Thirty Four

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"OK, Ok! I am sorry!" Dahlia says between bouts of laughter. "Say it like you mean it," Austin says and lunges for her again. Dahlia squarks and ducks his advances then hops over the bed and grabs one of his guitars from the corner of the room. "What are you going to do with that?" Austin asks a little worried. Dahlia smirks at him and holds it above her head. "Who has the power now?" she says feeling pretty triumphant. The guitar pick that was tucked into the strings comes loose and flutters down. Dahlia takes her eyes off Austin for a second to watch it. Big mistake.

He takes the opportunity, grabbing both her and the guitar at the same time. Dahlia wriggles in his grasp but he is much stronger than her - she stands no chance. He carefully places his guitar back on its stand, "keep your grubby little paws off my beautiful guitar, baby," he whispers into Dahlia's ear. Then he moves his hands to her hips, picks her up, and launches her into the air with her arms and legs flailing about as she screeches in surprise. "Oh my fuck, Austin!" she shouts and then bursts into laughter as she lands on the bed with a bounce. Before she has a chance to move he is on top of her.

He straddles her and grabs her wrists, pulling her arms above her head, and pinning her down. "Apologise, baby, or things will get rough," he warns biting his bottom lip in an attempt to hide the grin that is threatening his lips. Dahlia is no better off, but she does not try and hide it like Austin is. She smirks up at him and wriggles her eyebrows, "promise?" she asks. Austin's eyes widen a little and his mouth drops open. He was not expecting that answer. "Fucking hell, Dahlia, I swear..." Austin can hardly get the words out as he leans forward and clamps their lips together in a rough kiss. Dahlia would try and get him off her but he has already turned her brain to mush and her words are all jumbled in her head as he slides his tongue into her mouth.

"I am not going to be rough, but I am going to remind you not to kick off like you did today...assumptions will get us nowhere, Dahlia," Austin says after he breaks the kiss.

"But it's my birthday, I get a free pass."

"No free passes and by the time I am done you will be singing your own birthday song."

Dahlia likes that. Austin releases her wrists and in a blurred flurry of kisses and limbs both her and Austin dispose of their restrictive clothing. Naked in what seems like seconds. Dahlia does not even get a chance to ask how he wants her before he is pushing into her. She lets her head roll back on the pillow at the intoxicating sensation of Austin burying himself inside her. His touch is like a drug. He is not rough but he is not tender either and Dahlia feels like she is going to explode any second just from the friction of his hands roaming around her body as he thrusts into her in a fast and steady rhythm. Just as she feels the tingle of her nerve endings start to fizzle indicating the start of her climax she also feels him start pulsating inside her. They will climax at the same time, she is sure of it. She curls her toes and readies herself but then suddenly Austin slows down to a near stop, dousing her pending climax slightly. Dahlia looks up desperately to find Austin smirking down at her. What the fuck is he doing? She frowns at him in confusion but his only response is to cock his head and raise a brow.

Suddenly it dawns on her. He would not. The bastard. "You wouldn't...please," she begs. Austin's smirk widens and then he speeds up his thrusting again. "Oh but I would, baby," he breathes out bringing Dahlia to the edge of her climax again and then slowing down. He is going to keep her climax alive but never allow her to touch it just yet. Dahlia thinks she might just die. He’s moaning and grunting with every twist and thrust of his hips but he is calculated and clearly enjoying Dehlia's torment as she lays under him. Dahlia's hands grab at his skin in desperate demand for him to release her from the hold he has on her. By the fourth time, Dahlia's body is shaking with anticipation and desperation. She runs her fingers through his hair and scratches lightly at his scalp as she looks into his eyes. They are hooded and his pupils dilated. For a second Dahlia feels like she is just as much of a drug to Austin as he is to her. Like there is something more to this fucked up situation they have found themself in. He has become everything to her.

"Please..." she begs as Austin speeds up again, her body is so sensitive that her climax ignites instantly at the friction. She feels him pulse in her again so she knows he is balancing off the same cliff she is. But then suddenly he brings his movements to a complete stop. Dahlia wants to cry out in frustration but her body is so spent that she just looks up at him and smiles softly. She knows her cheeks are pink and her skin is flush and shiny from the thin layer of sweat that covers her. "You are so soft, sweet like sugar, and...delicate like a daisy," he says. Dahlia tries to focus on his words but they are lost on her - her brain is fried. Then he grabs her hips and starts thrusting faster than he had done all night. Dahlia can feel her jaw go slack as her climax hits. Her climax hits with such intensity that it has her arching her back and digging her fingers into Austin's shoulders.

"I am sorry," she whispers a little later as he turns her and plasters himself to her back, "I should give you more credit. Trust you more." They lie in silence for a while, the city outside their window feels a million miles away and Austin tightens his grip on her. "I know your past, Dahlia. I was there. Betrayal marred trust for you. If it means anything...I am still here," he whispers into the back of her neck. Dahlia turns around and buries her face in his chest and tangles their legs together.

On the day her mother died Dahlia felt like a gaping hole had been blown open in the center of her chest. It never closed and she just learned to live with it. The danger of this situation is it feels like Austin is slowly patching up that hole without even trying. But he does not belong to her and when he leaves one day Dahlia is afraid of the consequences these choices she is making will have. But she does not push him away - she only clings tighter to him.   

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