Sixty Four

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Dahlia walks into the apartment after a long fucked up day of William shitting on every model that walked down his runway. Normally she would find comfort in his fluffy brown hair bobbing up and down as he jumps around in anger. But today is a particularly hard day of missing Austin. It's been a full two months since he has fucked off and she just fucking misses him. She wants to break and phone him but she has pride and she knows he was very serious about never wanting to see her again - she needs to respect that.

She stops in her tracks when she sees Gina crying on the bed. Working in the world of modeling is shit and Dahlia does not envy her but if one of those bitches said something nasty to her there will be fucking hell to pay. "Gina, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Dahlia asks as she climbs onto the bed with Gina. Gina turns to face her and buries her face in Dahlia's lap.

"I love him," she cries into Dahlia's lap. Dahlia's heart freezes and drops like lead. This is it. It's happening. "What?" Dahlia manages to whisper out, hoping like fuck she misheard Gina. "I...I am so stupid Dahlia. All this time I have been hopelessly in love with him and just too scared to do something about it because I was afraid of losing him so I threw up my walls and pretended like he was just my friend and now that he is in LA I realize I miss him so dam much and that...that I love him. We speak every day but it's just not enough. I love him. I think I even loved him from the first time I ever saw him."

"You speak to him every day?"

"Yes. He calls me every day. At first, he was just giving me my space and trying to wait until I was ready but then last week he said that he could not hold back anymore. He told me that he loved me and that he had tried to move on with other girls but no one compared. He said that he would love me forever. He said that I was his girl, his soul mate. His soul mate!"

Soul mate...

Dahlia feels sick. It's finally happened. Austin has confessed his feelings to Gina and has started to beg to have her with him. She wishes he loved her as he does Gina. Part of her wants to tell Gina what has been going on for the last year. But she can't bring herself to do that to Austin, he has been waiting all these years for Gina - it would be cruel of Dahlia to rip it apart. Besides, she does not deserve love like that anyway. Gina does though - she is good and kind and wonderful. She deserves to be loved and cared for by Austin. Dahlia sits Gina up and wipes her tears then stands up and starts packing her bags.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You are going to him. You guys belong together."

"B-but what about you? I can't leave you all alone here."

"You are not. I got a job in Italy, I am going to study under an amazing photographer and live a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you are going to LA where you will be loved and cherished."

"What about us?"

"We will always be friends. We can text and call and one day I will even come and visit you. Both of you. But for now, you need to be with him."

"Ok. Ok! Holy floop balls I am going to LA to tell the man of my dreams that I love him! I love him!"

"Get up and book a plane ticket."

"Oh, I am leaving right now?"

"Yes. There is no time like the present."

"Oh because it's a gift!"

Dahlia groans at her stupid pun. "Yes, Gina. Because it's a gift," Dahlia says. She runs around the apartment packing Gina's bags, ignoring the lump in her throat. It's done. there is no point in harping on shit. Once Gina confirms her flight they both rush out the door and to the airport. Gina wants to give Dahlia a soppy goodbye but Dahlia bats her off and says she will call her later. That's a lie - Dahlia intends on never seeing Gina or Austin again.

Later Dahlia finds herself in a bottle store staring at the boxes of beer in front of her. She does not feel like drinking but she does not know how else to make this hollow pit in her stomach go away. She is alone again. She will always be alone. Gina is probably running into Austin's arms right now. She feels nauseous at the thought so she turns away from the beer and drags her feet down the New York sidewalk and then up the stairs to her apartment. The apartment that only she now occupies. Alone. Fuck. How fucking depressing. She does not bother to turn on the light or change out of her clothing. she just climbs into bed and hides from the world.

The next morning she feels like a robot. She had turned off her phone and will get a new number this afternoon. Her actions feel robotic and she can't actually say how many coffees she has had by the time she gets to William's studio. She is not early so when she walks in and Edward and William both jump when they see her and try to hide a magazine behind their backs she is immediately suspicious.

"What do you have behind your back?"

"Nothing. Get to work Dahlia and don't let me catch you fucking slaking."

"Edward, what does William have behind his back?"

"Don't ask Edward. He has nothing to say. I said it was nothing now get to work."


"Just show her William. She is going to find out soon enough. Best it be here with you and me," Edwards says. Dahlia does not like that. That sounds like bad news. William sighs in defeat and hands her the magazine. Dahlia feels like jelly and she has to lean against the wall for support. It's happened. It's done. Austin is with Gina. It's a picture of Austin and Gina coming out of a restaurant. Cameras everywhere and Austin holding Gina's arm, guiding her to a waiting car. It looks like Harry is coming out of the restaurant door but she can't be sure. she is too focused on the headline. "Desideratum Hart. A band that knows true love." There is a little caption under the picture that reads "Lead singer, Austin Post out for a romantic evening with his girlfriend."

Dahlia clears her throat and stands up straight then hands William the magazine. "Are you alright love?" Edward asks. "Why would I not be? I am happy for my friends. They deserve to be happy," says. "Oh but Dahlia-" Edward stops talking when she holds up her hand and shakes her head. "William please call your friend in Italy. I would like to take up that offer, please. I am going home to pack," she says and turns around before William and Edwards can say anything more. 

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