Sixty Nine

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Austin smiles down at her then rolls his eyes to the side like he is thinking then looks back at her with a smirk. "Would you like to know that I remember what you were wearing the first time I ever saw you? Black jeans, a black t-shirt, and purple socks with little pink bows. You were thirteen. Do you want to know that I bribed the school secretary to share your schedule with me every year so I could take the same classes as you? Or do you want to know that I always tried to sit next to you in class and even managed to share a desk with you once in science class but you glared at me the whole time so I was too scared to talk to you? Or would you like to know that my mother and I visited your home after your mother had died. You had not left your room for days - too upset to come out. I sat outside your bedroom door while my mother and your grandmother had tea. I listened to you cry, dam near broke my heart. What about prom? Do you want to hear how I tried to work up the courage for weeks to ask you but then I heard you tell someone in class that you would rather wash your eyes out with acid than go to prom so I asked Gina instead? Would you like to know that my stomach dropped to my knees when you climbed off that fucking bus? Holy fuck, baby - I nearly died! What about how the morning after we slept together I wanted to tell you everything...exactly how I felt. But you shut me down. I could tell you how I spent days coming up with a bullshit way to keep you close to me. So I made up that shitty relationship with the hopes you would fall for me eventually. But I forget sometimes how fucking hard-headed you are and you threw all those fucking rules at me. Want to know how much I wanted to kill 101? I would dream of it...just smacking his smug little face. Or do you want to know how secretly pleased I am that no one else has seen you soft and pliant after you climax, that belongs to me and I don't care how caveman-like that sounds? When I shouted at Gina for not seeing what was right in front of her I was projecting. I wanted to scream that at you. With every no from an agent, it was you I searched for and when it was a yes it was you I ran to. You might want to also know that after our bust-up in New York I wrote a scathing song about you. I am going to apologize for it now even though it's currently at the top of the charts but I fell apart without you."

Dahlia needs to take a moment to process his words. What the fuck was that? She can't talk because she is trying to keep herself from bursting into tears and blubbering like a fucking fool. He has been around the whole time...she just could not see it.

"Or do you just want to know that I love you...that I love you very much?" Austin asks when he sees she can't fucking comprehend what the fuck he just said. Dahlia nods, her heart is beating so hard in her chest that she is sure Austin can hear it. "Yes, that's what I want. Tell me that," she says. "What? That I love you?" he grinning down at her. "Yes, tell me that," Dahlia says, giddy from all these gushy love confessions. Austin laughs and sits up, kneeling between her legs. "Ok. I love you. I love you very that what you would like to hear?"

Dahlia giggles and then covers her red face with her hands. Austin takes her wrists and lifts her hands. "You're soft," he says. "I'll be anything you want me to be," she says giggling again. Her cheeks are hurting from how much she is smiling. "I want you to be mine," Austin says. Dahlia stops giggling, steadies her face, and glares up at him. "Ok, look I am going to be honest with you...this mushy shit is going too far now. You love me, I love you. We took a decade to get our shit together... let's make a point of not fucking up the next decade. Deal?"

"Ok, baby. Deal. Can I fuck you now?"

"Yes please."

Austin sits up and removes his rings one by one, why does the action make her smile? It's sexy. She holds out her hand and he smirks while dropping his rings into the palm of her hand. Then she places them on the bedside table and
looks up at Austin. He is smiling and her heart skips a beat so she reaches up and pulls him down for a kiss. Their movements are soft and slow and as they are kissing Austin slides his hand down her thighs and pulls off the pants she is wearing and then his own. He slides his hand back up her thighs and pushes them further apart inserting one finger into her. She gasps quietly into his mouth at the intrusion and he pulls his head back slightly, watching her while he slowly starts working up a steady consistent speed with his thumb around her bud that leaves Dahlia's whole body tingling.

"I need more than your fingers please" she whispers just loud enough for him to hear. He removes his hand and sits up again taking off his shirt and then hers. He can't help the smile on his face when he sees her breasts. He settles back between her thighs then dips his head sucking and nipping at them. He positions himself after Dahlia starts squirming under him, desperate for more, and slowly starts to push into her. Watching her as Dahlia feels her eyes roll to the back of her head slightly. She battles to breathe. Fuck, how did she survive without this?

Once he has pushed all the way in he starts kissing her rotating between her lips, neck, and collarbones. Softly and slowly while keeping his thrusts, steady, slow and deep. Sex has always held meaning but this time it feels like something more, like a homecoming. It feels like there is the meaning behind every soft thrust and delicate kiss.

Dahlia wants Austin to thrust into her forever but all too soon she can feel her orgasm start down at her ankles and slowly move up a little higher every time he draws out and then snaps his hips back in. She rolls her hips slowly along to his thrusts and by the time her orgasm reaches her lower belly her whole body is covered in goosebumps and practically vibrating. Austin's steady and gradual build-up of her orgasm, the intensity of the moment, and the way he locks eyes with her at the time her orgasm explodes has her losing control of her vocals pushing her head back, letting out a scream as Austin continues to fuck her softly through it.

Once she has come down and looks at him she finds he is still looking at her with a soft smile on his face and she is sure she looks the same. He kisses her again as he pulls out, rolling her over till they are spooning. "I missed you, baby," he says. Pulling her close to his chest.



"How did you get into my room? How did you know I was here?"

Austin chuckles into the back of her neck. "Between Gina, Harry, the twins, William, and Edward - I know everything and can go anywhere," he says. Dahlia groans and turns around to face him. "I have a lot of bridges to mend," she says. Austin nods. "You do. You railroaded Gina she was very upset about separating from you and then when she could not get ahold of you Harry had a bitch of a time trying to stop her from hopping on the first plane to Italy. The twins are very upset too," Austin explains. "I am sorry. I just..." she starts then trails off. "It's ok, baby. You have some work to do but they will come around. They love you."

Dahlia suddenly turns around to face him. "Hold on. I saw a magazine article that says you and Gina were out on a romantic date," she says. Austin's face lights up, "Did you see that? It was our first big article! Scandalous," Austin says. Dahlia glares at him, he laughs and kisses the tip of her nose. "Relax. It was just gossip. Gina, Harry, and I had gone for dinner the magazine spun a bullshit story," he explains. "Seems LA is going to take some time to get used to," Dahlia says. "What? Are you moving to LA?" Austin asks. Dahlia nods and then laughs when Austin peppers her face with kisses. "But what about your photography?"

"William has a studio down here. Or I will freelance. I just wanna be with you," she says. Austin sighs, "I love when you are soft like this. It makes me hard," he says. Dahlia frowns and slips her hand under the blanket. "Oh shit. You are ready to go again?" she asks surprised. "With you naked in my bed, I am always ready to go. Locked and loaded, my baby," he laughs. "Stop saying stupid shit," she says throwing her leg over his hip and straddling him.

"Suppose we need to make up for lost time?" she says with a smirk, Austin grins and nods his head. "lots and lots of lost time, again and again," he agrees putting his hands on her hips and lifting her then slipping inside her, groaning as she takes him.

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