyer has you both ducking behind the bar?" she asks as Paris and Orlando stand up sheepishly and dust off their designer clothing. "Oh no big thing, just a little tax issue," Orlando says. "and an illegal exotic pet misunderstanding. Nothing important," Paris says.

"By the way you have ruined your pants I would say it's very important," Ronny says.  "Shut your pie hole, Ronny. How about you pay your child support before you open your mouth about us," Orlando says. Dahlia laughs at them and then reaches for the business card but Austin is too quick, grabbing it first. "Mich Michigan. Parole lawyer," he reads out loud. "What's written on the back?" Orlando asks. Austin flips it over, "Sing Sing Prison," he reads. Dahlia can feel the blood draining from her face. She feels light-headed and has to grip the bar. Austin jumps over the bar and grabs her. "Baby, you ok?" he whispers and Dahlia nods gripping his shoulder. "I am fine. Just a long day," she says. "Harry, take over, please. I need a break," she says and walks out to the back alley. Austin follows her.

"Can I just have a fucking moment please?"

"You can. But I am not leaving you alone."

"You are like an annoying fly sometimes."

Austin shrugs and sits down with his back against the wall. "Sit. You don't have to talk," he instructs. Dahlia sighs and then sits down next to him, accepting the cigarette he offers her. She finished it and stubbs it out. Then the back door bursts open and Gina appears with the business card in her hand, her face fraught with worry. "Don't make a fuss. Just sit," Dahlia says and points next to her. Gina nods and plonks herself quietly next to Dahlia. Dahlia digs in Austin's pocket for another cigarette. He bats her hands away then reaches in and gets one out for her. It's silent in the ally as she slowly finishes the cigarette. Both Gina and Austin say nothing on either side of her.

"Sing Sing prison is where my father is. I knew he would be up for parole one day, but it's so soon," she starts crushing what's left of the cigarette, "I don't have to tell you about my parents, you lived in the same town. It was gossip for years to come. The sad story of the beautiful young woman who was killed by her husband in a fit of rage. Some of the towns folk would stop me and my Gran and say shit like 'sorry for your loss' or 'she was so young and beautiful it's such a shame'. I wanted to slap everyone who said it," she stops to wipe the angry tears that have fallen down her cheeks then watches as Gina slides her fingers into her own. "The trial spoke about my mother being on a jealous rampage that ended up in her fighting with my drunk father and him losing control. At least that's what the newspapers said."

Austin and Gina nod - that's what they had both heard too. "Well, that's not true..." Dahlia whispers and then fiddles with her locket. Both Austin and Gina sit up a little straighter now. "He had come home drunk and started in on my mother. I pushed him off her and then punched him. I thought it would make him stop but it didn' only made him madder. He went crazy and my mother hid me behind her. He killed her trying to get to me...I killed my mother. I am just as guilty as he is," Dahlia can hardly get the words out - the lump in her throat so painful.

Austin slings his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his chest. She can feel Gina plaster herself to her back. "That's the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard. Your mother's death is on him - don't let him off by taking the guilt of his actions," Austin says, she can feel Gina nodding behind her. "You are the bravest person I know," Gina whispers. Then for the first time in a very long time Dahlia lets herself cry for her mother, for them - for the life her father stole from both of them. It's been built up for many years so it's ugly. But Austin keeps his arms wrapped around her securely while she clings to him. Gina keeps herself plastered to her back and Dahlia lets go of demons that have been playing havoc within her for years.

Neither Gina nor Austin grow impatient with how long she takes. They just sit with her and later, when she is ready, Gina pulls wet wipes out of her bag and fixes Dahlia's face. When they get home they fill her up with greasy comfort food and crack stupid jokes to get her to smile until her eyes are heavy enough to make her fall asleep. Then Austin wraps her up and tucks her deep under the bed covers where the world can't get to her.

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